Thought Art

How can we speak in a way that allows maximum growth and depth on the forum?

29 posts in this topic

@Loba Thanks for sharing. 

I’ll reply to the first question you ask. I’m not trying to crack people open to food them with my world view. I think that’s what most people HAVE been doing and I’d like to do something more nuanced going forward. I’d like to understand others, and be understood and open up the field of interpretations. Instead of just bickering and stuff. 

No one else needs to do what I’m doing. This is something I’m interested. Especially in the spiritual and political sections things just spiral into none sense and pettiness. 

Hehe, “everything is as it should be” and here I am.

I won’t be completely passive either. This is something I’m exploring. 

Edited by Thought Art

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17 hours ago, Thought Art said:

When I am speaking with people on the forum for example I'd like to begin communicating in a more conscious, loving and healthy way that allows each thread the opportunity for maximum growth, depth, and love for everyone involved. 

I like the sentiment. We can only choose to take this on for ourselves though.

Any prescription for how a group of people should conduct themselves will always have inherent bias, even if not intended - and this goes against freedom of expression. In a sense we need the good the bad and ugly for us to realise what's good, bad and ugly in the first place. That way we learn and grow the most, even if the experience is rough.

This place is also very transient and people come and go constantly. How would newcomers immediately take on the task of "communicating in a concious, loving and healthy way", if they haven't experienced this before or don't know what it is? I'm guessing most of the demographic here are young inexperienced males with testosterone coursing through their veins.

I don't have solid answers. One way is to obviously have rules in place (with their inherent bias) and to police it. Personally, I would have a zero tolerance policy on all the sorts of -isms, but there's always grey areas even here - who am I to be prescriptive on how to handle the edge cases? Or another way is to "lead by example", but this responsibility would then have to fall on those members that stick around long enough to employ it - I guess that's what your advocating for yourself.

Edited by LastThursday

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@LastThursday I wasn’t intending on policing or ruling people. 

The forum has lots of rules Leo lays out clearly in the guidelines. 

Just sharing my thoughts on my own process and some resources in high conscious communication. 

Im sharing something to influence people, and perhaps show them that there’s higher ways to potentially communicate.

Just there for people to entertain 

Edited by Thought Art

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Personally, I’m going to work on communicating less violently and more in a Socratic fashion. 

I thought sharing my thought process may be of interest to others.

Theres no intent to manipulate or police others. 

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2 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

I wasn’t intending on policing or ruling people. 

Yeah no problems I get you. I applaud you for wanting to communicate in a more highly conscious way. We could all learn in this respect. I was just thinking out loud more than anything else - and sort of gesticulating towards those that wish the forum were different.


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@Loba @Thought Art Imo, I think I get where the idea that we its better to just let things be comes from. I can see it as coming from stage turquoise style messages.

However, to my mind, integration of all stages of the spiral is important. To my mind, if we want integration of all stages then we need to help get this forum into a higher consciousness shape.

I think letting things be has merit to it. However, I think it leaves things unintegrated.

Changing the forum into a higher consciousness state, even through individual action would, to my mind, likely change the course of various people's lives. For example, imagine someone from the incel community comes here, and says their view but gets met with seemingly hostile comments to a post they make. I would imagine they would likely leave and search for another community online. However, if the forum was higher consciousness, then I think it would be more likely that that person would stay in the community, and then they might get more involved in actualized content and their life changes significantly for the positive. Maybe they then go out and have a more conscious career and raise the consciousness of lots of different people. And perhaps 100s of people end up having their lives changed for the positive just because the forum was at a high enough consciousness for the incel identifying dude to feel accepted enough on the forum.

Can replace the person in this example for an example of a young girl who was raped repeatedly growing up, and is desperately looking for some sorts of answers online. In one instance she comes on actualized and doesn't feel accepted and leaves, and gets involved in a cult. In another she comes on actualized and we've made this forum into a place that is higher consciousness, say stage yellow. The forum members meet her where she is at, and she gets involved with the actualized content and she starts going to therapy, starts recovering from her traumas etc.

I guess one of the points I'm trying to get across is that I think people's lives will really be affected by the level of consciousness with which the forum resonates with. And even if individually we feel like we aren't making a difference, I think if we endeavour to act in a higher consciousness manner, then we can also inspire others, and I think we never know whether one person's understanding message on a forum post is the difference between someone leaving the forum and someone staying on the forum.

Edited by Ulax


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@Ulax I love it 

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Important video to review for those who resonated with this thread. 

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I’ve already failed many times since making this post. I’m far from perfect but you will see the way I communicate grow over the year(s). 

It can be really hard speaking to certain people. But, that will be a test of my maturity, wisdom and love. 

I will work on being more kind, no poking people if if they are stubborn, swearing less, teasing less, not needing to be right or be understood, speaking less violently.

Also, if you are being really stubborn in a forum and it becomes clear you are deeply dogmatic, close minded and just keep repeating your talking point despite clear evidence against your opinion I will stop engaging instead of insult you. 

Also, I will find a more graceful way of dealing with other peoples rude behaviour, Self deception, self bias, manipulations, etc

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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