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Hi guys, i've started to introduce myself to Leo's thought (not just to improve myself) and i've seen 6 videos ( the ultimate structure of reality explained; state of consciousness is everything; what Is consciousness, all questions answered; how openmindedness works and correcting the stigma of psychedelics part 1 and 2). Is it enough for having a pretty general and introductory vision?

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I just want to see if i wanna go further in his teachings, just to introduce myself, as i've said.

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3 hours ago, Marioxs34 said:

Hi guys, i've started to introduce myself to Leo's thought (not just to improve myself) and i've seen 6 videos ( the ultimate structure of reality explained; state of consciousness is everything; what Is consciousness, all questions answered; how openmindedness works and correcting the stigma of psychedelics part 1 and 2). Is it enough for having a pretty general and introductory vision?

Hello, and welcome. I would recommend starting off by focusing on epistemology, as this will give you a solid foundation for discerning Truth on your own (and not just having to take Leo's or anyone else's word for it).

'How Paradigms Work', 'Structure vs Content', 'Systems Thinking', and 'How Ideology Works' are great videos for learning some of the basics of epistemological concepts, but I would also encourage you to read and look into epistemology outside of as well.

Speaking from direct experience, I started getting more value out of Leo's videos the more I read and studied on my own (and there's plenty of areas of healthy disagreement as well, which is to be encouraged).

I've found that Ken Wilber is a great resource for leaning epistemology, as his work will teach you valuable tools such as 'the pre-trans fallacy', 'the map is not the territory', and so on. Which may not be very meaningful to you now, but will be proven invaluable for cultivating construct awareness later on.

Picking up an introductory book to phenomonology (the branch of philosophy that deals with direct experience) is a good way to learn epistemology, as is Thomas Kuhn's 'The Structure of Scientific Revolutions' for an intro to the epistomology of science.

Learning systems theory and dialectical forms of thinking are both highly encouraged as well, as they tie in to epistomology. Plenty of places on YouTube that can go over the basics of both.

Edited by DocWatts

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at :

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There's a page on the site called "Start Here" with a list of introductory / foundational videos to get you started in some kind of order:

6 hours isn't going to cut it for this kind of work. It'll take at least 100 to get the foundations down.

This is unlike any other type of self-education you've done before. It's a lot more work but the rewards are also a lot greater. But you can't really dabble in it and get much out.

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Start with whatever resonates for you. 

The most important lesson is not to believe anything he says, because you are creating an ideology out of it. 

Validate everything in your own experience. 

Check the video below for an important lesson: 


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Welcome dude. I'd recommend starting with what Yarco recommended

There is no failure, only feedback

One small step at a time. No one climbs a mountain in one go.

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Well, i don't want to dive so much i just want to get a taste of Leo's content so that i can judge if i want to continue or not. 100 hours is too much, honestly, and i think it's a good thing only if you want to start a serious self-development journey. I think i'll pick up whatever resonates with me

Edited by Marioxs34

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I need also another help: does Leo talk about an inexistence of a objective nethod to reach truth such as science except for objective measurements (still science)?

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5 hours ago, Marioxs34 said:

I need also another help: does Leo talk about an inexistence of a objective nethod to reach truth such as science except for objective measurements (still science)?

He has a video series deconstructing scientism, which is a metaphysical  belief that science can explain everything there is to be known about Reality. He puts emphasis on verifying things in one's own direct experience. Note that this isn't a rejection of objectivity, just assigning it its proper place as secondary and derived from our direct experience.

On a personal note, I wouldn't recommend consuming hundreds of hours worth of content from without also putting effort in to explore other viewpoints as well.

Using Leo's videos in such a tunnel visioned way will almost certainly lead to epistemic and spiritual bypassing, from not having the requisite foundation to critically engage with the ideas that are being presented.

Edited by DocWatts

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at :

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