
Tip for Anxiety due to uncertainty of life please?

12 posts in this topic

Hello guys can i have some advice on dealing with anxiety regarding the unpredictable uncertain nature of life?

How are you not anxious about the fact that your life might go terrible wrong at any moment? Maybe you get an anuerysm and become paralysed forever in the next few minutes. Maybe you meet in an accident while grocery shopping.maybe a girl finally agrees  to go on a date with you but turns out she drugs you , robs you and then kills you etc etc the list goes on and on

I thought of seeing a therapist. But what can a therapist really do? Can a therapist gurantee that i wont get a anuerysm next year? Or that the gfs/ freinds i make wont turn out to be sociopaths who use and abuse me?

It seems like an unsolvable problem. 

Edit- It doest seem like leo has made any videos addressing this topic.

He has an old short video about worry but it doesnt discuss the topic above 

Edited by Ineedanswers

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Hi there,


you have to realize that you create your own reality through your own beliefs, assumptions and generally where your mind puts it's focus and attention on and your feelings as well.  Feelings and thoughts are energy with a certain frequency that attracts similar vibration into your life according to the law of attraction.  It's kinda like magnets or could be compared to being like a walking radio antenna where you are attuned to a certain frequency (in regards to different aspects of your life) and emit this energy wave that attracts people and situations on the same frequency.  There's also what is known as the law of assumption taught by Neville Goddard which kind of boils to the same thing but sometimes explained a little different as in your assumptions (beliefs) also manifest your reality but is explained in the way that 'everyone is you pushed out' so you could for example imagine a different version of another person if you want them to behave nicer for example.

Neville Goddard also said that the whole point of learning to manifest what you want, is that one day you will realize you are God (manifest enlightenment). 

If you learn how it works then you'll understand that what you resist persists, so you're going to have to control those worries and put your attention elsewhere which can be challenging sometimes, but you can google some of the techniques that are out there to manifest what you want instead of what you don't want.  There's also people online who teach and coach people to get what they want and put free video's out on youtube, so feel free to google 'how to manifest your desires' / 'Neville Goddard' ...

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Hi, this "teaching" can really help ! Listen with all your attention


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@newbee thank you i will definitely look into nevilles work.

but will this help the core issue? This wont prevent my loved ones dyings etc etc will it?

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Nothing to worry. Death=death.

No human being has lived longer than 150 years. 

So 150 years from now, all of us reading this will be dead. Our body will either be cremated or decomposed or preserved or something else. 

Edited by hyruga

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you are right to be worried, even horribly afraid. people are not because they live in evasion, but you are fully aware of the deadly trap that is life. everything hangs by a thread. Tomorrow your head hurts, you go to the doctor and he tells you that you have a tumor that will leave you blind, paralyzed and later will kill you in horrible suffering. Happens every second but we prefer to don't think in that. the only way to go beyond this is to transcend the ego. the real awakening, realize that you are, that this apparent reality is, and surrender the ego. This is a more or less long process and requires insight and will. but once you have clearly seen the trap, you will want at all costs to get out of it

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44 minutes ago, Ineedanswers said:

@newbee thank you i will definitely look into nevilles work.

but will this help the core issue? This wont prevent my loved ones dyings etc etc will it?

 You're welcome. :)

When you will become really good at would you manifest, then technically yes you can prevent your loved ones from dying in the sense that when it's time to die, you could imagine the scenery of you dying first surrounded by your living loved ones for example.  But if you would imagine a long happy life and you dying when you're old, then we can expect that at least the loved ones that are older than you would have gone before you, but you may still be surrounded by other loved ones when it's your time, so it doesn't have to be an issue.   You want to feel loved and not be lonely, then focus on feeling loved and imagine it.  Your predominant thoughts is what manifests, so mental diet is also recommended. In the end, as Neville Goddard also alludes to, it's inevitable that you will manifest enlightenment at some point, because once you manifested everything you want, you may think 'oh but now I can lose it all again' or there is still the worry of dying, so you will want eternal bliss, but you can start with manifesting smaller things first before you do the bigger stuff.


Also, check out this thread where the OP talks about how he manifests anything he wants.

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You can try to realize that reality is your own mind and thus nothing outside of your control or against your will can ever occur. You can also try to become conscious of the fact that everything that has happened has been in accordance with infinite intelligence and that there are no mistakes. Or you can try to become conscious of the fact that reality is Love or Absolutely Good.

I am Physically Immortal

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@Ineedanswers there are infinite things that can go wrong, but there are also infinite things that can go right. For me, managing my anxiety was best done through recontextualizing the way I view my worries. Psychiatrists and medications didn't help, so it fell on me to find what worked for my mind. 

The best thing has been to let go of the future. I've been neurotic about it for as long as I can remember, constantly trying to think of what might come next. In reality, I have no idea. The future is extremely unpredictable. Any guesses I have made as to what might happen turned out to be wrong 99.99% of the time. So why keep investing so much emotional and mental energy only for a 0.01% chance of being right?

I found meditation to be helpful, but my attention span isn't that great for it. So I've been getting lost in painting, music, and writing. I let go of the need to predict life, and focus on what I can create instead.

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I don't believe the Law of Attraction the way it's teaching. 

I believe everything that's mean to happen will happens no matter what you think. 
For example, you can spend 5 years using LOA to find a girlfriend and if your destiny was to be alone, it will be, no matter how much efforts you've put into LOA. 

It's about Love, how much can you love reality as it is ? How much can you love all the things that are happening to you ? 
The more you open your heart, the more you'll surrender and you'll feel more connected to "other people'.

Being open to the invebitability of Life (you could die tomorrow, you can have diseases, not getting what you want,...) is very freeing

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See a therapist.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Ineedanswers Hello. Here is my perspective.

To my mind, the cause of your anxiety is not the events alone, its that a need or set of needs of your are being met by your consistently imagining what seems to me to be the worst possible event happening.

So, it appears to me that your seeming chronic imagining of the worst possible outcome is an unconscious strategy you have developed to meet a need or set of needs of yours. So, I'd recommend thinking about what these needs might be, and how to meet that need or set of needs.

I think a therapist can help you to do both of these things. I would recommend arranging initial consultations with multiple therapists, and then picking the one you think will be the most effective for you.

In the meantime, the 2nd edition version of 'Feeling Good' by David Burns is something I think is potentially of value to you.

Edited by Ulax


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