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Federico del pueblo

How do we avoid brainwashing ourselves?

8 posts in this topic

In this work of exploring consciousness and reality at the most fundamental level, couldn't it happen that a desire to realize god (or infinite consciousness, nondualty etc.) kind of influences the spiritual experiences that we make at some point?

Leo talked about how some religious people can have a mystical experience on psychedelics, e.g. a powerful vision that includes an image of Jesus. And then they use this to reinforce their beliefs about Jesus and delude themselves even more.

So how do we make sure that we don't brainwash ourselves into certain experiences and realisations etc., couldn't the same thing that happens to religious people also happen to us here in this work?

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9 hours ago, Judy2 said:

....and to see that what spiritual teachers provide us with are mostly just models.

Yeah, that's probably it.

Everything needs to be deconstructed or transcended. Including the models that help us to get there.

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is there peace is there silence is there love

in the dazzling perfection that is now

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if there is the slightest doubt, you are fooling yourself. a realization of the absolute is something total. the opening to infinity is total. the flow of glory is total. it is not something that can be induced by some conditioning. It is more real than anything else. in fact, normal life seems unreal, a dream. the real is a thousand times more direct, without filter

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It's a constant risk. By being aware of the risk, you already have a big opportunity though, compared to someone who goes in blindly.

I've been brainwashed and brainwashed myself several times on the journey. Sometimes it takes years to snap out of it. I'm currently still brainwashed about several things. Plus undoubtedly even more things I don't even realize I'm dogmatic about or blindly following. Be aware of it, try to break free, and don't give anything 100% of your trust. Always keep questioning.

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On 04/10/2022 at 7:20 AM, Federico del pueblo said:

So how do we make sure that we don't brainwash ourselves into certain experiences and realisations etc., couldn't the same thing that happens to religious people also happen to us here in this work

By not taking anything said in this community as a  belief.  Validate everything in your direct experience. 

If its not true for you ..then its not true AT ALL.:)

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