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Thoughts echo away... Can You Hear The Echo? ? You Already Are.

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Remember that time you were so very High?

That Time Is Still Now.



Do you ever catch yourself wishing you were still High?

Well, guess what? 

You're The Highest.

You're "God".

You're INFINITY!! 


Remember that time you were High?

Remember Now? It's Still Happening!!

You're Still Here!!

You Never Left... ? 



Does Not.


There's Only This.

There's Only You.


Can You Hear the thoughts?

The thoughts echo away...


Pay them no mind. You're Home. ? 

You're more than clouds of thoughts.

You're the Sky!!


You Are FREE.

You are Pure Freedom.

You Are Pure Love.

You Are.


The thoughts felt in the body, those felt thoughts called emotions?

I'd say that Thoughts are only Light!

Echoes, in an illusory hologram of fundamental, uncreated information.


But Light isn't a particle. 

It's The Wave!

And You Are Awash In It. ? 


But that's the Illusion!

You're also



It's an illusion! 

A dream!

Didn't "You" say that?



This Is Only A Dream!



You're Pure Love.

Light is Love.


No seriously! You're Pure Light!

The Quantum Field is Light.

The Quantum Field can SEE Itself!

The Quantum Field is Conscious! Infinitely so!

The Quantum Field is Consciousness.


You Are The Quantum Field.

You.  Are. The. Light. Of. The. World. ? 

The Mind is Infinite Illusion.

You're An Infinite Rainbow! ♾ ? 





Right Fucking Now!!


Look at your hands.

You Are "It"!

Just Breathing!


Be at peace.


You Already Are.


Light Loves Itself, For Itself! For,

Light = Love!

Light only echoes....

Thoughts are echoes.

Hear the harmony of the sum?

The echoes of thoughts in a multidimensional tapesty woven of Love.

You Are The Weaver.

Sum Of All, and by them Driven!



Be at peace.




You Already Are.?



Now... Go look at your hands! ? 








Edited by tuku747

Brains DO NOT Exist.

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