Leo Gura

Kanye Buys Parler - LOL

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Leo, when you make these types of posts it kind of bugs me because it feels like you're doing it more out of "look at the antics of this famous dude!" than respecting them as an artist and a person. And the fact you've never seriously listened to his music but still felt the need to make this post speaks volumes.

He's a musician, man. Not a politician.

It's especially out of left field considering you just made an entire video about the excesses of the left and then call out Kanye just for buying a Conservative social media platform. How do you know he won't make it better?

Edited by EternalForest

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26 minutes ago, EternalForest said:

Leo, when you make these types of posts it kind of bugs me because it feels like you're doing it more out of "look at the antics of this famous dude!" than respecting them as an artist and a person. And the fact you've never seriously listened to his music but still felt the need to make this post speaks volumes.

My calling out his nonsense has nothing to do with his music. He could be Mozart, but the things coming out of his mouth on politics are both anti-Semitic and delusionally narcissistic.

I don't need to listen to his music to comment on his political ravings. In fact, if I liked his music that would only make me more biased.


He's a musician, man. Not a politician.

He's the one ranting about politics. If he stuck to making music no one would criticize him. People love him for his music.

Also, he IS literally a politician. He ran for president in 2020 and he is running again in the future.

Are we supposed to not criticize an anti-Semitic presidential candidate because you like his music?


It's especially out of left field considering you just made an entire video about the excesses of the left and then call out Kanye just for buying a Conservative social media platform. How do you know he won't make it better?

He has no idea nor any intention of making it better. He just wants to rant against Jews and mainstream platforms will not let him do it.

Paler is a cesspool for nazis and criminals. Please familiarize yourself with what you are defending:


No reasonable person should respect that. If anyone other than Kanye was saying these things he'd be canceled from the whole internet.

Edited by Leo Gura

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

My calling out his nonsense has nothing to do with his music. He could be Mozart, but the things coming out of his mouth on politics are both anti-Semitic and delusionally narcissistic.

I don't need to listen to his music to comment on his political ravings. In fact, if I liked his music that would only make me more biased.

He's the one ranting about politics. If he stuck to making music no one would criticize him.

Also, he IS literally a politician. He ran for president in 2020 and he is running in the future.

He has not idea nor any intention of making it better. He's just wants to rant against Jews and mainstream platforms will not let him do it.

Why do you think he is making anti-semitic statements? Is it out of ethnocentrism? Or could he be very envious of Jewish people? Or is it because his psychosis has greatly influenced him into believing in all kinds of conspiracies like the idea of "Jews taking over the whole world behind the scenes"?

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2 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Why do you think he is making anti-semitic statements? Is it out of ethnocentrism? Or could he be very envious of Jewish people? Or is it because his psychosis has greatly influenced him into believing in all kinds of conspiracies like the idea of "Jews taking over the whole world behind the scenes"?

He is mentally unstable and his mind has been rotted with right-wing ideology.

What do you expect from a bipolar narcissist?

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura It's probably no secret that I'm a huge fan of his music. I think he's one of the great geniuses of our time, and I'm not alone in that, so I'm obviously going to cut him slack where you are not.

And no! He's not a politician haha. Yet. Everything he's tried to run for, he's failed. But he is an aspiring politician, I'll give you that. 

Also, I looked at Parler's rules, and it actually says they will shutdown any criminal activity on the site: https://parler.com/documents/guidelines.pdf 

Not that I would ever use something like this, since I no longer identify as right wing, I'm just playing devil's advocate...

As for Kanye's comments on the Jews, I won't defend that, it was definitely wrong, I'm just hoping this is another one of his "phases" and he'll move on to something else. Us fans have seen him down some weird rabbit holes before.

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5 minutes ago, EternalForest said:

I'm a huge fan of his music

That's the whole problem.

Your bias clouds your vision.

It's like those Michael Jackson fans who defend him despite his pedophilia. It's impossible to convince an MJ fan that he could have done anything wrong.

Go watch my videos on Bias.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura It might amuse you to know I'm also an MJ fan, and I don't believe he did it.

I'll watch those bias videos though, it would amuse you even more to know that I don't think I've ever watched them!

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4 minutes ago, EternalForest said:

@Leo Gura I'm also an MJ fan, and I don't believe he did it.

Of course.

It's reassuring to know that all Hitler had to do to gain your support was release some sick tunes :D


I don't think I've ever watched them!

Of course.

Edited by Leo Gura

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For what it's worth, I've sensed that there's been something wrong with him for a while now. Ever since his whole Christian re-birth thing, he seems pretty unstable mentally. I haven't enjoyed his musical output for years. but I never stop bumping the classics like The College Dropout, Late Registration, Graduation, 808s and Heartbreak, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, etc.

I guess I love him for who he was more than who he is today, but he's still Kanye, you know? That's my guy.

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Kanye is mostly about creating sensation. His art is mediocre. 

His ticket to fame is equating himself to trump



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@Cat_eyes I haven't watched it cause it seems to make his "spiritual awakening" the glorious final arc of his life when I see it as the start of his downfall.

Edited by EternalForest

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@Cat_eyes The thing with his Mom really hit him for sure (that's why he made 808s and Heartbreak), but I don't think he lost it after that. MBDTF was a masterpiece, Yeezus was wildly inventive, etc. If you look at interviews with him from the early 2010s, he's very loud but also very sharp. These days, he's the complete opposite, quiet and dull. The turn really happened around 2018. The Ye album was still great, but something was off. Jesus is King proved it. He was becoming "spiritual", but at the same time, losing focus. Latching onto any belief system to make himself happy. The quality of his mental state, music and everything else has been dropping ever since. Kim left him because he wasn't the same Kanye anymore. Fans can feel it too.

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44 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Of course.

It's reassuring to know that all Hitler had to do to gain your support was release some sick tunes :D

Of course.




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@EternalForest I said from the start that he's not right in the mind.

However, don't infantilize him. He's a grown ass man and if he wants to be off his meds, that's his choice. But we get to call out his BS.

The #1 person monetizing his mental illness is Kanye himself. All of this is his PR stuns.

And his conspiracy theories and racism are far deeper than his mental instability.

Plenty of people are bipolar without spouting racist conspiracy theories over and over and over again. It's not like he misspoke a few times. This is his worldview. It's an insult to mentally ill people to equate mental illness with racism.

Have some empathy for Jewish people.

Edited by Leo Gura

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1 hour ago, Tyler Robinson said:

. His ticket to fame is equating himself to trump

No, he is one of the biggest artists in the world. If he wasn’t famous you wouldn’t care who or what he said. 

Anyway, he’s clearly unwell and ruining his own life right now.

Edited by Thought Art

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@Leo Gura You just don't know the real Kanye. If you did, you wouldn't have this attitude you do. And me not having empathy for the Jews?? I just said the shit about Jews was wrong earlier, did you not read it?

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@Leo Gura We both agree that Kanye's going down the wrong path, the difference is that you're using him for clickbait and I'm actually a real fan waiting for his comeback and full recovery. You speak about him like you know him, but you don't. There is so much beauty and genius in that mind of his, you just can't see it right now.

Go listen to The College Dropout, Late Registration and Graduation tonight and it'll teach you more about who Kanye really is than some new anchor or article ever could. Really listen to what he's saying. 

He was a great man.

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8 minutes ago, EternalForest said:

And me not having empathy for the Jews?? I just said the shit about Jews was wrong earlier, did you not read it?

Just mirroring your logic back at you.

I also said Ye is off his meds and that's his choice. Did you not read it?

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