
Daniel Schmachtenberger is in a polyamorous relationship with these 2 women

36 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, iceprincess said:

I don't mean to be judgemental but  it kinda boggles me how someone like him can date such frivolous women like these. 

What do you mean by frivolous?

We don’t really know their full personality from this short clip. You could clip some of my behavior in a video and get a very distorted perception of who I am. Even non frivolous people like to cut loose and have fun. They’re likely SD stage Green, which is relatively high.

Regardless, I don’t find it that surprising. Just because you are a serious intellectual doesn’t mean you want to date someone else who is also a serious intellectual. That’s too much serious intellectualism xD

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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2 hours ago, aurum said:

What do you mean by frivolous?

We don’t really know their full personality from this short clip. You could clip some of my behavior in a video and get a very distorted perception of who I am. Even non frivolous people like to cut loose and have fun. They’re likely SD stage Green, which is relatively high.

Regardless, I don’t find it that surprising. Just because you are a serious intellectual doesn’t mean you want to date someone else who is also a serious intellectual. That’s too much serious intellectualism xD

   I think it's possible to date someone whose a stage yellow thinker too and get titillating pleasure, from wondering what goes on in your date or significant other's mind. Maybe it's the long, wondering staring, or just hearing the back and forth of the communication of ideas, constructing each other's ideas, like two systems thinkers together playing a more complicated Jenga.

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3 hours ago, iceprincess said:

frivolous women like these. 

Because when you reach tier 2 you stop judging. - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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8 hours ago, iceprincess said:'sSacredSexyShow




the two woman hes dating is the blonde and the main girl with the rainbow skirt. I don't mean to be judgemental but  it kinda boggles me how someone like him can date such frivolous women like these. 

Why would he choose a partner based on if they are his intellectual equal? If he wants to have logical debates and discussions he can do that anywhere else.

Edited by Raze

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6 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

 I think it's possible to date someone whose a stage yellow thinker too and get titillating pleasure, from wondering what goes on in your date or significant other's mind

It is possible, but not every tier2 is attracted to that.

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For the small group of people who have entered yellow, and if you read this far, you are most likely one of them, the big “aha” about the limitations of deficiency-motivated first-tier partnerships and the resulting conflicts arises. This insight feels extremely liberating and provides men and women with the opportunity to vastly improve their relationships with all people. Unfortunately, yellow can become quickly frustrated and isolated, as it no longer resonates with the singular worldviews of people in first-tier consciousness, who may perceive them as arrogant, manipulative, condescending, passive-aggressive, or cynical—and sometimes for good reasons. As there are very few people in second-tier consciousness to begin with, and even fewer women (almost all Integral pioneers 456 and their followers are men), yellow men have a hard time finding an equal partner. While they can empathically relate to women below yellow , they either get quickly bored with them, or get dumped because they don’t exclusively subscribe to their partners’ partial perspectives. On the other side, yellow men may use their second-tier awareness to befriend one or several women from various first-tier stages for uncommitted relationships. Females who are entering the yellow stage open up to males again and value their unique contribution to humanity, just as males in second tier honor and value females. This ends the battle of the sexes and opens the door for truly interdependent partnerships.

Conflicts in yellow are resolved through an understanding of intersubjectivity, the ability to take multiple perspectives, and the finding of creative solutions that take both partners’ emotional and practical needs for growth and purpose into account.


In this and all higher stages (indigo, violet, ultraviolet, and clear light),457 the Primary Fantasy of both sexes shifts to partners who care about their body, mind, heart, and soul in a balanced and harmonized way in order to live their true life’s purpose while being economically, environmentally, and socially responsible, to love all sentient beings unconditionally, and to be of altruistic service to others. For turquoise, partnerships become an act of authentic loving between two human beings, and not a twisting of the self or others into objects to be lovable. As a result, pathological desires and fears to be alone or in a partnership vanish. Men no longer compete with their peers for financial status and social power at the expense of others and the ecosystem to earn a woman’s “love,” company, and sex (which is at the root of all major challenges that humanity is facing today), while women’s attraction to men is no longer unconsciously dominated by their former desire for an irresponsible protector and provider, but rather for a responsible integrated partner.

As the term “transpersonal” suggests, this allows couples who have been divinely appointed to support each other in their growth and further awakening at all levels of their being—beyond their biological, cultural, and social conditioning.458 They honor and value each other’s authentic feminine and masculine expression of their sexual essence and invite the naturally arising conflicts between them as opportunities for further healing and growth, without attachment to any particular outcome. Couples at this level have entered the state of “inter-being” which allows them to fully be themselves, while staying consciously devoted to the co-creation of the larger whole (or social holon) of their partnership, which they experience as “the miracle of us” or as a “third body.”459 Once they commit to their soul mate they have no incentive to leave their partner, or to have multiple lovers, which leads to mature monogamy.

Transpersonal partnerships are still extremely rare, as there are very few people (and predominantly males) in turquoise and above.460Turquoise females with an animus complex stage five are usually in partnerships, while turquoise males without a partner embrace the growth opportunities of their singlehood while staying fully open to embrace their soul mate when she arrives.461 They no longer exploit women at earlier stages of development for company and sex, but support them in their growth and, if they like, in finding a suitable partner. Once a woman in this stage chooses a man, they co-create partnerships that are neither based in fear, desire, or attachment, nor in a need for emotional/financial safety, nor conventional contracts/agreements 462 as seen in need-based relationships of first-tier developmental stages.

Conflicts in turquoise are resolved by the desire of each partner to transcend their limited views that created the differences in the first place, and by brining any unconscious aspects of their being into the conscious.

