
How to respond if a girl waits 2 days to respond

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11 minutes ago, Bird Larry said:

@something_else May I think for a while, before I reply to you?

I'll be honest.

Writing and speaking are the same, but at the same time, not the same. 

Speaking and writing both is a communication device. But to make writing the same with speaking is completely getting out of the purpose of it in the usual. Otherwise, we wouldn't use speech in the first place.

If what you say 

is so important in texting, to reply immediately with a response, I guess, maybe yes in terms of the military. Writing may be faster, and more logical to do. 

However, to require it? That's a different issue all together. Even speaking something that is dear to the heart, you think that can be said in a second, without any thought? 

Writing has its own advantages over speaking. That is why people still read books. Otherwise, youtube and podcasts must have been the main source for learning and reading fiction. But people still reading fiction books, because thoughts and ideas are more richly expressed, hence even something that is non-serious, playful, and fun can have a different taste with writing as compared to speaking. 

But to make writing similar to speech is just ugly. Then writing loses its purpose and its unique quality that makes it superior in one aspect that speaking cannot emulate. And why write like you speak? When you can instead speak instead? 

Call the person, rather than text. But sometimes, texting is more important than calling, because thoughts and ideas are more better expressed through text, not speaking. 

To require others to reply immediately after seeing a message? That's the worst form of writing. Some you reply fast, some slow. But to put a time stamp and label the other person unnatural, as you have said you do, is just sheer stupidity, 

I agree with you on writing as a whole, but with girls it doesn't work that well to have long form discussion over text. Sending a long paragraph of text to a girl will get you ghosted immediately in like 90% of cases. There are girls out there who will want that and I encourage you to go find them if that's what you want too, but as general advice it isn't a good idea to spend a lot of time thinking about and writing responses to girls you barely know.

You can actually communicate a lot more energy, emotionality and personality in short punchy messages than you can in long-form. And girls are typically going to get attached to your energy and personality, not your political views or deep thoughts, or whatever else you might communicate in long-form writing.

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5 minutes ago, something_else said:

I agree with you on writing as a whole, but with girls it doesn't work that well to have long form discussion over text. Sending a long paragraph of text to a girl will get you ghosted immediately in like 90% of cases.

Again, I would have to ask you, how on earth have you understood my texts as if I've said a man should send long paragraphs to text a girl? Could you quote? 

Here's why I find it hard to believe you when you try to advice anyone how to text to a girl. 

Because you couldn't even translate a basic paragraph I've said into your own words right. I said, think long before speaking any (long or short, it doesn't matter, I haven't specified) sentence. My texts with girls are most 4 words or less. Occasional 2 sentences. 

I find it hard you are a good texter, when you can't even read a paragraph I've wrote out of my thoughtless head. 

Edited by Bird Larry

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Haha you need to apply the Todd G cook method.

Todd means to escalate the situation. It's all or nothing. 

G Cook means to believe that u r the f man and u can easily calibrate the situation back to a positive position no matter what happens. Cook always talk about being able to calibrate, didn't he?

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After the initial number exchange and chat, set up a date, if you fail to do this and the girl is not responding, stop chasing and wait for her to come to you.

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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7 minutes ago, something_else said:

There are girls out there who will want that and I encourage you to go find them if that's what you want too, but as general advice it isn't a good idea to spend a lot of time thinking about and writing responses to girls you barely know.

There are no such girls who like long paragraph texts from a stranger. I'd like to know where you've seen such a girl. 

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2 minutes ago, Bird Larry said:

Again, I would have to ask you, how on earth have you understood my texts as if I've said a man should send long paragraphs to text a girl? Could you quote? 

Here's why I find it hard to believe you when you try to advice anyone how to text to a girl. 

Because you couldn't even translate a basic paragraph I've said into your own words right. I said, think long before speaking any (long or short, it doesn't matter, I haven't specified) sentence. My texts with girls are most 4 words or less. Occasional 2 sentences. 

I find it hard you are a good texter, when you can't even read a paragraph I've wrote out of my thoughtless head. 

Because I can't understand why you'd need more than a few seconds to a minute to come up with a 4 word response. So when you say 'spend a long time coming up with a response' I just assumed you meant writing long responses.

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1 minute ago, Bird Larry said:

There are no such girls who like long paragraph texts from a stranger. I'd like to know where you've seen such a girl. 

This is pretty much what I was saying. But if you look hard enough you'll find girls who like everything. I've met a few girls who were into longer form texting, mostly online. They were all very introverted students, which tracks

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@hyruga Todd, the guy just seems, not fun at all... I've watched one of his courses on texting...

He just... complicates things. haha. 

Just write, think before you write. Don't rush into things. 

But he has these jargons and theories, and rules about texting, lol. I don't think theories are needed to write a good text.

Edited by Bird Larry

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Because I can't understand why you'd need more than a few seconds to a minute to come up with a 4 word response. So when you say 'spend a long time coming up with a response' I just assumed you meant writing long responses.

@something_else With 4 words, you can bed a girl. With 4 words you can repel a girl. 


So when you say 'spend a long time coming up with a response' I just assumed you meant writing long responses.

Yeah, I don't understand how my advice to 'spend a long time coming up with a response' can have you translate it as 'write a long paragraph to the girl in text'.

