Thought Art

How much money do I need before I start pick up

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How much money would you recommend someone have before they start pickup?

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Depends on how often you want to be going out with girls? I wouldn't spend more than between $15-40 on a first date including travel costs. Typically though you want to be creative and find stuff you can do for free so if they don't want to see you again it doesn't hurt your wallet. At least 75% of the girls you meet won't want to see you for a 2nd date, so be prepared for that.

I was spending around $150-300 a month last year in the summer when I was hardcore dating. Meeting 2-6 girls per month. It adds up quick so make sure you have some expendable income.

Edited by Roy


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Think I’m just gonna do it once I recover from covid

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Depends on what you want out of pickup. 

If you just want to get laid, you don't need anything. Just game. If you want a relationship, though, you need a plan for how you're going to make the money-dynamic between the two of you work. You need to know the kind of woman that's compatible with you and you need to know her role in your success, what you want it to be. That's how you vet out the gold-diggers. 

HTH!! :) 

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Literally like $200 or so of extra cash… but a steady income. Yeah so like almost nothing.

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 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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I wouldn’t wait to gain experience. Coffee dates aren’t expensive. 

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Having a steady income makes you more suitable in the eyes of the girl. I think that matters more than how much you actually have on your bank account at the time of the date. It shows that you are responsible and reliable and can take care of her and her baby if needed in the future. 

If your dates seems to keen to know how much you actually got, take that as a red flag. 

That being said, spending some money on nice clothes, perfume and clean shoes is fairly important. Not expensive, just clean and fashionable to a degree. 

Edited by Michael569

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@Michael569 Sweet, I’ve got a decent paying job and some new clothes and my own spot. 

I wasn’t sure if I should wait till I meet my financial goals or just get out there. 

I think the answer is not waiting. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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At least 1 million dollars :P 

Just depends where your life is at bro imo.

If you have a stable career or whatever and a place, what are you waiting for? 

Edited by PenguinPablo

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On 10/11/2022 at 0:43 PM, Thought Art said:

@Michael569 Sweet, I’ve got a decent paying job and some new clothes and my own spot. 

I wasn’t sure if I should wait till I meet my financial goals or just get out there. 

I think the answer is not waiting. 

Yeah the answer is definitely not waiting. Thinking you need money is a vast misunderstanding of the core principals of game. It can’t really be taught (actually it can, but you won’t know who’s full of shit or not, as a beginner), you just have to go out and see. Sometimes girls ask me if I make a lot of money, and when I tell them “not really, nope,” it literally has never once caused the interaction to even slightly slow down, and if anything, the unfazed confidence with which I say “nope”… literally moves things forward. What you say doesn’t matter. How much money you make doesn’t matter. However, how you look (and how tall you are, and how you dress) does matter, but mainly just for the first few minutes, and not nearly as much as how you carry yourself. Anything flashy about you that distracts from your true self is actually a hindrance to getting laid — this includes having a lot of wealth.

If you have more than $200 of extra cash, you are more than ready for game.

Edited by The0Self

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@The0Self That is what I wanted to say but I didn't know how to put it in words. Girls want fun, carefreeness and passion from a guy. That is why they even date broke guys.

But the thing is that you really have to be a fun guy to overcompensate for not having money to take her out for dinner dates and such. After a certain time it does get expensive.

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I was essentially homeless, living out of the camper van in the back of my truck (picture below) and still pulling women.

I’d take them on “free” dates like walking around downtown or hammocking in the park and they’d crawl into the back of my truck for some fun by the end of the date. 

Defintely don’t fall into the trap of using your financial situation as an excuse to not go out and meet women. 



Edited by King Merk

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literally none

you can get women to buy you shit if you know how

my ex gf bought me a Patagonia fleece and other shit with her fiancés credit card the other weekend. no lie 

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23 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

On what do you need to spent tho?

Sushi, wine, weed, hotel suite at the beach, nice ride...

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