
is it possible to be happy with nothing at all.

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I'm just wondering. I'm stuck in an extremely negatvie cycle at the moment. No job my business is failing no money I'm being kicked out of my house this week for being late on rent, unknown disease for past year. I havent ate anything at all for past couple days. 

I can admit that I am extremely lazy and entitled to just feeling like I dont have to work a regular 9-5. I take my art very serious and all my energy goes into that theres never a day where I dont do anything productive. I am starting a new job at the end of the month but even now I'm sitting in my room no food just water and I think about maslows Heirarchy of needs and how it says we need food water sex shelter to be base level happiness but can someone elaborate on that? what about those things make us happy and why? Because I dont understand why I cant just be happy without that stuff. I know Jesus fasted for 40 days to avoid temptation but was he just like miserable the whole time? I'm wondering why i keep having to consume things in order to be happy. I have straight waterfasted for 10 days total myself but even during that time I had money I wasnt buying anything or spending at all but It wasnt that hard to remain someone happy while just doing nothing but drinking water. 

The depression I feel right now is unreal and it just doesnt make sense to me because I feel like there is a way to transcend my basic survival needs. I do not understand why I am so programmed to only be happy so long as I have food or water or money. My insticts are telling me there is a way to be happy even in starving to death and I cant figure out what is preventing me from feeling that way. 

Sorry if this is dark and negative as fuck but its a genuine thought I continuously have. 

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1. What types of thoughts are you having what is your internal dialogue?

2. How are you envisioning your future?

Maybe you can feel fulfilled as you are. 

But, you can be happy. Your fine. Just do simply what’s needs to be done. 

And honestly, your not happy because your not living balanced in life. 

Questions you may ask yourself:

Why do you feel lazy?

Why do you feel entitled?

Why don’t to think you need to work a 9-5? How is that belief treating you? 

Why not just simply get your needs met so you can feel safe, fed, housed and comfortable instead of living in a delusional lazy entitlement that only leads to this bad feeling?

You can accept and surrender to reality. That’s what’s gonna make you feel better. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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3 minutes ago, Thought Art said:


1. What types of thoughts are you having what is your internal dialogue?

2. How are you envisioning your future?

Maybe you can feel fulfilled as you are. 

But, you can be happy. Your fine. Just do simply what’s needs to be done. 

And honestly, your not happy because your not living balanced in life. 

Questions you may ask yourself:

Why do you feel lazy?

Why do you feel entitled?

Why don’t to think you need to work a 9-5? How is that belief treating you? 

Why not just simply get your needs met so you can feel safe, fed, housed and comfortable instead of living in a delusional lazy entitlement that only leads to this bad feeling?

You can accept and surrender to reality. That’s what’s gonna make you feel better. 


I just think about how I didn't really ask to be here alot. My parents fucked at a party and I was born 9 months later they didnt even like each other Never stayed together. They didnt set me up with shit growing up really and I was physically abused alot growing up. I love them alot though and i forgave them for everything it just bugs me that they see me out here wanting to die alot and make me feel like I'm a burden when I didnt ask to even be here really. It aint their fault but they dont got it like me when shit got rough for them they got to go live with their parents and do whatever the fuck they wanted they always had a safety net and I dont have that with them really they're cool with me just living on the streets if it comes down to it. I hate to even say that either because I dont want to have any resentment towards them but I can feel it creeping up on me. 

Idk how i envision it really. For the longest time I was convinved I was meant to be a star baby! I got really close alot too I was on the road to being a big time music producer I had worked with alot of great rappers from like 2010-2015 but my ego got in the way and kinda killed my momentum. its hard to envision my life being anything more than like living on the streets at the moment to be completely honest. Its not always like that but it seems like anytime something is going my way and I can see a future formyself something happens in the real world that takes me back down. I just dont understand why I cant be happy unless the material world is showing me some type of result and that bothers me because I want to be the source of my happiness even if I'm like on the verge of dying. I dont want to be comfortable but the sad truth is I work best when I have all my vices and everything is line. The best art I've made is when I was fat, comfortable, not sex deprived, high and that kind of bugs me because I dont get why I need that stuff in order to be creative and make good stuff. or why I constantly need to like have coffee and weed and like food to be happy shit is really discouraging.

Its so funny that you are asking me to ask myself those questions. because thats usually what I tell other people to do and alot of times I try to ask myself why I feel certain ways about little things, but I guess my trauma with money and working is so deep that I try to avoid it at all costs. But thanks I appreciate it I'm going to really sit and think about it. 

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 it sounds like you need to be your OWN parent, and love and take care of yourself in this situation. You need to love yourself, be kind to yourself and get a job so you can feed, house and work on yourself. Stop looking for the external world or parents or whoever to love you for you. It feels great if you are lucky enough to have that. But you don’t NEED it to feel loved.  But for those of us who’s parents can give them everything we “ Need” we need to patent and love ourselves. 

The universe wants you to succeed at basic living. You got this.


Try laying on the floor with a 20 minute timer. During the timer nothing else exists but right now 

Feel your body and relax head to toe

Breath fully and let it go. Whatever is weighing heavy on you just let it go. Breath, and melt into the floor. 

