
Distinguishing central cases and marginal cases

4 posts in this topic

How to distinguishing between doing some in the central way or the marginal way.

I.e. you can get become educated in two ways.

In both it requires you read a lot of books and study them in depth. However, in the central case you think for yourself, and the marginal case you do not.

So, in the marginal case you are educated but it is a perversion of an education. Where as the central case is an example of being educated in the fullest sense, in the truest sense.

If you want citations for some study materials on this, feel free to pm me. Thought this could be a useful topic.


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Please clarify.

Are you perhaps hinting to simply being effective and responsible? Is that what your concern could be boiled down to? How could this consideration be more grounded?

Effectiveness as in aligning thought and action with what's actually occurring. In your example, that would require grasping what education actually is. Then, out of that understanding, appropriate response would follow. There would be no need to intellectualize about unproductive roads.

Edited by UnbornTao

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@UnbornTao Hiya i'm not too sure what you mean by your second and third paragraphs, and am not sure how to provide you with more clarity re my point.



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@Ulax thanks, I wanted to ground the consideration a bit more on experience. Intellectually I got it.

In any case, I also tried to clarify my previous post.


Edited by UnbornTao

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