
Is there a way to get rid of my introversion?

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I hate being an introvert, I think it's ruining my life, and when I talk about getting rid of my introversion, I'm not talking about being shy or having social anxiety no, no, no

I'm talking about being easily exhausted by social interactions, having to recharge batteries every time, having no interest to socialize, being a low energy person, I hate it!!!

Like, how does people have so much energy and not me?? Honestly, why I am like this??? Is there a way to get rid of it?? I feel if I were an extravert my life would be so much better, I would finally have interest with socializing with people, and I'm pretty sure It would give me so much more opportunities in life

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Forget it. This is pure 'FOMO' and societal pressure. You are living in a way that makes you feel good, satisfied, and happy, but still feel bad because society dictates you aren't "doing life right".

I'm an extreme introvert myself.

You can easily live a great and pleasurable, fulfilling life.

I've been a pianist for 20 years. That gives me pleasure when I'm alone, to play about on that. But maybe there are other hobbies you would enjoy. Art??? There are so many things.

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Do not try to turn yourself into an extrovert. You'll just try to live up to some image of what an extroverted person looks like and it won't be authentic. Just be authentic. Your life would be better if you accepted who you are. You don't have to talk to people more than you have to. The minimum of socializing is fine in my book.

Edited by The Mystical Man

"Make a gift of your life and lift all mankind by being kind, considerate, forgiving, and compassionate at all times, in all places, and under all conditions, with everyone as well as yourself. That is the greatest gift anyone can give." - Dr. David R. Hawkins

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On 10/3/2022 at 3:22 AM, koyadr3 said:

I hate being an introvert, I think it's ruining my life, and when I talk about getting rid of my introversion, I'm not talking about being shy or having social anxiety no, no, no

I'm talking about being easily exhausted by social interactions, having to recharge batteries every time, having no interest to socialize, being a low energy person, I hate it!!!

Like, how does people have so much energy and not me?? Honestly, why I am like this??? Is there a way to get rid of it?? I feel if I were an extravert my life would be so much better, I would finally have interest with socializing with people, and I'm pretty sure It would give me so much more opportunities in life




read habits for a happy brain

Edited by Raze

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