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Moved to new city

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I just moved to a new city for work, and it’s a serious shock. I have no friends here, and I feel like I will not be able to make friends. I just feel like I can’t fit into society, and this is something I’ve been struggling with since grade school. Any suggestions to break this cycle?

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What's stopping you from making friends? You haven't added any details to your post. 

It's hard to assume what your exact situation is with so little information. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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@kray I feel like I would like NYC. The anonymity. Just another speck amongst millions of others. With that said, I can imagine there's 1000s of different groups, clubs, activities to join. You can bounce in and out until you find a few tribes. 

If I lived in NYC I'd join a Chess club.

If I lived in NYC I'd find some guys to do pickup with.

I could go on and on...

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Look for communities that share your interest. 

Group workouts, Martial arts, book clubs, Meditation groups... you name it. And then just talk to people, exchange numbers, get invited to parties etc. 

Also, try dating and meet up with your date's friends when the opportunity arises. It's really not rocket science, nobody expects you to be the perfect social specimen, no one really is.

It might sound uncomfortable, but that's what self-development is about, right? Push your comfort zone :)

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  On 10/2/2022 at 5:37 AM, PenguinPablo said:

@kray I feel like I would like NYC. The anonymity. Just another speck amongst millions of others. With that said, I can imagine there's 1000s of different groups, clubs, activities to join. You can bounce in and out until you find a few tribes. 

If I lived in NYC I'd join a Chess club.

If I lived in NYC I'd find some guys to do pickup with.

I could go on and on...

Well I’m living in Pittsburgh PA now, so not as much of a hustle bustle city as New York, also got not single ?

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  On 10/2/2022 at 1:32 AM, kray said:

I just moved to a new city for work, and it’s a serious shock. I have no friends here, and I feel like I will not be able to make friends. I just feel like I can’t fit into society, and this is something I’ve been struggling with since grade school. Any suggestions to break this cycle?

Make friends at your job. 

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