
Females have intrinsic value, men don't?

87 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, Cat_eyes said:


you make it sound like the worst thing ever is to be a woman. 
why can’t men lift us up rather than put us down? 

god this forum makes me feel depressed.

Yea, men do this a lot and it's a big problem. I don't think that's what Leo was doing here though.

He was replying to a comment which suggested that being a women was an easy life, by listing all of the ways in which women generally have it harder in life than men. He wasn't trying to put women down I don't think

It was a bit harshly worded in some places I suppose but I don't think he meant it as a put down


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50 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

All men want to become confident and successful because those are the traits that are rewarded by females. If you females weren’t that picky we men wouldn’t have to work on our confidence, get on that grind and shit. 

Yes, women appriciate confidence but not the kind of false confidence that relays on constantly putting women and other men down because it screams insecurity.

it's not that women are picky, it's that men don't know how to be attractive to women and how to connect with women on an intimate level because society doesn't teach it. For thousands of years men didn't need to know how to attract women or how to really connect to women, because society was organized in such way that men had all the power and women had no power at all, including no power to choose their partner. Their partner chose them or was chosen for them.

Now women have more power and they have more choice regarding their partner so obviously they want the man who is attractive on one hand but also is able to build a personal connection and intimacy with them. If society taught men since age 0 how to be both attractive and to build intimacy with women instead of teaching men that they can only be either superior or inferior to women but never equal (and that women are objects who can be achieved like some exotic decor in your house), women wouldn't be that picky at all.


Lets not forget that men also have preferences regarding women, sometimes even demands. So I wouldn't say that we are the only ones who are picky.







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@Cat_eyes I am a woman on this forum and if you are a woman posting about dating men then you WILL get lots of responses on the forum. Dont look at it as being depressing being a woman. I think its about trade offs... and finding your power/strengths as a woman. I would never trade being a woman for being a man.


@Leo Gura Those women with max value indeed are very rare... I see most women wanting just to be attractive, get married/kids and thats all they aspire to, they don't really need to be great humans its not required in our society. Not to say they are bad people but theres not a lot of deep work going into their lives. Myself i do want to get married and have kids but I also want to be as great a woman I can be as well as mastering my art in this life.

Phyllis Diller was an old/first woman stand up comedian. Had lots of kids in early 20s. Started a comedy career in her 30s... for some reason I look up to her b/c she seemed as if she wanted kids but that she also didnt want her life to revolve around family forever... Kids move away eventually. Its important for women to also develop a life of their own even though most of their value to society is purely procreation...

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8 hours ago, Cat_eyes said:

you make it sound like the worst thing ever is to be a woman. 
why can’t men lift us up rather than put us down? 

god this forum makes me feel depressed.

No, there are many positives to being a woman. Being a man is difficult in many ways which I did not list.

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On 2022-10-24 at 11:51 AM, StarStruck said:

You can even see it on the forum. If a female opens a topic, tons of horny dudes (who suppose to be spiritual) jump on the topic to help the damsel in distress, but if a brother opens the same topic, he will get substantially less attention and care.

Not really it depends on how interesting the topic is, this forum is rather balanced. 

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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I think.. let's not make this so polarized as men versus women. 

Both gender have their unique struggles. There is no point in deciding who has it worse. 

Life is not easy for a man. Life is not easy for a woman either. 

Let's appreciate each other's humanness irrespective of gender and not feed into stereotypes. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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On 10/24/2022 at 6:30 PM, StarStruck said:

Which part is derogatory? :S

Most of it. 

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On 10/25/2022 at 5:08 AM, Leo Gura said:

Yes, women have more reproductive value than an average, nobody man. A man's value is based more on how he develops himself. A woman's value is based more on her sexual fertility. But this is not 100%. These are loose generalizations. Don't go overboard with it or construct any kind of ideology around it.

A woman can generate a lot of value by developing herself. It's just that many women don't have to work so hard at it because they have sexual value to compensate whereas an average man does not. There is nothing unfair about this. It's just one of the joys of being a man. Rather than bitching about it, embrace it.

True and only healthy take.

