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How to recollect your direction?

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I just watched @Leo Gura's episode "how survival shapes who you are" and I'm a bit confused due to recent shifts in consciousness. I expirienced a peek in socializing this summer where i would basically be the most interesting and fun. I had great expiriences with people stepping out my comfort zone speaking to strangers, living a night life for a 2 months straight and i realized that this is all good and fun but has bad consequences on my body, my performance throughout the day, also the people in this environment usually aren't that evolved because of constant seeking of pleasure so I dropped all my friendships because they weren't making me feel at place. So again from very extroverted i became introverted. With that i started to spend more time on watching videos until my pc fucked up. I stayed in silence long meditating because i had nothing else to do which gave me a glimpse of nothigness but it seriously broke my sense of direction.

 Which makes me ask the question if i trully had to go through this? I ask myself what i would fancy as a career path in the future. What leo described how the ego and the stories developed about the world push us in a direction. The traumas and difficulties have an effect of choice. The reason i have been freaking out the last couple of weeks is because i thought i finally developed into a character that i liked but i was still noticing the limitations of that and let go. But now i realize that in a way you can't have it all untill first you build something up. How in the hell will i advance spiritually if i have no clue how to make money for example. 


How do I recollect myself in a better way?

How to not fall in the narrative of your goals and aspirations while still moving towards them? I notice exactly then we expirience suffering.

How do you guys ground yourself after a consciousness shift?


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I use The Formula, as described by Bashar now.

check it out if you want to live a life that is more intelligent than your mind and social upbringing would afford you.

A Call to Live Differently:

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