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Funny critique of thehumancondition.

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   Here's the critique below:

   There's a part 2 as well.

   While I mostly agree with the critic, notice how there's a western modern science bias and rationale bias behind this critic. The critic is largely coming from stage blue/orange values, the person's cognitive and moral development is similar to hardcore rationalists, atheists and scientists (hear the tonality and how he speaks, it's a dead giveaway to which bias he's strongly identified to), how he's too reductionistic, narrow minded and scientifically oriented in the wrong way. In fact, he's one of many lip service types of science minded and rationale minded people that actually hasn't done any real science to verify how correct is his critic of thehumancondition, and lazily defers to group think and conformist modern scientific worldview that this is simply a culty book. Notice his lack of understanding, empathy, judgmentalism and hubris intellectual superiority, limited life experiences and close mindedness to the partial nuggets of truth that this book is trying to convey implicitly.

   I'm in no way flaming the critic or the professor of the book, I'm pointing out how either are pigs in a mud wrestling contest, how the critique is from below versus from above.

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