Leo Gura

Last Night I Became An Alien Hyper Intelligence - AMA

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8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Holy shit! I just realized how I will integrate this mouse consciousness into my Leo life. I am going to teach spirituality in the most playful, delightful, zaney, and twisted way. I am going to become a spiritual trickster in human form which no one has done before.

Amazing! I can lure normies in with playful trickster energy. That's what the mouse taught me via its example :D

Leo, we all know this is what you've been doing all the time:D

Good for you for finnaly realizing it :P


God alien kengeruu moose

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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1. Rather than becoming an alien, do you believe this experience will alienate you from the rest of humanity? 

2. Do you recognize the inverse correlation between faith and understanding? For example, the more you understand God, the less faith you have to have in Him. Would you lose all faith for ultimate understanding? 

3. If you alredy see perfection in reality, why do you even want to become a mouse? What is wrong with being Leo?

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@Leo Gura Thanks for sharing! I had some experiences on N,N-DMT of DMT objects (not becoming them though, just experiencing). I would describe them pieces of high density non-linear information. Little bundles of hyperdimensional geometry. They where fucking interesting to look at, because their beauty and their intelligence what intertwined. I could kind of understand them by marveling at their beauty and at the same time by doing that, they made my mind work in more abstract and holistic ways, getting access to understanding that was not possible. 

So beauty seems to be one of those irreducible metaphysical aspects of reality/god just like love, infinity and truth. I would love you to make a more in-depth video about beauty.

And I was also wondering about the way you enter these states: When you do access these states do you go with the awe and the beauty to get into them and to guide you? I found that very intuitive. Also focussing on the feeling of love. Or is there something else to help my human system to open up to these states during the come up?

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Are you ever worried about hurting the body, going so far you can't go back and/or killing it accidentally? If not, why? 

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The mouse is a pretty well-known DMT entity / archetype. I've seen it before. It's very twisty and turny, more of a bare skin sort of mouse than one with fur. It can also sometimes have LED lights embedded in its skin.

In his videos, Leo often uses the word “kangaroo” as an example of something completely random. Not that surprising that he is now manifesting kangaroo chimeras :)

Edited by axiom


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Actualized.org 1.0: Improve yourself

Actualized.org 2.0: Become a sage

Actualized.org 3.0: Become God

Actualized.org 4.0: Become a mouse

Can't wait for Actualized.org 5.0

"Make a gift of your life and lift all mankind by being kind, considerate, forgiving, and compassionate at all times, in all places, and under all conditions, with everyone as well as yourself. That is the greatest gift anyone can give." - Dr. David R. Hawkins

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12 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

As I said, the mouse was aware of itself as God.

Could the mouse be deceiving itself. 

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Of Mice and Men is one of my favorite books. 

Edited by The Mystical Man

"Make a gift of your life and lift all mankind by being kind, considerate, forgiving, and compassionate at all times, in all places, and under all conditions, with everyone as well as yourself. That is the greatest gift anyone can give." - Dr. David R. Hawkins

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Sounds like the start of The Exorcist 4.


But forreal, aren’t you scared that baneful entities can now posses you and send you to infinite insanity? Why do you assume you will only become this benign mouse and no other radical dangerous stuff can happen?

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If Leo's combining multiple psychedelics or multiple ROAs or pairing them with DMSA then that'd explain it. But maybe he's just experiencing the NN-DMT stuff he missed out on from altering his chemistry with the 5-LeO.

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11 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

   I don't know who what when where and why, that's how my mind likes to rhyme, deep inside, rhythmic beats, rhyming beeds, on a mic with big mac in one hand, mac in cheese the other, also wear my hearts out in my sleeves, as tell tale as my heart can be.

   I know, now, back then, when a UFO hover craft, shaped like a flying saucer egg, drips a sauce, yellow-orange light inside my Mo's wine, above her dormitory, during a storm, alien genetics tac toes into my mind, fitting it like denin jeans inside my witty baby skull bean. I can still see it, where I was, like the sounds still here, between my round ears, hearing my Ma's dorimafasola. fueling my soul as Ma and Da and Sa and Ra rears me, slightly abnormal story compared to norms, back then, also a toodler boy, close to void, wisdom old yet golden, somehow know deities shower me with their delight in me, till father time slices them magical memories, chiseled me with space time limits till I was meshed in flesh, leashed in pleasures and pains, passions and hates, deep in dualities, ties livid till devine memories fade.

   "Quirkle Squirkle Lurkle" says the what mouse, "Where Squirrels lurks, turns turtles, Quirk perks: quickie murders, squirts the ugly duck girl, quack-quack." Says the Myrtle CAT, who? GOD, who and what says this quackery? Quick, phone and ask Dr. Seuss for that blue steroid for my throat chakra, to reign in my insanity...what? He's busy eating Swiss cheese burgers, on an asteroid, getting massages from a masseuse? Ok, don't mention my exploring into my in-sanity.

   How do I know, and did all that above? Pre written, or off the dome? Yes and no, Rome wasn't built in one day, guilty free slaves, hey, how did I leave my haven here, to end up in another dimension? What a dilemma, don't mention this to the drones, or the Reptilian and Greys, also the CIA, or else policia will come, and I have to seem polite and nice and tell them why the Black Cats are at it again, playing rats and mice in alleyways, and explain why, in plain English, half a mouse lies on my carpet, and how my adopted kitten's innocent despite the red smears on her lips, nose and whiskers. Thank god my garping on and on about my day drove them away, phew!

   Not now, but a second later, my best friends gonna drill me into giving her griled cheese sandwich, driving me into those manic episodes, featuring a Pepsi soda, with a fillet fish burger, added tarter sauce with a bunch of starters, side of griiled cheese and homemade chilli sauce, Netflix and chill with aliens and predators, subconsciously recording everything and somehow getting feedback, while my bestie listens to Drillmatic and Black Slim Shady while downing some Bailey's. Hey, cute lady, night time, dim the lights, let sleep limp your framing, and sheep counting daze your day away.

@Leo Gura


   The more you ignore, the more of a wild bour I will go.

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@How to be wise fucking mind blown again I’m so happy for you Leo.

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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I'm just curious, if Leo uses these claims like "I'm the only one..., first one ever", "I'm the most realized.., most conscious...", etc, just to piss somebody off, is he really so deluded? Is he serious about his statements or is he joking? Because large part of you here take such hilarious statements dead serious, no doubt, but Leo is a very special case??

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Would you credit your long meditation retreats for facilitating the baseline consciousness needed to be receptive to this phenomenon while on psychedelics?

Is it possible that your true self is the metaphysical entity and Leo is just its version of a physical dream?

As for the new ROA, would you say it's more or less dangerous than the half-joking but half-serious prospect of 5MeO + asphyxiation + paint thinners? Down to try either way.

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15 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Holy shit! I just realized how I will integrate this mouse consciousness into my Leo life. I am going to teach spirituality in the most playful, delightful, zaney, and twisted way. I am going to become a spiritual trickster in human form which no one has done before.

Amazing! I can lure normies in with playful trickster energy. That's what the mouse taught me via its example :D

Funnily enough for an INTP external sesnsing (enagaging and playing with the world) has the trickster archetype encapsualted around it. From a jung/beebe model. You have Se Trickster as we say in depth pyschology

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That’s what you do in your spare time? 


Proud of you for exploring 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Damn, this is intresting. I again fell into a state of not knowing anything about god-realization.?

Love is the truth, love, love, love.❤️

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