The Mystical Man

Ego and Agency

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"Ego believes it has agency and that it’s doing things, and constantly things happen that the ego doesn’t want to happen. In fact, the ego itself does things that it doesn’t want to do; yet it insists that it has agency. Strange, isn’t it? We bump into that over and over, even in one given day.

You hear it at retreats, like this: 'How do I not have this thought? How do I not have this feeling?' As if you had agency. If you had agency you wouldn’t have to ask the question, would you? If we had this so-called free agency we’d just go, 'Well, I don’t want to think—click. I feel bad, I’ve got free agency, I don’t want to feel bad—click—I feel good.'

We think the enlightened ones figure this agency thing out. They’ve got total agency, so they can choose bliss, joy, and happiness, and they’ve got something figured out, when actually it’s just the opposite. They’ve realized just the opposite: There is no agency.

Ego has no agency; therefore, it has no freedom. That’s why it’s constantly frustrated; that’s why it constantly lies to itself. It keeps pretending that it does. It would be terrible news if we were our egos—because that would mean we are locked into a prison we could never get out of. But of course, an ego is just a collection of thinking based on desire and aversion.

That vast unified field of being—whatever we want to call that: pure consciousness, spirit, unified field—as that gets more and more conscious, as that wakes up to its own nature, the experience as it gets very deep is that 'Whatever is happening is what I want to be happening.' Because when you are only that field, you haven’t split yourself off; there’s only the One."

From Adyashanti’s Course The Philosophy of Enlightenment, 2017

"Make a gift of your life and lift all mankind by being kind, considerate, forgiving, and compassionate at all times, in all places, and under all conditions, with everyone as well as yourself. That is the greatest gift anyone can give." - Dr. David R. Hawkins

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The ego does not really exist, so you have total freedom as God. As there is no ego you can't really interfere with yourself, because there is no separate ego to interfere with God. God can be in a confused state where it thinks its the ego though.

I am Physically Immortal

I am also more than God :)

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