Any advanced tips for using the mind effectively?

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What are your top 10 rules of thumb when it comes to using the mind effectively without letting it take over completely?

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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@HMD Hey dude, here is my perspective and recommendation.
- Understand everyone has universal needs.

- Understand everything you do, even in your own mind, is part of a personal needs meeting strategy.

- Understand everything anyone else does is part of their personal needs meeting strategy.

- Understand different life experiences and  different biologies mean different people have different strategies for meeting their needs. And you are no exception.

- Understand the strategies by which you meet your needs currently

- Understand which stages you are at on spiral dynamics, and understand which stage the location you are in is at on the spiral

- Understand how your life experiences shaped how your needs are being met

- Understand what type of biology you have that affects your needs meeting strategies (I..e being ADHD versus being non-adhd)

- Understand how your biology and thus need meeting strategies are being affected by current lifestyle, i.e. diet, food.

- Apply the teachings of trustworthy mentors so as to change the unconscious needs meeting strategies into higher consciousness strategies

Essentially, I think these tips can aid the raising of your consciousness and maybe that will help you move closer to your goal. Or maybe even the goal behind your goal.


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@Ulax Thanks for sharing. I'll take note of these. 


"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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