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What is stupidity and smartness in this sense?

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A doctorate teacher from a good college came to give a lecture in my highschool and i thought to myself what is smartness in this sense. Im stupid compared to some of my classmates(im not trying to be a victim here, just be more realistic), i also thought to myself which degrees could i actually do in college? How do people understand so much about things, be able to memorize so many things? I recently started programming, im doing simple math problems but still its hard. Why is some people smarter than others? How do smart people become the way they are?

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smart isn't being able to retain an answer but the ability to find an answer ... smart is understanding what a problem is asking and putting it into simple language

the smart do this by practicing their craft relentlessly ... they are no different from you or me ... they have experienced the talk they are giving numerous times so it seems like they are an expert ... it is not difficult to achieve expect level, you have to enjoy the topic and desire to explore it

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