Relax your face, neck and shoulders 

relax your ribs, arms, wrists and fingers


relax your hips, thighs and legs

relax your feet

Then, I want you to think of all the crap in your life that’s bothering you.

Feel it for a moment. Then, let’s open up a space of self compassion. 

Say to yourself, if you want. 

“I understand”

Then try

”I am sorry”

then try

”I’ll take care of you”

Then try 

“I love you”

then try 

“I’ll Always be your friend”

”I’ll do whatever it takes to take care of you because I love you.”

”We’ll get through this together” 

“I can figure this out”

”I can honour my life”



Just last, relax and breath….

Its alright. 

Smile into your body and let those emotions fill your body head to toe with a bright golden light.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Go into the most silent room in your house, leave your phone or any electronics somewhere else, close the door and just sit there and listen to the silence.

How does that make you feel? - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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On 9.10.2022 at 3:33 AM, digitalkaine said:

I feel like there is a way to transcend my basic survival needs

Instead of taking action and responsibility of your life, you distract and delude yourself by mentally masturbating to some advanced techniques.

I find it very alarming that someone who is probably on their twenties thinks about fucking transcending their basic survival needs

What you need is a good old kick in the ass. Action, action, action. Create something beautiful.





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You're holding happiness as circumstantially-derived, and conflating it with survival.

Bring to mind moments in your life when you felt genuinely happy. Now: Did happiness originate in the object of attainment or "within" you?

You can be happy even if you don't like your experience! Contemplate what it'd take for you to make such a shift in your life. If you want happiness, that's the only way that it's going to work, otherwise what you'll get is winning, success, self-survival – getting your needs and desires met.

Depression is holding a negative future. Therefore, on a pragmatic note, create a positive vision for your life that is aligned with your values and goals.

Edited by UnbornTao

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On 10/10/2022 at 2:17 AM, integral said:

Go into the most silent room in your house, leave your phone or any electronics somewhere else, close the door and just sit there and listen to the silence.

How does that make you feel?

Things have gotten alot better since this post but even while I was in such a dark place I would sit in bed for hours and try to meditate sometimes I would be able to be happier sometimes things wouldnt change at all. I can handle being in quiet and away from electronics for long periods of time. 

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On 10/10/2022 at 5:52 AM, Arje said:

Instead of taking action and responsibility of your life, you distract and delude yourself by mentally masturbating to some advanced techniques.

I find it very alarming that someone who is probably on their twenties thinks about fucking transcending their basic survival needs

What you need is a good old kick in the ass. Action, action, action. Create something beautiful.





I was pretty much aware of all of this while I wrote this post. I can tell when I use spirituality to avoid my responsibilities and emtional problems. But since then things have gotten so much better, I'm actually starting a really good job at the end of this month and ended up making a bunch of money within a day of starting my own digital marketing agency. 

It still bugs me that I need any of that to be happy but I can tell its some part of my ego that is allowing me to feel that way and I know there is a healthier and more responsbile way to actually transcend all that. Not that I have to do it all but something about it just really intices me. 

Thanks for the critisism though. Action was for sure the medicine lol.

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On 10/10/2022 at 10:30 AM, UnbornTao said:

You're holding happiness as circumstantially-derived, and conflating it with survival.

It isn't derived from events! Happiness might be a relationship towards life. I know this may not help you much but it's useful to consider it nonetheless.

A powerful principle to follow and learn from is unconditional happiness. Contemplate what it'd take for you to make such a shift in your life. Bring to mind happy moments in your experience of life. Where did happiness originate: on the object of attainment and externalities, or on you? You can be happy even if you don't like your experience! Rare occurrence, but look into it.

That's the only way it's gonna work, otherwise what you'll get is winning or success (self-survival) – getting your needs and desires met. Nothing wrong with that, but don't confuse the two.

On a pragmatic note, create a positive vision for your life. Depression is created in relation to how you hold the future. Ultimately, you'll live however you want. Do it in an empowering and intelligent manner, whatever that entails for you.

This is what I'm getting at. I'm good at being happy in almost all situations but in my mind I feel like I can be happy even without food and water and while I was experiencing that hunger it was hard for me to retain real happiness. I would sit with no money no food and I could legitimately be happy  with little to nothing but was not able to fully transcend it and I just feel as if it is possible to be completely unconditionally happy at the least. 

It was just hard to be at 100% happiness will actually experiencing that state. In theory it seems possible to me unless I really believe what maslow was saying about how we needed certain things to actually be happy at all. 

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@digitalkaine The happiness I'm speaking about is harder to come by. It's more like the bliss of one's nature.

Consider Ramana Maharshi: after a powerful enlightenment, he'd blissfully sat for days on end while inspects bit his legs. He was living on a cave and barely ate and slept. That's extreme but it might also clarify where to look for this elusive satisfaction.

Become conscious of who and what you are. Maybe bliss and your nature aren't separate. Who knows?

Remember that being happy doesn't entail being complacent, lazy, poor, ascetic, self-indulgent, or stuck within circumstances -- it is independent of those. You can be happy and ambitious.

Practice being happy even if you don't like your experience, regardless of what it is. This principle forces you to make a shift in your experience from being at the effect vs being in control of your disposition. Contemplate it.

Edited by UnbornTao

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