
What I am as an infinite game

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I create everything, That's my game, This room is fresh out of my mind I can see the synthesis of every possible activity or relationship to the world and I can interact with it in an infinite amount of ways because it is mySelf, that's why I have direct access to it, When I see something I strike to the heart of what it is MIND STUFF!!! If I wanted to imagine its manifestation as something else in form as a slightly different version of this reality, You might imagine if I could go back in time and kill Hitler for example, I could, I mean if I wanted to and willed it, Id have to prime myself to go there but I could imagine it and it would be fully immersive and it would be the real Hitler and you would have never heard of Hitler and it would effect every experience cause I could imagine it so deeply, This is what I perceive reality shifting to be because I am not just a  human body, I can inhabit any sort of dream world or finite consciousness vehicle I want cause I'm every world crammed into one.. I am imminently animating the entire empty structure, Like a coiling spaghettification of nothingness twisting itself and changing itself in every possible way. the only purpose of life is to experience everything because it is just blindingly obvious that this is just an iteration of what is implicated in the ramifications of EVERYTHING. What I am is everything so just being myself the infinite worlds spontaneously appear and I can seamlessly go or do anything I want anytime because I am omnipresent in all worlds and all facets of here. I am occupying all domains like I am hijacking the universe, only to discover there is nothing here because I have already viscously experienced myself an infinite amount of times, Like a lump of coal being burnt up by rocket fuel then the rocket fuel being burnt up by the fusion of the sun and then by the entropy of a black hole, I am everything imaginable, You cannot imagine me that's how infinite I am, cause I am gestalt af experiencing everything and leaving more room for infinite growth and more experience of myself, I've already been every creature and experience, That's what I am. At least that's what I am in todays linguistic symbolic conversation I really am the substance of the words your reading, That's what you are perceiving as me if you are being honest, Feel my spirit in these words cause you are reading me for gods sake I'm nothing other than these words to you, Honestly, I know it to be true right now

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All of that is true and all, but have you actually personally experienced any of these things like going back in time, shifted realities, or gone to discover these other realities, or are you just aware that is possible but have not actually done anything?

I am Physically Immortal

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@amanen Yes I can! It’s all possible through my imagination, I have worked on visualizing and I can hallucinate any reality I want for myself, That’s the kind of imagination I have been living my life for, Unlimited God imagination and vision 

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@amanen I prefer to spend my time resting in zero world though, That’s what the majority of my energy goes into, The content is the periphery my actual awareness is untouched by the materials and pieces of the world, Like the dream aspects and configurations making this dream and state of consciousness unique

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3 minutes ago, Egodeathrow said:

@amanen Yes I can! It’s all possible through my imagination, I have worked on visualizing and I can hallucinate any reality I want for myself, That’s the kind of imagination I have been living my life for, Unlimited God imagination and vision 

Sounds amazing. Do the hallucinations become the actual 'reality' or are they just visual images in your mind? What kind of realities have you hallucinated?

I am Physically Immortal

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@amanen well like I said this is gestalt and meta in nature so, I guess you can say each dream is an absolute unto itself but I can always dream more or something else. It’s so twisted though because the body I am in has all sorts of attachements even the weirnickes area taking to you right now is formulating things a particular way according to my thoughts in this dream and how I present myself spontaneously to perfectly fit the aspects of the dream, Even if there are so called failures or contradictions in the dream that’s what makes the dream true cause that’s it’s character, Even if I have a dream of getting proven wrong that’s the truth, So it becomes truth by virtue it is a perfectly functioning dream and if it’s a dream of anguish it is dreaming that dream perfectly. As far as how I use this in my daily human life, I can add some simple subtle enhancements to this dream and that’s what I find myself doing in this avatar most of the time but my God self is clearly imagining something higher and more immense than me trying to customize my visual field, My entire body is a hallucination, Usually I think of my body as the modulator of this dream but like it’s nested dreams so that’s not the highest dreamer it’s still a false awakening, The question is what is the end of the realities and when will you burn through all of them, Can you? Or is the endlessness just openended? The potential for dreams is absolutely infinite so I could toy with the relativity of these dreams and it’s like an experiment. Experiment by seeing how many configurations you can see your hand as, Actually try to imagine it as something else and your mind will come up with some pretty fruitful configurations such as perhaps a horses hoof, A plastic Lego arm, a chainsaw, A peg or a mailbox or baseball bat, The more you do that the more knots you will break away that are keeping your reality in this particular configuration and content structure

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Also notice when your hand full circles back to a hand because you will have moments when you feel like you snap back to something that feels more fundament like a physical hand but really that is a hallucination, and one you aren’t even conscious of, The other ones you were conscious of

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Very interesting, what kind of enhancements are you doing to your reality?

I very much agree that the body is a modulator of experience, a very good description.