With 4 words you can kill a person. With 4 words you can save a person from suicide. Simple. But it takes effort to say those right things. 

If you write even those four words without thinking, you'll fail. 

Edited by Bird Larry

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20 minutes ago, Bird Larry said:

@Tyler Robinson You'll have to understand. 

Even a needy guy wouldn't care to text immediately or be a bad texter.

I've seen guys horrible with women be excellent with texts. 

And as I see it, women, too are horrible texters, as much as guys. Maybe women are worse than men (maybe this has gone too far). 

I've read from Jane Austen that she considers women to write better letters than men. Maybe that's true. But men usually are better writers. Hemmingway, Tolstoy...etc. So we both have different opinions.

With enough introspection and a tiny bit of foresight, even if the guy is retarded with women, he can write a decent text to get her responding well. I've seen it happen many times. 

For example for me, I've had women just go on a date with just me texting 3 times, when I've talked to her only a minute on the streets. But when we met, and I've said some awkward things about sex, she didn't respond to my texts after that day. So you can be a good texter, but be different otherwise. 

I don't know Larry Bird or Marry Herd. Anyway I agree with you that text is not the best way to get to know a person. Body language is. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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1 hour ago, Bird Larry said:

If you write even those four words without thinking, you'll fail. 

Ehh. Idk, I suppose I get what you're saying. However I tend to find that I get much better results with girls when I write whatever comes to mind in the moment. I've noticed (especially online since it's where I have the most experience texting, in person I tend to skip that part) that whenever I end up spending a while not knowing what to say or thinking about an opener too much it doesn't tend to land.

Girls can sniff out try-hards

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13 minutes ago, something_else said:

However I tend to find that I get much better results with girls when I write whatever comes to mind in the moment. 

Well, then I'm happy you are not a try-hard as you say you make great results. 

Edited by Bird Larry

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6 hours ago, JosephKnecht said:

It is wrong to wait two days for a girl to respond. 

Move onto better things. 

@StarStruck This ^

It's one of those counter intuitive things ;)

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This is the same as the other thread.

Bro you need to get in touch with your intuition.

Girl doesn't answer in 2 days....

What does it TELL you?


Come on bro. You know better...

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@Arcangelo Well, the way you text can impact her feelings as much as real life interactions. So to tell him "don't focus on texting, and just focus on real life interaction" is just as blasphemous. 

The way he texts can make her interested, and the way he texts can make her lose interest and not reply to him at all. 

This isn't because the guy who posted this question is attractive or not. It simply because he doesn't know how texting works. Just teach him and the other girl he gets a phone number on, it will be easy-mode on getting her on dates. 

Texting isn't a big deal. You don't need to be attractive to do this well. Just take time before answering a text. Don't say anything needless. IF you are patient when you respond, she will help you be patient and respond herself. 

But ultimately, texting alone won't have you be successful. But also real life interaction alone won't have you be successful. Even with friendships and networks. 

Writing has its own importance above speaking and body language which cannot be expressed just through it. To think of texting as not important is a mistake in building relationships. 

Edited by Bird Larry

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18 hours ago, something_else said:

Girls don't do this. If she doesn't reply for two days it means she probably isn't that interested, unless she has some like legit actual excuse. Most of the time I've found that girls that are interested and that I end up meeting will usually reply in like an hour or two MAX. I can't really think of any time a girl has waited two days in between texts and then wanted things to go any further.

This is pretty demanding/needy for a girl who you're not that serious with. I don't think this will work in your favour. As a general rule anything intense like this turns girls off. You usually want to keep a light-hearted and playful vibe. What you did is kinda like saying "it's annoying me that you're not giving me attention, give me attention"

That is what I'm saying. If I have nothign to loose I will speak my mind about her behavior. Some girls like drama and they get drawn into the drama.

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1 hour ago, StarStruck said:

I will speak my mind about her behavior.

Yes but you only feel the need to do that because you were invested in her and feel she has somehow disrespected or wronged you, when you really shouldn't care at all and just move on.

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People are addicted to their phones these days. Really no reason she can't reply back in a timely manner. Many women do this even when they are interested. Pretty backwards thinking. Have some self-respect. Walk away and do your own thing. Best not to take it personally. Live your own life and if someone wants to join you cool. Don't be needy. Meet your own needs. Have some standards for what you tolerate. You teach people how to disrespect you by what you tolerate. Only other thing you can do is set boundaries for yourself with the phone and only use it to set up dates. Nothing else. You can't control her. 

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@Ethan1 I feel also, with writing, we need to not repress our feelings. We are taught to express with our speech and in real life, but I dont see anybody helping us express through writing. Be it anger or positivity, knowing how to express that through writing is good. 

So if the girl disrespects, its not a bad thing to confront. Don't be a pussy and just run away. Tell her off. Tell anybody off who direspects.

Edited by Bird Larry

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20 minutes ago, Bird Larry said:

So if the girl disrespects, its not a bad thing to confront. Don't be a pussy and just run away. Tell her off. Tell anybody off who direspects.

Yeah if her behaviour is disrespectful, speak your heart and move on. In OP's situation not replying isn't disrespectful though.

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