
How to achieve No-Mind

12 posts in this topic

My brain likes to think. I need to trust that and shut it off, without hurting myself. I really need a taste of that. 

I have been in No-Mind before, but it is rare for me. I know everyone is different but what are some ideas to shut brain off and coast on what I got?

-Cardio helps I know

-no-mind meditation, of course

-focus mediation, any other meditations?

-types of yoga? 
-Clean eating, any types of food?

I need to mix up my life that’s for the ideas guys.

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Meditate 1hr (whatever technique) every day in one sitting, no excuses. Never try to shut your brain off while doing daily activities.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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10 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

Meditate 1hr (whatever technique) every day in one sitting, no excuses. Never try to shut your brain off while doing daily activities.

This + annual retreats. 

@mw711 Then you’ll get to the point where even if there is mental activity, the mental activity is seen as no mind. No mind states should be recontextualizing states that have mental activity, such that one sees the peace of no mind is the undercurrent of all thinking. There is a truth that permeates across all, and that truth is real happiness, and that truth/peace has nothing to do with whether there are thoughts or no thoughts. 

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You can't achieve no-mind, because any activity to achieve something is an activity of mind. It is a bit like trying to surrender forcefully, it is contradictory. 

The thinking process slows down or ceases when the identification with it weakens or ends. Sure, meditation can help and also what you eat has effect on the mind. But ultimately it is a matter of identification. Those who tend to over think are usually more identified as the one doing the thinking, so dissolving the thinker (which is about clearly seeing that the thinker is also a thought) can be a pointer towards ceasing to think.

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14 hours ago, Batman said:

You can't achieve no-mind, because any activity to achieve something is an activity of mind. It is a bit like trying to surrender forcefully, it is contradictory. 

The thinking process slows down or ceases when the identification with it weakens or ends. Sure, meditation can help and also what you eat has effect on the mind. But ultimately it is a matter of identification. Those who tend to over think are usually more identified as the one doing the thinking, so dissolving the thinker (which is about clearly seeing that the thinker is also a thought) can be a pointer towards ceasing to think.


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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Meditate very deeply for long hours back to back until the self you think you are evaporates. Only then will thoughts will cease and no mind will become the default state.

1 hour a day by itself is insufficient. You need to see this truth not only in meditation but also in daily activities

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1 hour ago, ardacigin said:

Meditate very deeply for long hours back to back until the self you think you are evaporates. Only then will thoughts will cease and no mind will become the default state.

1 hour a day by itself is insufficient. You need to see this truth not only in meditation but also in daily activities

Did you achieve that state? I get extremely short moments, one minute, 3 minutes maximum. immediately some thought intrudes and I enter the wheel. The positive thing is that I get it almost daily with meditation. when you get that state, everything dissolves. it is obvious what ideas are, memories, nothing real, only the present exists. that is being alive. it is shocking how difficult it is, the mind is a very powerful current. total liberation is the goal, due to the fact that the mind is falsehood. living in falsehood makes no sense

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3 hours ago, ardacigin said:

Meditate very deeply for long hours back to back until the self you think you are evaporates. Only then will thoughts will cease and no mind will become the default state.

1 hour a day by itself is insufficient. You need to see this truth not only in meditation but also in daily activities

When I give the conservative 1-hour prescription, I do that because that is what worked for me leading up to my fully spontaenous sober awakenings (i.e. experiencing no-mind while actively engaging in mind-related activities). However, it's a bit misleading, because I was also completely obsessed with spirituality 24/7. In a way, my entire day was a meditation.

The other reason is that irregular and unstructured practice, e.g. walking down the street and thinking "ugghh, I'm lost in thought! I need to become present!", is just neurotic behavior and attachment. An enlightened person does not do that. You're conditioning non-enlightened behavioral patterns by doing that. On the other hand, what you suggested in one of your most recent threads, of creating a structured program for how you should meditate x minutes after finishing a daily activity, is completely ok in my book.

The third reason is that I noticed that the 45 - 60 minute mark is usually where the most progress is being made, and it's like you hit a peak and then a subtle plateau. That is also when your body starts to ache, so the meditation becomes more about focusing through the pain rather than relaxing into the breath, which can be a valid practice, but it's a bit taxing on the body, so you start running into trade-offs.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Batman you will reach a point in which no thought goes through your mind to do actions and you will realize there is no free will and the mind is just pretending that you were in control of your actions by thinking of them.

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7 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

Did you achieve that state? I get extremely short moments, one minute, 3 minutes maximum. immediately some thought intrudes and I enter the wheel. The positive thing is that I get it almost daily with meditation. when you get that state, everything dissolves. it is obvious what ideas are, memories, nothing real, only the present exists. that is being alive. it is shocking how difficult it is, the mind is a very powerful current. total liberation is the goal, due to the fact that the mind is falsehood. living in falsehood makes no sense

I achieved that 'state' years ago with stream entry. You dont lose it. That word is misleading. My mind works differently and changed its deepest programming permanently. My mind no longer creates craving towards its constructions. Well, to be precise, it reduced its tendency to generate craving and self-perception significantly. I'm still practicing and developing each day :) When the self goes away, your life will actually change. Psychedelics are still great but I can do the work sober. Im in a psychedelic state while writing this naturally. I can see the core insights regardless.

Edited by ardacigin

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19 hours ago, Hojo said:

@Batman you will reach a point in which no thought goes through your mind to do actions and you will realize there is no free will and the mind is just pretending that you were in control of your actions by thinking of them.

Yes, just to be more accurate - there is a realization there is no "you" in the first place who thinks or have a free will. This was all a construction of mind and language. The mind creates self-referential thoughts like "I thought this", "I did this", "I need to decide", etc. However, it can be seen that the "I" thought doesn't refer to any thing that really exist. It was pure illusion from the beginning. Indeed, when this is realized (by no particular identity), the over thinking tendencies get undermined because the illusion that motivated it (the existence of a separate entity that control thinking or life) has been dispelled.

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