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in the end everything is reproduction. females have intrinsic value because they are a reproductive receptacle. its value is its body, its genetic quality. man does not have intrinsic value, he has to demonstrate his value, his ability to bring his offspring forward, to guarantee their survival, to create individuals capable of surviving. from all this evolves an enormous courtship dance that is the human society.

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On 25/10/2022 at 2:51 AM, StarStruck said:

You can even see it on the forum. If a female opens a topic, tons of horny dudes (who suppose to be spiritual) jump on the topic to help the damsel in distress, but if a brother opens the same topic, he will get substantially less attention and care.

YEP welcome to the real world brother haha. Don't worry men are getting more encouraging of each other as the problem gets more noticed. 

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On 26/10/2022 at 2:41 PM, Clabber Girl said:

What else would a woman's value be linked to? Say its 80% sexuality/reproduction value... what is that 20% if she develops herself to the max ?

Nurturing qualities are a woman's most powerful qualities (at least most of the time) which is precisely what is being undermined by feminism. 

A nurturing leader is necessary in today's world, but unfortunately women are just being taught to behave like men whilst the same traits in men are simultaneously vilified. Strange world in the west. 

Great example would be the cringeworthy "boss bitch" mentality which is extremely disgusting to men; that's not a high value trait at all.

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On 25/10/2022 at 4:49 AM, LordFall said:
On 25/10/2022 at 4:36 AM, NoSelfSelf said:

@LordFall You are not commiting to either side thats why it doesnt work you are dipping your toes in 2 different pools..

You valuing yourself is only way anyone is going to value you but it comes from not wanting anyone to value you because in that way you will be 100% focused on yourself and your inner things that will bring true value or you will try to trick and manipulate good luck with that existence...

This and your other comment are exactly what I mean by pseudo-spiritual nonsense. That's a good mindset but it literally doesn't work. You are literally a human being in a society made up of human beings. Being consumed by others' perception of you is of course a fool's errand but not taking it into account is just as much. Be careful not to drink too much of the kool-aid. 

Nah he is speaking facts especially because women pick up on "vibes" and one's "energy" more so than men do; the fact that seemingly frustrates you proves my point exactly that men don't get this subtle energy and mentally that one carries oneself through life or at least don't see it as much in others compared to women; this masculine mentality is incredibly attractive to women, but doesn't keep a woman if the man's actions don't back it. 

It's the mentality that leads to success, women can see that. 

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1 hour ago, Ry4n said:

Nurturing qualities are a woman's most powerful qualities (at least most of the time) which is precisely what is being undermined by feminism. 

A nurturing leader is necessary in today's world, but unfortunately women are just being taught to behave like men whilst the same traits in men are simultaneously vilified. Strange world in the west. 

Great example would be the cringeworthy "boss bitch" mentality which is extremely disgusting to men; that's not a high value trait at all.

Real "boss bitches" were always too busy with the business of being themselves to care about what pleb dudes think, to really be held back by them...

(Though not everything is about aggressive, active, direct, imposing power, and it never was... nor was it ever really all about nurturing qualities, if what you mean by that is only maternal qualities.)


Feminism didn't exactly invent "strong women" across the board, lol.

Edited by eos_nyxia

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On 10/24/2022 at 6:45 PM, something_else said:

Unattractive women have little intrinsic value, and it's very hard for them to change that. At least as a guy you have some element of control over your value

If a girl takes care of herself she wont be unattractive. Taking care of a woman involves makeup, going to the gym and some surgery worst case.

That is a lot easier to do than learning pickup or game for a guy so even unattractive girls have it easier than unattractive guys in terms of raising their value.

Just look at some celebreties before and after to see the difference it can make, same person.

I know girls that went from a 4 to a 7 just from a nosejob and going to the gym in 3 months. 


Edited by Karmadhi

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If a girl takes care of herself she wont be unattractive. Taking care of a woman involves makeup, going to the gym and some surgery worst case.


I know girls that went from a 4 to a 7 just from a nosejob and going to the gym in 3 months. 

I mean a guy can do all of those things too for the same results. Replace makeup with a nice wardrobe/haircut/style. I've seen guys go from a 4 to a 7 just by getting a better haircut + beard

1 hour ago, Karmadhi said:

going to the gym

Some people seriously struggle to lose weight for reasons that aren't really in their control. Women also have a lot of hormones that affect weight gain and mood too, which makes it harder.

