By The Mystical Man
in High Consciousness Resources,
A poem from Adyashanti's first book:
You Are… beyond the body, mind and personality beyond all experience and the experiencer thereof— beyond the world and its perceiver beyond existence and its absence beyond all assertions and denials.
Be still and awaken to the realization of who you Are.
In this realization of no separate self the Supreme Reality which you Are shines unobscured in all things, as all things, and beyond all things.
Having returned to the formless Source and transcended all separateness do not stop or cling even to this Source but go beyond to the Supreme Realization which transcends all dualities yet does not deny even a speck of dust.
The enlightened sage abides as the eternal witness wholly unconcerned, yet intimately engaged.
Resting beyond all definitions he neither clings to transcendent freedom nor is he entangled by the dualistic world; therefore, he is at one with all of life.
Living in the perfect trust of Supreme Realization he has nothing to gain or lose and naturally manifests love, wisdom and compassion— without any personal sense of being the doer of deeds.
Having abandoned all concepts and ideas the enlightened sage lives as ever-present consciousness manifested and manifesting in the world of time and space That which is eternal, ever new, and whole.
In this unobscured realization Supreme Reality shines consciously in all things, as all things, and beyond all things.
Shining unobscured, it penetrates the entire universe.
Penetrating the entire universe it knows itself as Self.