vindicated erudite

Post cute date ideas ITT?

35 posts in this topic

A few of my ideas include:

  • A picnic hike. Since I'm lazy would probably buy some fast food and go for a walk.
  • Renting a telescope and stargazing.
  • A light gym session. 
  • Kayaking at the beach. 
  • Inviting them over to my place for a home cooked meal.
  • Attending a ceramics and pottery workshop.

The reason why I like these date ideas is because you're forced to put in effort in order to connect with the other person, you can centre these dates around your interests which allows you connect deeper and the pressure is significantly reduced on both of you since you don't have to dress up all fancy.

Do you guys have any ideas of your own?

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To post an idea first i need to know whats the point of the date in the first place?

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2 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

To post an idea first i need to know whats the point of the date in the first place?

It's up to you to decide the context the date idea just as long as it's romantic it should fit the theme of this thread. 

Edited by vindicated erudite

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@vindicated erudite i was curious to see whats your reason...?

My reason is to show her why i would take her somewhere to show the different sides of me basically like you said its centered around me and its about giving the experience with me...

So basically deeper issue is not knowing yourself enough on that level to do that which i dont know myself enough to do that ??

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1 minute ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@vindicated erudite i was curious to see whats your reason...?

My reason is to show her why i would take her somewhere to show the different sides of me basically like you said its centered around me and its about giving the experience with me...

So basically deeper issue is not knowing yourself enough on that level to do that which i dont know myself enough to do that ??

My reason is kinda vague tbh, I just wanna generate new ideas because I am really bad at connecting with women. Also, If somebody likes one of my date ideas they can use it and if I like a date idea someone posts I can build on it.

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@vindicated erudite thats the thing connecting with yourself is key i used to think dates will be the reason to connect but its not doesnt matter what date you have its you thats the attraction of date so you basically hiding behind ideas...


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Split a bottle of wine or champagne at your place (or hers if that's the only option). Or, if you don't drink, watching something funny on Netflix or YouTube.


Grab a drink -- margaritas, craft beers, coffee, tea, or wine

Walk in the park (idk about this one for rotation girls, but for gf it's great as is anything else you just like doing) perhaps with a dog too

For women you have already slept with only: nice dinner

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Is this a first date or a few dates in? You never want to suggest going to either persons place on the first date, it's too forward and plants the idea that you just want to have sex ASAP and don't really care about getting to know them. It's a good way to instantly destroy your chances with a woman.

It only works if it's obvious to both of you it's just a hookup.


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32 minutes ago, Roy said:

Is this a first date or a few dates in? You never want to suggest going to either persons place on the first date, it's too forward and plants the idea that you just want to have sex ASAP and don't really care about getting to know them. It's a good way to instantly destroy your chances with a woman.

It only works if it's obvious to both of you it's just a hookup.

If you're the expert then alright then, but it is certainly possible to set up dates straight to the house. Moreover, in situations where the girl is not down for that, then, assuming you answer her inevitable objections effectively (crucial), there is at least a 50% chance she wasn't down for first date sex anyway, regardless of the type of date (:o... ikr!!), so it's a good screen if you're building a rotation or harem. If you're looking for a relationship then yeah you are correct there are better ways. But you can always go from player frame to boyfriend frame -- the reverse is MUCH harder.

You will always get objections to it btw. The correct response is: "don't worry I'm really laid back. bring pepper spray if you're that worried lmao"

And if she says she's not that kind of girl or you just want sex, make it absolutely clear that you have no sexual expectations -- you will be absolutely AMAZED at what that does for you... and her, for that matter. It takes the pressure off her tremendously. And you have to actually have no sexual expectations, it's just that it'll probably happen as long as you move things forward. If you want to be even more up front just say "I like to let things unfold naturally" so it's still at least on the table.

Edited by The0Self

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9 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@Roy @The0Self You manipulation masters ?