Also, a lot of attraction in women's bodies is about proportion. You can have girls who weigh more but look more attractive than skinnier girls because their proportions are just genetically better.



At the end of the day you've still got to take off your makeup and look in the mirror, or be seen by your partner.

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2 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

I know girls that went from a 4 to a 7 just from a nosejob and going to the gym in 3 months. 


But you do not get to date very high quality guys when you're a 7. 


2 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

That is a lot easier to do than learning pickup or game for a guy so even unattractive girls have it easier than unattractive guys in terms of raising their value.

If you are a guy telling this, then how can you even know. Tons of work, effort, skin routine and money goes into maintaining a high standard look for a woman.

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7 hours ago, Ry4n said:

Nah he is speaking facts especially because women pick up on "vibes" and one's "energy" more so than men do; the fact that seemingly frustrates you proves my point exactly that men don't get this subtle energy and mentally that one carries oneself through life or at least don't see it as much in others compared to women; this masculine mentality is incredibly attractive to women, but doesn't keep a woman if the man's actions don't back it. 

It's the mentality that leads to success, women can see that. 

Is this reflected in your personal life? I would love to see an example of someone feeling masculine vibrations and feeling internally valuable while missing the external marks of value and still attracting attractive women into their life. Are there examples you can think of/videos you can link or is this an ethereal phenomenon? 

I believe in what you guys are saying, my point is that having this masculine energy will also lead to being able to manifest wealth, abundance, and external value and if it doesn't I think you're living in delusion. 

@Cat_eyes It is a silly point to just judge people on appearances. It plays a big part but there are many other characteristics that make someone valuable. More valuable people can get more attractive people though, that's a fairly objective fact.

Edited by LordFall


Owner of creatives community all around Canada

 Instagram is @Kylegfall

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7 hours ago, Tahuti said:

Every sexy girl from my highschool is making tons of money based off appearances. Perception.. They get quality job offers, and are qualifying with little to no work experience. It's ridiculous. They all are traveling to Europe and posting it all over social media. Dating rich white guys who have boats, wearing expensive clothing.

Hot girls are usually experts at curating their image, so you end up seeing a far more glamorous view of their lives on social media compared to reality.

Yea, there are a few who make money off their looks on social media etc. but companies rarely hire incompetent girls just because they're hot. Maybe it gives them an advantage, but it's not like they can just walk into jobs with absolutely zero experience/training, be incompetent, and get away with it for a long time.

Interestingly, I read recently that women who are in charge of hiring often have a fairly strong bias against women who they think are more attractive than them. Which makes sense because I could certainly that happening with guys as well.

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15 hours ago, Tahuti said:
  • Remove the blindfold, aim the ray of light into yourself, simply see. 
  • Women have intrinsic value. 
  • How many times have you been laid? Me: Twice, four years ago... 
  • If you are hot(idk because your user photo is not of your face) then notice how men as well as women treat you vs others. 
  • Every sexy girl from my highschool is making tons of money based off appearances. Perception.. They get quality job offers, and are qualifying with little to no work experience. It's ridiculous. They all are traveling to Europe and posting it all over social media. Dating rich white guys who have boats, wearing expensive clothing.
  • I am not grateful to women simply because they carry the baby. Remember, you need semen in order to create a baby. Watch Leo's video called "The Balance Of Life". 
  • Create & Carry~ Be grateful of men.
  • Your father's semen is the reason you are here. We have milk for babies. They do not need mothers milk anymore. In the future even breastfeeding will go out of "relevance".
  • In the future 3033 we will only need semen and an egg ?.  A.I created wombs, with genetically replicated egg to be fertalized.;)


It's sucks that you have such low opinion on women. But keep up. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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@Tyler Robinson

7 hours ago, Tyler Robinson said:


It's sucks that you have such low opinion on women. But keep up. 


What would be a higher, more truer opinion of women in your opinion? What's your take on if women have intrinsic value or not? (Value here meaning something that would be of value to society)

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