
Did you know reality can continue to appear in absence of you?

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7 hours ago, Ramu said:

So then why is this person saying reality exists without God?

Because it’s true. God is only an idea. A beautiful idea, but just an idea.


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When you transcend all ideas and all that is left is just one big Being/Appearing/Consciousness there is one step left.

There is still something looking at Consciousness/God/Appearing. What you Are is even beyond that. You are beyond God. You are beyond all that is Appearing. You are Absolute/Freedom.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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23 minutes ago, Arthogaan said:

Y̶o̶u̶ a̶r̶e̶ Absolute/Freedom.



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How can something appear without an observer lol

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@axiom The observer and the observed are one. 

The external world is happening inside consciousness. If it isn’t being observed it simply exists as infinite potential. When consciousness is in a dream it is able to maintain a solid spatial logic so things are consistent. But, really consciousness is groundless and acausal.

There is no beach outside of your mind. It’s also ultimately unfalsifiable. 

All that exists is an infinite perspective. God is an infinite shape shifter with no true beginning or end other than the contextual overlay which it imagines. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@axiom Sorry but God (Consciousness) exists it is not merely an idea.  It's based on DIRECT experience. Do you pay attention to the videos?

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I wouldnt listen to the atheistic clowns in here parading as wise, they are nihilistic and have deep issues with themselves judging from their posts, they are afraid of God and hurt and instead goes around to denying and saying stuff which is absolutely meaningless really.

Those denying God are clueless and are using logic and philosophy and language which they deny as well so it is self refuting and they have no business here really other than draging others down in the name of " truth" which is exactly what the devil does.

It is a philosophy which is destroying everything in its process and it does not lead to truth either but to death.


Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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2 hours ago, Adamq8 said:

I wouldnt listen to the atheistic clowns in here parading as wise, they are nihilistic and have deep issues with themselves judging from their posts, they are afraid of God and hurt and instead goes around to denying and saying stuff which is absolutely meaningless really.

Those denying God are clueless and are using logic and philosophy and language which they deny as well so it is self refuting and they have no business here really other than draging others down in the name of " truth" which is exactly what the devil does.

It is a philosophy which is destroying everything in its process and it does not lead to truth either but to death.


You seem to be annoyed. I apologise if anything I’ve said here is frustrating or triggering. 

It is still true though. Death is truth. Death is “God”.

Edited by axiom


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3 hours ago, Ramu said:

@axiom Sorry but God (Consciousness) exists it is not merely an idea.  It's based on DIRECT experience. Do you pay attention to the videos?

We don’t need leaders.

God consciousness exists as an idea. You know this already. 


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@Thought Art

Observer and observed are two entirely distinct ideas. There is only one facet to “God”. Appearance. Anything else added to this is dream-building.

The reality is, there is only appearance. The appearance is without a self or a Self. It is singular.

This is the oneness you are referring to. Not observer and observed somehow bundled together. Simply appearance. No taxonomies, no distinctions, no multiple facets. No room for you. Just this.

Edited by axiom


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3 hours ago, Thought Art said:

The “observer” and the “observed” are  ̶o̶n̶e̶ appearance.


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@axiom thanks 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@axiom yes you do need leaders.  It is NOT an idea.  It's based on DIRECT experience.  God or whatever term you want it's the ONLY thing in existence.

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You don't understand that the bottomless void is all possible possibilities creating a singularity, and that singularity is you.

it is, shall we say, a natural phenomenon. when the void occurs, as it cannot be otherwise, the absence of limits occurs. the absence of limits translates into existence, automatically. all that can be, is. instantly. this is infinity. But it goes beyond. infinity, as it cannot be otherwise, is one. Is multiple, but at the end, is only one, because, as it cannot otherwise, all the multiplicities collapse into one. this is where the matter occurs. That one, how could it be otherwise, is you. there is only one. you are, therefore, you are the one. the one is everything possible, therefore, it is omnipotent. the proper name for one, only and omnipotent, is god


Edited by Breakingthewall

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On 11/10/2022 at 11:00 AM, Thought Art said:

How can something appear without an observer lol

I drew how over a blanket with a couple deodorant cants beneath it for some other thread, because words are a crap form of communication.


This is how the world is seen by normal people when ego death has never been encountered.

People who think they've encountered ego death but have in fact NOT, and instead only encountered the removal of the perceived borders of the ego, believe the character is superimposed onto the redness """at one""" with it.

Legit ego death happens exactly like this:


So what you previously thought was appearing to a person or TO a consciousness, is revealed to be without other. Without a you or an I or a God.

