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Tyler Robinson

All roads to self compassion

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So I was meditating the other day, and I kept falling in and out of consciousness, I began contemplating on the nature of reality and how the world operated and this thing called God realization, it was difficult because there was a deep sense of disturbance and discomfort that I wasn't able to work through, some shadow aspects lashing out at me. 

At one point, I had a beautiful glimpse into infinity, and then it switched to once again the same shadow aspects of human judgement, morality yada yada, and then a voice downloaded itself and told me that nothing matters, just absolutely nothing matters, and everything is perfect as it is and suddenly it said that self compassion is the highest most beautiful goal, it didn't matter if love didn't exist, love had to be created, everything comes from nothing and nothingness is what everything leads to, some of my anxiety was alleviated and there it was..... In a cloud of smoke an entity standing there and saying "self compassion." 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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