It's not manipulation, is empathetically connecting with them on a level that they know many guys don't understand. Sex needs to "just happen" for it to be a good experience for the girl. Make it clear that you have no sexual expectations.

Her: So like if I went home with you and decided I didn't want to sleep with you, you're seriously telling me that would be totally fine?

Me: Yes that's what I'm telling you.

Her: (gets wet)


But if you do that, you should make sure the sex does not come out of left field... A good way to prevent that from occurring is to make sure to keep things very sexual and physical so it's clear what can happen. Even saying "I like to just let things unfold naturally" is a good move.

Edited by The0Self

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@The0Self my bad i read it wrong, what you said is excatly what ive been thinking, what should be because guy with game doesnt go for sex or go for dates to have sex its either obvious or its not even the case...

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6 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@The0Self my bad i read it wrong, what you said is excatly what ive been thinking, what should be because guy with game doesnt go for sex or go for dates to have sex its either obvious or its not even the case...

Yeah the vibe that gets you laid is basically having the mindset that you can't even imagine she wouldn't want to have sex with you. So any objections along the way, token or otherwise, are met with your disinterest, and escalation and her compliance is met with your affection. And if a hard no ever arises for some reason, that's no big deal, just move on to the next girl (or back off and vibe more and try again later). High quality girls fairly often don't have sex on the first date. If it still doesn't happen on the second, that's fine too if the girl is on fire, but generally first date sex is going to happen if your game is tight. If after the third date it still doesn't happen, I would reassess whether you want to keep seeing her -- you should put VERY low investment in her until sex, at least partially because she will be the same way.

Edited by The0Self

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@The0Self Its the sweetest when you dont need sex so she needs to prove to you if shes worthy of the d...since game is all about positioning you position yourself that she must  have sex because if she doesnt she will lose you and she will be crazy to do that because you are one of a kind but im not there but its gonna happen ;)

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6 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@The0Self Its the sweetest when you dont need sex so she needs to prove to you if shes worthy of the d...since game is all about positioning you position yourself that she must  have sex because if she doesnt she will lose you and she will be crazy to do that because you are one of a kind but im not there but its gonna happen ;)

I've only been "here" for a couple weeks myself xD -- just getting started. Been doing game half assed for a while but just started really kicking things up a notch and pushing my comfort zone 2 months ago. I got way better results when I started listening to John Anthony and stopped listening to Todd V. So much simpler. No more needing to get "in state" either. Todd's not bad; just telling you what happened to me.

Edited by The0Self

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@The0Self Good job! shame that people only know about game through pick up its so much more deeper and beautiful and point is not even women ?

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@vindicated erudite

10 hours ago, vindicated erudite said:

A few of my ideas include:

  • A picnic hike. Since I'm lazy would probably buy some fast food and go for a walk.
  • Renting a telescope and stargazing.
  • A light gym session. 
  • Kayaking at the beach. 
  • Inviting them over to my place for a home cooked meal.
  • Attending a ceramics and pottery workshop.

The reason why I like these date ideas is because you're forced to put in effort in order to connect with the other person, you can centre these dates around your interests which allows you connect deeper and the pressure is significantly reduced on both of you since you don't have to dress up all fancy.

Do you guys have any ideas of your own?


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10 hours ago, vindicated erudite said:

Inviting them over to my place for a home cooked meal.

This one can be powerful. Women like when men know how to cook and especially when they like it (shows you would be a good father and caretaker) 

Few conditions: 

  • it is preferable you no longer live with your parents
  • make sure the place is vacant for whole night if you have roomies 
  • you got to clean up your entire house/flat
  • you actually need to know how to cook 
  • it should not look like a direct sex invitation - actually the sole goal should be bonding and getting to know each other. If more happens, great but don't push it. 

I'd say ideally you want her to be around while you are about halfway through the cooking to give you guys enough interaction, light chat that does not require constant eye contact and kinda just causal fooling around, throwing food ingredients at each other etc . She may even volunteer to help which is already a initial bonding experience.  

Edited by Michael569

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