King Merk

Psychonauts Unite

1 post in this topic

Raves are the counter cultures way of saying fuck you to the war on drugs.

At these festivals using psychedelics is as commonplace as a bottle of beer at a bar.

Nobody bats an eye at psychedelic use and it’s even encouraged by many artists.

The exploration of one’s consciousness should be a basic human right and we ravers said we’re not waiting for the legalization of psychedelics to do so.

We’ve created our own “sacred space” where one can take psychedelics without the worry of legal repercussion.

This stage green advent is one of the most beautiful things I’ve experienced in my life & im so blessed to be apart of this community of bass lovers.

Clip from LSDream set this year at Lost Lands.

Any other ravers on this forum? ;) 


Edited by King Merk

The game of survival cannot be won. 

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