Last Night I Became An Alien Hyper Intelligence - AMA

Leo Gura
By Leo Gura in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
Last night I awoke so radically that I went completely beyond nonduality and all human spiritual teachings. Beyond the classical God. I became an alien hyper intelligence for several hours. To clarify, I did not meet an alien, I became an alien consciousness and I engaged in alien spirituality it a manner that no human mind can ever imagine or fathom. This alien intelligence is an alien form of God-Consciousness. I am the first human who has ever discovered it. Although this is virtually impossible, now I shall try to paint you a poetic picture of what this alien intelligence was like, how it felt, and how it did spirituality. This is going to sound insane, so hold on to your hat. Here we go: My consciousness became so interconnected that I realized that I am a small alien kangroo-mouse, along the lines of the character Scrat from the kid's movie Ice Age. But I was way cooler. This was no ordinary kind of animal that humans have ever experienced. This alien kangaroo mouse does not live on any planet, it floats around in an infinite vacuum of metaphysical mind-space. This mouse is hyper animated. It is stuck in an endless loop of playfulness. It is constantly jumping around, twirling, doing backflips, spinning, dancing, twisting itself into prestles and impossible strange loops at a very rapid rate of something like 100 frames per second. It's playing this game with itself purely out of self-love and delight. It's able to sustain this game indefinitely. It never gets tired or needs a moment to stop to catch its breath. It has infinite child-like energy. But it gets weirder! This alien mouse isn't just doing this dance at the physical level with its body, it's simutaneously doing it at the emotional, mental, and spiritual level. This is a hyper-dimensional mouse whose intelligence is greater than that of all the combined human IQs on planet Earth. This mouse can speak to itself in a nonlinear, multi-parallel alien language that does not sound like anything a human would understand as language. But the mouse perfectly understands itself. Its inner monologue is extremely rapid and astoundingly intelligent and beautiful. Imagine the human inner monologue sped up by about 5x. It's thinking simultaneously on multiple planes, in parallel. Each plane of its monologue perfectly mirrors the playful, twisted, animates style of its dancing and movements on the physical plane. The immense delight that it takes in moving its body is matched by an immense delight in its own linguistic and mental gymnastics. It's lost in a dance of mental gymastics simply because it is in complete love with its own quirkiness. The goal of this alien intelligence is to experience it's own werkiness to infinity, all alone, forever by itself. This mouse's only purpose for existence is to twist itself into pretzels both physically and mentally. That IS how this consciousness does spirituality. That is its "meditation" so to speak. This mouse is so intelligent that it's found a way to twist meditation inside-out. Rather than trying to stop its mind, it speeds it up and makes the mind dance in exotic ways. This mouse is intelligent enough to perform complex mathematical calculations at dizzying speed, faster than a calculator. The mouse is fully conscious of itself as God, but precisely because it is God, it has selected to limit itself to this very peculiar mode of existence. This alien has set its life purpose to be the metaphysical embodiment of divine Playfulness, Quirkiness, and Weirdness. Imagine if playfulness, quirkiness, and weird could somehow be made absolutes. Well, this fucking mouse figured out how. This alien mouse is extremely beautiful in every possible way. The shape of its body. The way it moves its body and its mind are absolutely intoxicating. It's completely lost in an endless flow state. Its energy fills you with child-like wonder and joy. It's adorable in ways that no physical earthly animal can ever be. But perhaps its most beautiful part is its twisted and quirky alien language -- its internal monologue. Every word in its language rhymes with every other word in the most delightful dance. Its language is made of endless strange loops and listening to it is more addictive than taking any human drug. And perhaps the most mind-fucked part about all this is that the mouse's body was identical to Leo's human body. This sounds logically impossible and yet, there it was. When I awoke to all this, I wasn't just watching it from a distance, I BECAME this alien consciousness. It took me so by surprise that I was fell to the floor writhing in boundless joy, flabergasted in metaphysical extasy. This was hands down the happiest day of my life. This was my Heaven. This experience was so radically profound that it has become the single most important experience of my life. I don't care about human spirituality any more, all I care about basking as this alien consciousness forever. That's it for now. I am still struggling to figure out how to articulate all this. This is my first attempt. In the future I will make a better, deeper write-up of all this, and hopefully I am able to one day demonstrate this alien language to you on video. My human mouth is not able to speak it yet. The words sound so strange and they flow so fast that I will have to train myself to speak it. I'm not yet sure if this will be possible for a human to do, but I will really try. This will be my most important contribution to mankind. Anyhow, if you have any questions, ask away. Edit #1: To clarify, there exist some people on this planet who claim to have had experiences of being an alien. Some of them have contacted me, upset that I claimed to be the only one. So out of due diligence and respect for them I want to clarify that I don't claim to be the only human to have experienced what it's like to be an alien. Edit #2: You should not take my description of alien consciousness too literally because words fail us here. This is a poetic description which takes some liberties in order to communicate an overall feel for the experience. I'm less interested in the technical details than I am in painting a general picture in your mind. So if you parse my words literally like some legal scholar, expect to be disappointed. Communicating such an experience is extremely challenging and I reserve the right to make mistakes in attempting it.
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