Illusory Self

How do I execute frame control around women?

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It seems so challenging just gone on a 2nd date with a woman but I could not get over her LMR and she says stuff about doing things like going to the cinema etc.. 

I don't know how to properly communicate to her that is not what I want to do but still keep her around. 

I think in her mind she wants to get a boyfriend but in my mind I want to have fun without any commitment

It's a matter if getting her to buy into my frame, seems challenging

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So you basically trying to manipulate, putting her on a pedestal and trying to not lose her ?

This frame thing is such a bs you are either that guy or not...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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You have to kind of believe that she’d be crazy not to want to do exactly what you want.

Moreover… Quickest way to get the correct vibe is perhaps to take this song to heart… ? 


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think I am just gunna turn into a sociopath, at least they don't have any emotions :D.


It's just shit, girls dump me all the time and don't care about me but then I feel bad for leading a girl on. 

There survival strategy is to settle down and mine is getting laid. 

I am more interested in a long term solution for this because I am going hard into pickup/socialization. 

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1 hour ago, Illusory Self said:

think I am just gunna turn into a sociopath, at least they don't have any emotions :D.

They don’t have scruples. They have emotions. But hugely decreased capacity for some, especially compassion and shame.

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