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How To Drop A Fetish?

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I feel like I understand why I have it, because of reasons when I was a kid but, I feel like it is just kind of getting in the way. My eyes kind of just kind of fixate on that certain body part sometimes and I have to stop myself. I feel like a freaking weirdo, especially when I'm talking with someone or hanging out with them. I also masturbate over it, so I don't think that helps. But I think I'd rather not have it honestly. 

Any advice?

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Don't try to push it away, try to accept it. If you find your behavior negative to the extent that it is hurting you, try to keep it in the realm of thought. It might take practice and make you a little void at first but tackling such problems can really improve your body/mind control in the long run.

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@JustASimpleBuggler Follow your feelings and rational mind and you will come to the right conclusion. Obsession can fade away with time so if it's really problematic, give it time. Just be mindful in your thoughts and actions. :) 

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