
My life is un-suffering

33 posts in this topic

Every day is a paradise in my beautiful abode and beautiful surroundings.

Life was suffering for Buddha because he lived in B.C. Nepal, an utter shithole. Life is suffering for schizophrenics and schizotypal madmen, etc.

The idea life is inherently bad is just some cope from a dude who lived in garbage.

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A post like this is a breath of fresh air on this forum, really. Every other week some nihilistic loser posts BS about how reality is awful or whatever. It can be a lowkey addicting ideology to uphold.

For you, what makes life so amazing?

Edited by thenondualtankie

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1 hour ago, thenondualtankie said:

A post like this is a breath of fresh air on this forum, really. Every other week some nihilistic loser posts BS about how reality is awful or whatever. It can be a lowkey addicting ideology to uphold.

For you, what makes life so amazing?

Well, I just have it insanely good. I had a shit life (literally nothing but illness and death) so I suppose it balances out... But I just have cash now as a result of all the death, almost no need for social contact, a beautiful place to live, and so on.

Especially now I'm 30, my sex drive and such is dropping, and I can just enjoy living. I might get a couple of cats. Dogs would bark and wake me up, so that would annoy me.

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“Life is suffering” is a pretty bad translation and oversimplification of the first noble truth. It’s more accurate to say “there is inherent suffering/dissatisfaction in life when one is not fully awakened”. I’d highly doubt that second sentence does not apply at least a little for you if you’re completely honest with yourself. That’s not at all to say 99% of life isn’t amazing for you. I mean that’s how it feels for me, but there are certainly situations which can produce suffering and dissatisfaction although I have techniques that can basically make it vanish whenever I want if I care enough. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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life is suffering because as humans we come equipped by default with an ego son of a bitch whose mission is to create unhappiness. in fact, it is unhappiness. and if you let him loose, he can drown you in oceans of unhappiness. we are born with a parasite that we feed with tons of information, and that has us by the neck, by the balls and with great force. Go alone to the desert for a month, so you will get to know him up close. you will see how happy you are

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@RMQualtrough it’s not that that is the only accurate translation, but it’s pretty clear from spending time with people very informed of these things (authors of books, people with multiple decades of practice, decades being monks, and even PhDs in the academic study of Buddhism) that “life is suffering” is not at all the full picture and actually gives so many people the absolute wrong idea of what Buddhism is. If Buddhism were to be phrased in one simple thing like that, it’d be way more accurate to say “there’s a legitimate and attainable path out of suffering. Here it is.” The first noble truth is not nihilistic. It’s just the practical truth that everyone knows living normal human life before a significant amount of spiritual progress. 

Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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@RMQualtrough Ye I think so too. I think there are plenty of folks who live reasonably happy lives without ever transcending ego.

Also, these days we have things like depth psychotherapy that didn't used to be around

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4 hours ago, RMQualtrough said:

Life was suffering for Buddha because he lived in B.C. Nepal, an utter shithole.

He was a fucking prince bro.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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2 hours ago, Ulax said:

@RMQualtrough Ye I think so too. I think there are plenty of folks who live reasonably happy lives without ever transcending ego.

Also, these days we have things like depth psychotherapy that didn't used to be around

It's just the same dishonesty found in all self-help. Say for example...

Scammers AKA gurus selling courses on, for example "HoW tO Talk to GIRLS BRO!11", with complex outlines of years of practice and dialogue trees and seminars. But not once does any victim of the scam ever stop and think, hey wait a minute, every single person I know didn't need decades of seminars and are in relationships/have families/kids, so WHY do I in particular need this?

Same with spirituality: "Hey bro, you need to transcend your ego to be happy bro, here buy my $10,000 course". And again nobody stops and thinks, hey wait a minute, I'm the odd one out, I'm the only weirdo in my family who ever needed to "transcend my ego" or take copious insane amounts of drugs just to be content in life: WHY.

I don't even know many people, but even I (basically a hermit) know various people who have a generally happy disposition, and they aren't sitting around watching any fa***** cucks ramble for hours on YouTube.

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11 minutes ago, RMQualtrough said:

It's just the same dishonesty found in all self-help. Say for example...

