Julian gabriel

I Want The World In My Hand

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Lately I have been feeling like what I truly want is a lot of worldly success.

I want what Elon musk has, but without doing the work. 

I feel like heaven would be living as a rich, physically attractive, highly intelligent person who uses the world as their personal playground.

A person who is a member of the most exclusive clubs, and has the most cool friends. 

Meanwhile I know intellectually that these desires are in large part motivated by a lack of understanding of myself. 

How do I explain to my heart that it does not need these things to be happy?

And what else do you think I might be missing? 

Thank You


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I'd say burn this karma. You can go for it literally in physical life or you can meditate and burn it through visualization if you are able to locate this desire within you to an accurate degree. This is what I usually do. But sitting and burning this karma will be hard if this desire is directly linked with some or more attachments you have as of right now in your life. Good thing is that you will be able to identify these attachments and take physical action to remove these and continue burning your karma.

tldr; locate your desire within yourself and burn it

Edited by Swarnim

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@Julian gabriel Have your fill of this world, when it doesn't make you  satisfied move on to other things. 

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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@Julian gabriel I think you could benefit from taking another additional perspective on your situation.

So, it seems you have the perspective of your thought, i.e. I have thoughts and their content is centred around wanting world success. I think that is a really positive identification you've made.

Now, I'd recommend thinking about why you have the thoughts. You could think about whether the thought is actually just an expression of an unmet need. Maybe you are searching for such success because you unconsciously believe it is the best way to meet a need for significance, which is currently unmet. So, if it is the case that an ambition for worldly success is just a means for meeting the need for significance. Maybe it would make sense to explore whether the are much more reliable ways to meet that need, given your current life situation.

Maybe you think about it and think the needs perspective isn't true, or that worldly success is the best means of meeting the need. Maybe you do think that perspective is true. Or come to a completely different conclusion. Either way I think it will likely bring you greater clarity. 

Edited by Ulax


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