I'm not talking BS about "le secret doors" as there's then nobody to go through one, or being purposefully obtuse like Neo-Advaita gurus who don't give a shit about communicating ideas, just about getting narcissistic validation for sounding deep... I'm showing you the actual, legit, real deal exactly as it happens.

If you understand that image you understand what so called enlightenment is. Which is impossible to attain because you should see there's nobody to attain it. And nobody to know anything... Because if you understand how red is red without second, then you should see also that knowledge is knowledge.

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@RMQualtrough yes ,there is no observer and object, only what is happening, which has the appearance of object and subject. you are not the subject, nor the object. you are the experience that is happening. you are the red.  ego death is already the case since the ego is illusory. But you exist, not as an ego. You are everything. It's quite obvious. The "secret door" is just collapse the duality object/subject 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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23 hours ago, Adamq8 said:

I wouldnt listen to the atheistic clowns in here parading as wise, they are nihilistic and have deep issues with themselves judging from their posts, they are afraid of God and hurt and instead goes around to denying and saying stuff which is absolutely meaningless really.

Those denying God are clueless and are using logic and philosophy and language which they deny as well so it is self refuting and they have no business here really other than draging others down in the name of " truth" which is exactly what the devil does.

It is a philosophy which is destroying everything in its process and it does not lead to truth either but to death.

The feel-good ideas are bad because belief in God/I etc, causes a need to desperately invent ideas about how simple things like death works. Deathlessness is only obvious and makes total sense when you don't believe in True Selves and God etc... When you believe those myths you just go Rupert Spira discussing security guards watching CCTV screens etc, returning to infinity etc, because under that paradigm death is most similar to an atheist's vision of death. And that is a primary fear for people.

Consider this:

Nobody mourns when red stops appearing and blue takes its place. Nobody is scared of red ceasing to appear because they know something else will appear... People who believe in any form of self, do not comprehend that precisely as red turns to blue, I can cease to exist and blue can appear.

The death of I does not take reality down with it. The I is another image like red is. And THAT is why you have to stop believing in fairytales. Because if you don't stop believing fairytales you won't be able to understand how that is possible. And will have to concoct elaborate shit like Rupert just to hold onto a belief.

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3 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

@RMQualtrough yes ,there is no observer and object, only what is happening, which has the appearance of object and subject. you are not the subject, nor the object. you are the experience that is happening. you are the red.  ego death is already the case since the ego is illusory. But you exist, not as an ego. You are everything. The "secret door" is just collapse the duality object/subject 

It's not really though lol... If I had my laptop open I'd draw what you experienced on drugs. You realize I've used shit like DMT 100 times or more. I know how it functions really well.

You're experiencing ego alteration rather than ego death so long as you feel there is a me entity swirling around with all the psychedelic visions etc. Or sometimes on trips feel sucked backwards as though you are watching the psychedelic visions as a nothingness in the here position with a distant world. That's another form of ego alteration, both being nothingness and being everythingness. Lots of examples of ego alteration I can describe and exactly how it happens step by step.

The sense of you becoming infinite is because sober ego sort of draws a fake boundary of self onto the edge of your skin. When you take the drugs, the boundary of where the self ends changes, so for example it no longer ends at the edge of your skin but expands outwards; you lose the ability to draw the self/other border. Because the perceived boundary which is ALWAYS present in sober perception is no longer there, you feel to exist as an I entity without any spatial dimension or spatial boundary. And like that the ego becomes surround-sound, similar to music from in-ear headphones. Which sounds like it is everywhere but whenever you try to find it in a specific spot it is never there. You can btw do this sober rn if you have in-ear headphones. I highly recommend that, and then see if you can replicate it with vision, and then all senses.

Feeling to be a self in ANY sort of oneness with a world is ego alteration, there is still a sense of the world consisting of an appearance and the make-believe I entity. There is then a me-ness in redness, it is not quite purified. Ego death is exactly as it sounds, the ego has to actually not even be present. Not one with everything, not even nothing, it's just not present like how red isn't present rn if you surround yourself with just green. It's just as absent.

If you have to spin elaborate tales about infinities and secret doors and voids etc, to explain something as simple as death, which is exactly the same as watching red become blue right now, then you can't have encountered ego death. If you get that, then there is no need for infinities or any other explanation, because it's literally as basic as red becoming blue (and you don't exactly need to discuss red "going back to infinity" or w.e. to understand how reality continues in its absence). Reality continues in absense of "I" exactly the same as it continues in absence of red or blue.

Do you understand that? As I can't tell.

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