
Songs Written About Enlightenment

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“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Thought about how I love Collective Soul and used to listen to them a lot. I never really thought about the band's name and it struck me and I just laughed. I never used to listen to song lyrics at all. What a shock, all the music I ever loved was all just leading me back to myself. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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It is what it is but inverted lol. Congrats on your own little play. Was fun. God of my Consciousness. It was fun without a doubt. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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Aaaaaaalright guys, I guess it's time to bring out the big guns... let me put my pickup truck in reverse and drop this baby off:

Richard Wagner's Tristan und Isolde might just be the longest song about spiritual transfiguration that has ever been written (four hours, anyone? Who here can top that?); masquerading as a tragic love story in the vein of Romeo & Juliet, it's a tempestuous tale about delusion, obsession, rapture and transcendence and basically the ultimate psychedelic opera (needless to say, the famous instrumental arrangement of the opera's beginning and ending - Vorspiel und Liebestod - is my go-to soundtrack for shroom and acid trips... oooh man, aint nothing like a dash of Wagner and a drop of Lucy! :P)


If one had to choose only one work to personify Love, a sentiment that has nourished and delighted opera and, during the Romantic era, irrigated its flesh and blood, it is likely that Tristan und Isolde by Richard Wagner would best fill the role. Starting with a rather simple story, reduced to include only its essential characters, Wagner sets another plot in motion, an inner drama centred on the passion of Tristan and Isolde. Tristan and Isolde’s love is more than a mere anecdote. Behind the lover’s smouldering eyes and impatient flesh, their ecstatic contemplation of each other aspires to a union that can only exist in the afterlife. By probing the depths of the night, love and death, Wagner explores the mystic incarnation of unadulterated passion. It is the most full-blooded opera in the repertoire and the apotheosis of musical drama.

- Summary -

When Tristan brings princess Isolde on his ship to Cornwall, where she is to marry his uncle, King Marke, she becomes irritated by his apparent indifference to her. In fact they are passionately in love, but their relationship is doomed. By substituting a love potion for the poison Isolde and Tristan intend to drink, Brangäne only revives their love and it is in this ecstatic state that they arrive in Cornwall. Despite Isolde’s marriage to Marke, the lovers' passion secretly unfolds, until one day they are discovered. Marke feels betrayed and becomes distraught at Tristan's behaviour. Mortally wounded by Melot, King Marke’s vassal, who Kurwenal, Tristan’s servant, kills in turn, Tristan dies in Isolde’s arms. The princess collapses beside her deceased lover and they are reunited in their “love death”, the only possible outcome for their mystic union.

(taken from

PS - For all of you impatient mothereffers out there who aint got time for an entire Wagner opera, here's my favorite Vorspiel und Liebestod recording:


Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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I had a dream
I got everything I wanted
Not what you'd think
And if I'm being honest

It might have been a nightmare
To anyone who might care

I had a dream
I got everything I wanted
But when I wake up, I see
You with me

And you say
As long as I'm here
No one can hurt you

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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DEFINITELY a contender:

Beeen listening to this glorious composition on almost 24/7 repeat for the last thee days... I know, I know, I am special :D

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My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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