
Should I also approach girls I don't really like?

8 posts in this topic

  'Should I also approach girls I don't really like?' --- That's my question, sorry that it sounds kind of low quality but let me explain the situation. After I did my first 2 hour & 30 minutes session during the day (it was around the university), I decided to do 1 hour cold approach session, 5x a week during the week, around the university (basically, after lectures, I go for 1 hour and approach girls). Basically, I am able to approach 5-7 girls in this type of session. Some of them don't want to talk, some of them want to talk, some of them are not interested, some of them are. With some of them conversation is 2 minutes long, with some of them I talked for 10-20 minutes. Thing is that since I want to do at least 5 approaches, I had to approach girls which I did not really like (by 'don't like' I mean, I did not want to date them, ask them for their Instagram and invite them on a date, therefore I did not ask for their contact information even though I had the opportunity) therefore, the question arose: Should I only approach girls I like?

   If that's the case (if I only approach girls I am attracted to) I don't think I am going to get frequency and volume right because Leo said in his dating series to approach 20 women per week. For example, this week I probably approached 20-25 women around university (they were university students like me as well), I probably only liked 2-3 of them (I got one's Instagram and asked her out on a date today but she told me that she is not single, so that did not work out. Truth be told, who cares? Leo is super right when he says to not get attached to any one girl). Since I only liked 2-3 out of 20-25 I approached, another question which arose: What does Leo mean by approach '20 women', are only women which count in this 20, the girls I actually would ask for their Instagram and invite them on a date? (again, I know I am repeating myself but to make the point clear) I am asking that because I approached girls which I could have asked for contact info and invite on a date but I did not because I did not feel attracted to them and did not want to do it. So, what should I do? 

  P.S. I have another question about dating but I am going to write that question in separate post because I feel like I already wrote too much in this one. If that is not permitted by forum's guidelines, I will remove it of course.   




Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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You should open all to increase social momentum, including girls you don’t like and guys, but you don’t have to try and ask them out, just have a conversation.

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Are you just doing this on the street around uni?

Mate you’re going about uni life all wrong. Start going out at night and going to parties. That’s how you meet girls while you’re at uni

Or maybe strike up chat with girls you happen to be around for your classes

Doing spammy cold approach around uni is a bad idea because you’ll build up a reputation

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It can open up your game because you learn not always having to game and chase and judge just on appearence. It gets your social juices going.



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@Rasheed yes approach all women who are relatively good looking, this will give you experience, because there is no fucking way you are gonna learn game by approaching 2 girls a week. also try to do pick up at the mall, bars and clubs not only college campuse.

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Unless you have to

Edited by The0Self

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19 hours ago, something_else said:

Doing spammy cold approach around uni is a bad idea because you’ll build up a reputation

Yeah, I thought about that as well...

Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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