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What does it mean when a spirit knocks your door?

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This week has been paranormal for me. 

The other day still has me curious. It was around 12 at night and as I was about to prepare my self to sleep, then I hear 2 knocks on my bedroom door. Every body was sleeping long by that time. I did not open the door just in case. 

Yesterday too, as I was in my grandmother's kitchen were she was doing dinner. The glass were the food was placed in the oven, broke by itself in front of us. 

And the other day as I was trying to make my self sleep, I felt energy raining over me. Also, like someone was pulling out negative beliefs from my psyche. 

Can someone explain the meaning of these events? 

Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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Yesterday, as I was in the kitchen, home alone, I heard 2 knocks again on the door next to were I was. 

This is the sign that calls my attention the most and its kinda getting spooky. I would appreaciate if anyone has idea what the heck the Spirit wants, to chat, have fun (bored), warn me, tell me something special or just annoy (maybe witchcraft spell by somebody?). Let me know what should I do with it. Try to contact it or get it out? (assuming its negative). 

Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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Try to think of anything that changed in the last week, or a little bit more. Depending on your situation it can be everything you listed and more... a warning, spirit just messing with you, or something else.

Anyone you know sick, in the hospital, or recently died? I seem to have these sorts of experiences more as a warning sign that someone is in danger or about to die, rather than someone's ghost visiting me after the fact.

You or anyone in your house mess around with occult stuff or trying any sort of new religious / spiritual stuff recently?

Personally I tend to avoid putting up Halloween decorations, because I kinda feel like it's an invitation and attracts weird energies to you.

Of course consider all the logical and rational explanations too... sometimes houses just creak and make noises. Especially this time of year it's getting cooler so floorboards and walls, doorframes etc might be shrinking or shifting from the temperature difference a bit. If you have a pet, consider that. My cats are constantly running around, jumping off counters and stuff in the night. To the point that if I had a ghost it'd be hard to tell xD

I would avoid trying to communicate or interact with whatever it is by yourself. Don't talk to them, don't knock back, don't open any line of communication. Most experiences from people that I've heard where they do that, it tends to escalate things. Or you get into communication with something deceptive trying to pretend to be something that it's not.

Let it go for now, try not to give it too much attention or fear, and hope it goes away on its own. Maybe pray or do whatever feels like it would be protective for your given belief system. 

If things start to escalate then I'd bring in some kind of professional like a priest or a shaman to bless your house and try to get rid of it. I would avoid trying to deal with it yourself. It's like suspecting that you have a murderer hiding in your house and choosing to go confront them yourself, instead of calling the cops who have the right training and tools to handle the situation much more safely.

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@Yarco They were 2 clear knocks. Yes, there has been lot going on in my life lately. To be clear, always. My life has been like a race. But, im confused in trying to know if its positive or negative. Since I also got healing in the past from another possible entity and im always seeing 33 everywhere. Maybe there are 2, a positive and a negative one. If negative, I suspect this one as a spell or maybe a demon that is attracted to me. Or if positive, is warning me. I also believe with the same degree as if it were negative one, that it just wanna warn me against something. Maybe someone or maybe even alot of things. If its positive, cant it find any other way of telling me the message? 

So yeah, I dont really fear it, like i accept the fact that he is real but Meh I cant even see you, why would I bother trying to figure you out when I have so much crap to deal with already lol. I will just forget and go to sleep. But still, its important to be aware of. Spirits have been visiting me for a while, its just now that they started to make themselves more obvious in my presence by sounds. I met Jesus in a weed trip lol, he is my non physical mentor. I got a priest just in case too.

Men I swear I dont really know what was I thinking when I decided to incarnate back here, probably got tricked. So much negativity, now even negative spirits hating on me lmao. 

Some questions,

Do you know if psychedelics can attract negative entities?

Can you have sex with spiritual entities? Spirits, demons, gods, aliens in dreams, astral beings? 

What is that attract spirits to certain people? Negative ones specially. Aside from they seeing you in the spiritual path meditating. The spiritual cops. 

Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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you can do visualizations to protect your energies or see a shaman / psychic to ask why you have spirits coming to you.

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19 hours ago, Kalki Avatar said:

Do you know if psychedelics can attract negative entities?

I don't know how common or uncommon it is, but I'd say it's a possibility. You're putting yourself into an altered state of consciousness, it's possible that it opens you up to something, similar to channeling. I've heard people say machine elves are demons before... I don't know if that's some of them, all of them, or what percentage.

19 hours ago, Kalki Avatar said:

Can you have sex with spiritual entities? Spirits, demons, gods, aliens in dreams, astral beings? 

I think succubi are real and that I've been visited by them in dreams at least 3 times. All of my succubus encounters have been the most vivid and realistic dreams I've ever had, and also felt like the best sex I've ever had by far. Also the only times I've had wet dreams. I didn't seek it out though, it just happened to me. I don't know how you'd go about propositioning a supernatural entity for sex lol.

19 hours ago, Kalki Avatar said:

What is that attract spirits to certain people? Negative ones specially. Aside from they seeing you in the spiritual path meditating. The spiritual cops. 

Lots of possible vectors for them to enter your life or be attracted to you. If your ancestors did any kind of spirit work or made any kind of deals with spirits, even your great great grandparent, it might still be tied to your bloodline. If someone cursed you or specifically sent something after you. 

Depending on the belief system you'll get different answers. I heard one Catholic exorcist say that demons can smell your sin and they're attracted to the scent of evil. Also that sins are similar to how cuts on your skin provide an entry point for bacteria/viruses. If you've got a few little cuts, they probably aren't going to get infected. But the more cuts (sins) you have and the bigger they are, the bigger the risk that something will be able to contaminate you.

There's quite a few podcast-type interviews with exorcists on Youtube that I'd recommend checking out... Vincent Lampert, Chad Ripperger, and a few others. Check out some videos by Islamic scholars on Djinn and Shaitans for an alternative viewpoint as well.

Or this is all BS and your granny was just playing a prank on you, who knows xD

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