Scammers AKA gurus selling courses on, for example "HoW tO Talk to GIRLS BRO!11", with complex outlines of years of practice and dialogue trees and seminars. But not once does any victim of the scam ever stop and think, hey wait a minute, every single person I know didn't need decades of seminars and are in relationships/have families/kids, so WHY do I in particular need this?

Same with spirituality: "Hey bro, you need to transcend your ego to be happy bro, here buy my $10,000 course". And again nobody stops and thinks, hey wait a minute, I'm the odd one out, I'm the only weirdo in my family who ever needed to "transcend my ego" or take copious insane amounts of drugs just to be content in life: WHY.

I don't even know many people, but even I (basically a hermit) know various people who have a generally happy disposition, and they aren't sitting around watching any fa***** cucks ramble for hours on YouTube.

@RMQualtrough I think you're throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Firstly re dating some people want high levels of abundance in their dating life, which to my mind require a much higher level of attractiveness that most people in relationships. Also, I think people with mental health issues will have to invest a lot more time and self-work into getting the sorts of healthy relationships that come naturally to those without mental health issues.

Secondly, Re the spirituality thing, I think I get where you're coming from. On my end tho, I'd say your example is more an issue of spiritual bypassing. I think spirituality is better treated like the icing on the cake of life. When its used as a means of overcoming traumas, I think that is often a trap.

I think there's are many v useful aspects of self-help and also quite a few non-useful aspects of it.

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@nuwu True.

I napped all day on the sofa of nightmares. It is called that, because it gives guaranteed nightmares. As you would expect, I indeed had nightmares.

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42 minutes ago, nuwu said:

@Carl-Richard life has been terrible for pretty much all entities until very recently. high ranking tribe positions also come with troublesome social entanglements and pressures which is hardly enjoyable unless one is craving for dominant avatar roleplay. not defending lower states of consciousness, but it doesn't seem far fetched to enjoy states available in current times. we can explore god, discuss about it online, play games, create better civilizations or arts, etc. none of this were possible even to the wealthiest human in the world few centuries ago.

I experience zero meaning reading anything in this thread.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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1 hour ago, Carl-Richard said:

I experience zero meaning reading anything in this thread.

He wrote it very clearly, read it again.

Even someone in the ghetto in 2022 has a better life than a king living in 500 B.C.

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Just now, RMQualtrough said:

He wrote it very clearly, read it again.

Even someone in the ghetto in 2022 has a better life than a king living in 500 B.C.

Why was the story of Buddha about a prince?

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Carl-Richard I don't even know if the prince thing is true, but allegedly he gave up the "great" (still disgracefully bad) life of being a prince, to become a peasant. But of course, everyone worshipped him once he did that. He was like a legit rockstar when he became the guru.

Every Buddha story btw, when someone asks him something, is like "the Buddha did not answer directly". He's probz some My Chemical Romance tier emo spewing deep-isms.

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23 minutes ago, RMQualtrough said:

@Carl-Richard I don't even know if the prince thing is true, but allegedly he gave up the "great" (still disgracefully bad) life of being a prince, to become a peasant. But of course, everyone worshipped him once he did that. He was like a legit rockstar when he became the guru.

The story of Buddha is the lesson that "having things" does not fulfill you, and that this lack of fulfillment is what is meant by suffering. You can have all the riches in the world, even be a prince, but you'll still be suffering. The fact that Buddha lived in 500 B.C. Nepal is completely irrelevant. It's a perennial truth. Erich Fromm distinguishes between "having needs" and "being needs". Buddha's escape from the palace and turn to asceticism was when he started working on his being needs.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Carl-Richard Over simplifying the Buddha’s teaching with pop culture 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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1 minute ago, Thought Art said:

@Carl-Richard Over simplifying the Buddha’s teaching with pop culture 


Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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9 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

The story of Buddha is the lesson that "having things" does not fulfill you, and that this lack of fulfillment is what is meant by suffering. You can have all the riches in the world, even be a prince, but you'll still be suffering. The fact that Buddha lived in 500 B.C. Nepal is completely irrelevant. It's a perennial truth. Erich Fromm distinguishes between "having needs" and "being needs". Buddha's escape from the palace and turn to asceticism was when he started working on his being needs.

It is slightly relevant, because having things in 500 B.C. means living in shit, but just LESS shit than the other peasants.

I feel good in my lovely house with my lovely things. Lol. I probably have a better life than Buddha did. I probably have one of the best human lives srs.

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