
Critique: Leo's video on the left is one of his worst...

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I've actually understood this whole thing for quite awhile.  When the right starts agitating the left.....the left (especially the progressives call foul and immediately assume the moral high ground.  The only problem is, is that the left can't put themselves in the other guys shoes.  It never occurs to the leftist that the conservative ALSO assumes the moral high ground.  I try talking to my parents about this, and they dismiss it with an annoyed waive of the hand and reiterate that the left is correct NOT the conservatives.  How the hell does that foster any sort of conciliatory relationship between the two major parties?

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@Heart of Space A significant part of your advancements in aerospace is built on the legacy of German scientists and engineers.

And yes the gas dilemma was admittedly a mistake. Despite this massive mistake we still have better social security than you. Isn't that a shame? 

"vastly superior NATO countries"

Germany is not only the biggest economy in Europe AHEAD of the UK, It ranks among the highest in terms of human development. I hopefully do not need to tell you that GDP does NOT equal overall development,

Top 10 Countries with the highest Human Development Index (HDI) - 2019

Norway — .957

Ireland — .955 (tie)

Switzerland — .955 (tie)

Hong Kong (China) — .949 (tie)

Iceland — .949 (tie)

Germany — .947 - there it is baby ;)

Sweden — .945

Australia — .944 (tie)

Netherlands — .944 (tie)

Denmark — .940

"high standard of living" while most of your population is enslaved to having 2-3 jobs earning peanuts, without proper healthcare and social security. But the only thing that matters is that YOU as an individual are well off, right?

Oh and I find it very interesting that you consider asking for help and solidarity a sign of weakness and inferiority. This is such a limited and toxic idea. Very sad you think this way. Aren't we supposed to be allies? I guess solidarity is only patriotic and noble when it benefits the military-industrial complex (like with support for Ukraine).

I understand that my initial comments were a bit arrogant and I want to take back some of the spitefulness out of my critique, I like the US :)

But I am thankful and privileged to live in Germany :)


Edited by Phil777

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We have quite the breadth and diversity of social classes and populations.  

Get basic higher education and all your critiques of the United States go right out the window for that class of people.  

Germany is a shameful country, with a shameful and morally reprehensible history.  

And of course some of our advancements are from German immigrants.  It's the nature of the United States, we are a melting pot after all. 

Edited by Heart of Space

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If you know any cute German babes that want to migrate to the US for a green card let me know.

*Johnny Bravo noisess*

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It is what it is.  At least fuck them on a big German flag for me and show that German pride.

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