I am Physically Immortal

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It is up to you to discover whether those snapping back to reality moments are really a fundamental thing or not, They could NOT be, Possibly just like a false awakening in a night time dream,you gotta keep waiting to see all the things what you are looking at or perceiving can be, Cause your mind will keep showing you things and you just gotta run with it until you exhaust them all and you are left with what is really there which is… Well, You’ll find out 

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@amanen I don’t know it really depends, I’m not really controlling any particular details right now, Except the fact I am imagining myself in a bathtub in a room in a body. It’s good unto itself Id say right now,but if I was especially bored I would definitely be aiming to enhance this with some pretty etheric environments and otherworldly metaphysical nature visuals like trees and grasses from other planets parallel to this nature, Or imagining myself to be an animal surviving, Thats one that is like a recurring dream for me lol 

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Just now, Egodeathrow said:

@amanen I don’t know it really depends, I’m not really controlling any particular details right now, Except the fact I am imagining myself in a bathtub in a room in a body. It’s good unto itself Id say right now,but if I was especially bored I would definitely be aiming to enhance this with some pretty etheric environments and otherworldly metaphysical nature visuals like trees and grasses from other planets parallel to this nature, Or imagining myself to be an animal surviving, Thats one that is like a recurring dream for me lol 

I see, sounds very nice.

Also, I just had an experience where I disconnected from the body and became spacious bliss and felt a body high / euphoria not in my body but in the space that I am, and I had a realization that I am God. I don't know if your posts helped to trigger this sudden experience, but if it did, thank you :)

I am Physically Immortal

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I am watching them as I am shown them right now, I get more interesting stuff if I let go and let infinite intelligence reorient my reality however it needs to in the perfect formulation, Or I will be imminently wise. For some people grounding will be more important than any of this extra customization stuff, You should accept whatever comes up if you create it and lean into it and take it to its ultimate conclusion

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@amanen I am very glad friend that sounds like a very good realization, Get familiar with experimenting with that disembodied state. You can turn it into anything you want, It will be hard to bend according to your will at first but it can be done directly depending on how relaxed you are, If you relax deeper you will be more in control, I find I usually have to be on the brink of sleep paralysis to seriously warp my reality because the body just interferes so much to keep these possibility’s away cause it doesn’t like change it’s surviving, It wants to stay oriented the way it’s been

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4 minutes ago, Egodeathrow said:

I am watching them as I am shown them right now, I get more interesting stuff if I let go and let infinite intelligence reorient my reality however it needs to in the perfect formulation, Or I will be imminently wise. For some people grounding will be more important than any of this extra customization stuff, You should accept whatever comes up if you create it and lean into it and take it to its ultimate conclusion

Yeah I agree, letting infinite intelligence do what it does is the best way.


1 minute ago, Egodeathrow said:

@amanen I am very glad friend that sounds like a very good realization, Get familiar with experimenting with that disembodied state. You can turn it into anything you want, It will be hard to bend according to your will at first but it can be done directly depending on how relaxed you are, If you relax deeper you will be more in control, I find I usually have to be on the brink of sleep paralysis to seriously warp my reality because the body just interferes so much to keep these possibility’s away cause it doesn’t like change it’s surviving, It wants to stay oriented the way it’s been

Yeah I agree, it's a state of very deep relaxation, that is what happened to me. If I can get into this state again I will see how the control goes, thanks for your tips.

I am Physically Immortal

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Yes, you can even turn yourself into a cat, not just mentally but also "physically", as you're creating yourself as a human now, and you can even forget that you've ever been a human, and you can remember yourself as that which has always been a cat, like what you don't with your humanness now. 

You can become universes where there are triangular squares and universes where a is not equal to a. You can become any possible and "impossible" universes. However, as you talked about it, your God Self is the you that holds the greatest possible wisdom. 

You can understand that depth and wisdom of infinity, that you are limitless and infinite, and you can bring that understanding, that wisdom, to this very spacetime experience that you are experiencing. You have created, as your God Self, this spacetime experience of continuum. 

We, from our perspective of our humanized minds, might feel like we need to get out of this universe. And, I think, the key, really, is to understand that all is possible, and then become that understanding, the "meaning" of that understanding, in this spacetime continuum. 

I mean, you don't need to stop your experience of continuity as a human and become the experience of continuity as a cat, by changing the past, your memories, your "self", etc. Understand that that's all possible, for, experientially, there is only here and now that is nothingness, that, in a sense, is absolute awareness, and be that "meaning" here and now. 

And yes, don't try to define and create the details etc, because our human minds, usually, don't have a clue about what it actually wants and needs in the form of specificities. And, I think, it is the God Self that knows and, in a sense, "is", all those specificities, and so, the most important thing is to surrender. 

What I mean by surrendering is surrendering into that brilliance and, in a sense, "awesomeness" that the state of being of your idea of the God Self represents to you. Relaxing and "getting lost", in a sense, in that feeling of freedom and goodness and empowerment that "It" represents to you. 


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On 15-10-2022 at 2:24 AM, Egodeathrow said:

@amanen .. my God self is clearly imagining something higher and more immense than me trying to customize my visual field, My entire body is a hallucination, Usually I think of my body as the modulator of this dream but like it’s nested dreams so that’s not the highest dreamer it’s still a false awakening, ..

This makes me think of that's why perhaps the analogy that non duality teachers give with when you have a dream and wake up, the dream is gone, therefore it was not real, but often people then ask to one of these awakened teachers, 'how come when you awaken, or physically die, we are still here and the world is still here?'  I suppose because there is a higher aspect of God that is continuing this dream as we see it, even when an individual physically dies or they become awakened, the world is still here.  The end script of the entire movie hasn't played out yet, I assume. 

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