
Self-administered EMDR

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Anybody here do EMDR from home?

I've been attempting to sit down and do like one hour per day and write down just about everything that I recall & focus on. Wearing Bose 35 noise canceling headset and using a laptop. I've noticed a few moments where things that I forgot came to the surface. As if I was in like a hypnotic trance where the mind was open to recovering certain memories. Still takes a longg longg long ass time watching these videos to actually start to work for me. I've downloaded emdr apps on my phone plus watched dozens of these videos on youtube. Probably have done over 10 cumulative hours and not much has come up. 

I attempted at doing for a little while. I don't really see the whole point in paying for it when there's free videos online. Possibly with someone who is certified but the website was completely self-administered.

Wasn't sure if there was anyone out there that has actually been to a certified EMDR therapist or Brain spotting and processed some serious trauma with this particular experiencal method. 

Edited by Ethan1

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Hey dude, I've done EMDR before with a certified EMDR therapist. I didn't find it worked towards my goals. However, to my understanding, its more effective at dealing with traumas surrounding a certain event, rather than clearing up trauma surrounding many smaller events. I was looking for help with the latter, so it may have been that the technique wasn't the right fit for my goals.

My personal belief is that going with an EMDR therapist is likely to bring a greater chance of success than doing it on your. I think, as I believe is generally so, by finding a mentor we can avoid common pitfalls and traps. However, I don't intend to dissuade you from not doing any EMDR on your own.

Also, the following book came to mind: Francine Shapiro, Getting Past Your Past: Take Control of Your Life with Self-Help Techniques from EMDR Therapy. I haven't explored it in-depth myself but I thought it may be of value.


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@Ulax You've got a good point with smaller repetitive traumas vs larger single events. I guess that brings up how affective EMDR is with C-PTSD. Microaggressions and subtle putdowns back-to-back for decades.

I'm sure being with an EMDR therapist they're more direct towards keeping the client focused on certain thoughts. Whereas alone it's easy to get distracted by one's own thoughts or other random distractions. 

I'm currently rereading the C-PTD From Surviving to Thriving book by Pete Walker. Listened to it on audible multiple times so I figured I'd get the book. He does mention left brain dissociation with overthinking, so I figured with something more experiential to activating the emotions and right side. Grieving while listening to emotional music sure has truly helped a ton with processing this. 

I'll have to look into that book. Haven't heard of it. Oh Speak of left-brain dissociation, Ben Shapiro should check into Francine Shapiro if they're not related.

Edited by Ethan1

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Getting an EMDR therapist that actually knows what the fuck they're doing is overpowered.  I've experienced it plenty. One session takes a thousand pounds off your shoulders. 


It makes SELF-EMDR look like penuts. 

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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