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How to use LSD for awakening?

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So I'm trying to use it to achieve higher stages of consciousness but I'm not sure what's the best way to go about it. I've researched a bit and through experimentation I've found setting intentions beforehand effective, but I'm sure some of you know of other effective methods. 

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Set an intention, then take it and let go. Also make sure you're at a place you feel comfortable and at home.

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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@SamC @flyingwhalee Thanks guys, helpful answers. I'm wondering on what kind of intentions I should set and how I should formulate them? Obviously I have my set of personal issues I want to work on, but with the general god of reaching awakening should I formualte it with words like "I want to reach awakening" or is it better if I'm more specific in the way I go about it? Or maybe I should just take it and surrender to the experience? 

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4 hours ago, sleep said:

@SamC @flyingwhalee Thanks guys, helpful answers. I'm wondering on what kind of intentions I should set and how I should formulate them? Obviously I have my set of personal issues I want to work on, but with the general god of reaching awakening should I formualte it with words like "I want to reach awakening" or is it better if I'm more specific in the way I go about it? Or maybe I should just take it and surrender to the experience? 

Maybe do a trip and ask those questions.

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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allow Infinite Consciousness. Allow It to pummel you and pummel you and pummel you deeper, Rise and rise higher and higher within interconnectedness and take it to its deepest conclusion

Edited by Egodeathrow

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Best way is to do LSD with someone that is already high in natural consciousness and that knows alot about spirituality/consciousness and so on. He might boost you up to another levels of consciousness where you get an awakening

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1. Take some

2. Take more


51 minutes ago, flyingwhalee said:

Way more value in doing it alone 

Most definitely.

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Focus on the heart, hold onto love and let everything else go. Trust. 

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I've found LSD to be particularly receptive to ceremonial magic. Even just the fundamentals, like a banishing ritual can help as it comes on, since I've found the challenge is not so much getting to the higher planes (people rightly say to simply allow that part), but actively distancing the potential psychoanalytic/visionary "stuff" that can come unbidden and rock you or keep you distracted in byways of the experience. 

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@sleep Silence the mind and take the lsd. Thats all. Try it just waking up, in that hypnotic groggy state too. 

Techno music helps me because it takes me to a completely different frame of mind. It opens my mind while dancing to it, I move all of my energies. Thats a sure samadhi. But do it in nature as someone said here. That way you can forget all ego matrix.


Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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@sleep How many times have you used psychedelics and what other spiritual practices have you done?

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