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Should the Democratic Party have a more socially moderate platform?

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After the late 1960s, the conservative faction of the Democratic Party became more and more of a political minority, while the conservative faction of the Republican Party continuously grew until it became the mainstay of the GOP. There are now only a few conservative Democrats remaining in the US. 

I know that I have previously bashed conservative Democrats for acting a lot like Republicans, but I am now thinking that perhaps the Democratic Party needs to increase its conservative wing a lot in order to become a lot more electable.

So, what if the Democratic Party did this by having a more socially moderate platform? 

For instance, and I know this may sound morally wrong, but why don't a lot more Democratic politicians tone down their rhetoric on racial equality and social justice reform in order to win a lot more conservative white voters?

Or how about having a lot more Democratic politicians pretend that they are for other cultural conservative positions such as states rights, pro-life, pro-gun ownership, tougher on crime, greater restrictions on illegal immigrations, for capital punishment, harsh on crime, for smaller government, etc.?

I am not saying that Democratic Party should become a mostly right-wing party. I am saying that it should still be primarily a left-wing party with a much more influential conservative faction like how it was before the 70s. 

Edited by Hardkill

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