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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It's amusing to me when women judge a guy for sleeping with unintelligent women.

When a man is an intellectual, the last thing he needs is to sleep with intellectuals.

You sleep with precisely the opposite of you because it balances you out.

This is why a feminine woman doesn't sleep with pussies. She's already got that in spades.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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9 minutes ago, AtheisticNonduality said:

Unintelligent women = unintelligent sex.


Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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I grew up in a "seriously intellectual" family with a "seriously intellectual" father; I inherited a lot of his traits. was far more classically gifted than he ever was, and I was also raised to shun most frivolity. Not to say that my parents didn't have a sense of humour.... they did.

....give me a "himbo" any day over most self-identified intellectual types, lol. (keeping in mind that "intelligence" is completely relative between two people.)

The issue with "serious intellectualism" isn't intellectualism, IMO. It's taking yourself way too seriously, and also being too far up your own ass and too obsessed with being right to have an adequately reciprocal relationship.

It's also having to babysit and pander to a person's ego. People who identify heavily with intellectualism (in a similar way that people identify heavily with "being an artist" and all that it represents) tend to be frail, and deep down, often strike me as deeply insecure in their own abilities and capacities. What looks like confidence gets superimposed on top of that. For me: I find that it tends to be unsustainable.

At its most aggravating (and unfortunately this has been very common): the world doth revolves around them and their judgement and assessment of the world and others (and you), and there isn't often a lot of room for others in this world. There is this lack of warmth and appreciation for simplicity, and people/ things simply being wherever/ however they are. We have intellectualism and "being evolved" (whatever flavour you choose of this) for its own sake. It often boils down to yet another version of others must be less than so you can be more, as in, this is their fundamental lens for dealing with the world (literally via the function of "judgement") and it's usually pretty in your face. ....and who wants to have these sorts of conversations? Not me.

I don't enjoy it.

At its best, creative/ intellectual bonds between the opposite sex are very volatile and so only function well for a very short period of time in close quarters. I mean, especially if you have some sort of "meeting of minds" type relationship or even an "artist/ muse" dynamic. The closer and more open you are, the more volatile it tends to be. Artists tend to feel the need to abuse or write and speak over the muses, and self-identified "minds" practically disagree with each other by definition. I'm talking about weeks or months, in most cases. If you don't create distance somehow, everything that was originally worthwhile tends to deteriorate completely, IMO.

I used to think that this was maybe some flaw with myself, but who knows anymore. All I know is that it's not suitable for day-to-day living.


What these men need in a partner is probably someone who functions more like a "helpmate", who is ideally "intelligent enough" to have actual conversations about what they do and value, who is pleasant enough,  and they probably don't need any of the "other stuff" either in order to have a long-lasting, functional relationship. Let alone "extreme intelligence" or even "tier 2 intellect" or whatever, haha.  Or alternatively: the opposites work well too, someone who lives more by the law of their gut/ heart, or who is more extroverted. (in the case that your introversion factors into your self-absorption.)

Not two people being "self-absorbed" in a very similar way. (though technically, we all are in some way; as it's the nature of POV)

...........just as I technically do not either.

Edited by eos_nyxia

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In my case, I've been aware since I was about a tween that overall the opposite sex didn't need my brains or any of my other "gifts", nor did they always care. It's not really personal.

In many cases: it is simply a reflection of what a person values. Or what they need to function in this world in a more balanced way, to function better, or to be more rooted/ stable, or more expressive. To come more into their own.

And as I got a little older, I knew that even if they did care, those similarities alone are not the engine of a sustainable relationship.

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To judge someone as frivolous is in itself a Huge shadow. 

Being able to love someone who you might not consider worthy of the league you belong to requires some serious Humility and non judgement and I would rather appreciate someone who values conventionally non-valuable people versus someone who acts too up his own ass and snobbish and takes himself too seriously to date his own league, something too elitist and dunce about it. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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5 hours ago, AtheisticNonduality said:

Unintelligent women = unintelligent sex.

Sex is a physical act, physical intelligence and intellectual intelligence don’t necessarily come together. You can be sexually intelligent without being intellectually intelligent and vice versa,

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One bit of advice here, something I have learned while working through my own sexuality, owning it, seeing it for what it is - once you do this, you start to judge other people and their preferences much less.  If you are concerned about how this guy is managing his relationships, then there is some inner work to be done.  Once you open yourself up to who you are in that manner, literally no one else's preferences, barred harming others, is a problem for you.

People should feel free to express themselves how their personal natures intended within reason - i.e. nothing non-consensual.  You unique sexuality can bring you closer to God - don't judge people, causing them to throw away a part of who they are.  I'm still letting go of judgements, but I found just through the processes of opening myself up to who I am, that these just washed away very quickly - like, within a month or two.

Focus on yourself, is what I am trying to say.  No one else's preferences, unless they are damaging, should ever really be your buisiness.

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10 hours ago, Raze said:

Sex is a physical act, physical intelligence and intellectual intelligence don’t necessarily come together. You can be sexually intelligent without being intellectually intelligent and vice versa,

High kinesthetic intelligence + high cognitive intelligence > high kinesthetic intelligence + low cognitive intelligence.

There's also more overlap between the different competences of the mind than you'd expect.

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5 minutes ago, AtheisticNonduality said:

High kinesthetic intelligence + high cognitive intelligence > high kinesthetic intelligence + low cognitive intelligence.

In the context of sex, why would cognitive intelligence matter at all?

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43 minutes ago, zurew said:

In the context of sex, why would cognitive intelligence matter at all?

The same reason it matters in every other context, since everything someone does is governed by cognition. Being able to handle more complexity cognitively and therefore being more creative / competent / able is etc.

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