
I have accomplished EVERYTHING by 30. What should I live for anymore?

37 posts in this topic

On 29/09/2022 at 2:59 PM, spiritual memes said:

Damn those are some amazing achievements! I strive to be where you are!

If I was in your position, I would travel and go on adventures, explore consciousness with psychedelics and find a deep meaningful relationship. And after I got bored of that, I would use my resources to help others.

Thank you!


As I mentioned to someone else, it really doesn't take that long if you can sort of go in full steam ahead and target each of them one at a time. (I was still trying to do all 3 here and there, which helped a bit from time to time, but I do feel that concentrating on one would be much less stressful I feel.)


Also, my links have been posted above, I documented my body transformation but ALSO my pursuit of Pick Up & Game and I also explained the understanding of Money & Value and how one needs to be pursuing money if they do. Hopefully all that helps, and if you wish to connect with me you can do so directly on my IG!


Best wishes and best of luck to you in all your endeavours!

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On 29/09/2022 at 1:36 PM, BlessedLion said:

Very interesting post. Thank you for sharing. 

First off, congrats on crushing all your material desires. And big surprise, all those sages were right, it’s mostly empty at the end of it all. 

Now what’s left?


Keep pursuing more and more? Nah

Going within and finding true happiness and dissolving into Love and God? Yeap! 

I was like you man, i made a ton of money early in life, stupid amounts, hooked up with 100s of girls, mastered my physique, went to cool parties, and i was still depressed and miserable. Only recently I quit my job to fully pursue spirituality. This year I am doing 6 , 10 day silent retreats, 3 yoga modules, and likely a 49 day silent retreat along with bi weekly psychedelic trips and hours upon hours of contemplation and reflection. I have more time on my hands than ever but feel very strategical about how I run my days. 

My advice, get super spiritual. Take all that fire you had to go your material goals, and put it into the spiritual. Of course, balance it out. Still date women and make money, or go balls to the wall with it like I am. Whatever fits. 

Side note; I feel you on the selflessness thing, I sometimes wonder if I should make my life’s work something that helps people when most don’t seem interested. I have this passion to lead meditations and hypnosis, but I might just do it as a side gig 


Thank you for those kind words!


And yes I am looking into pursuing more spirituality and consciousness.

I have experience with all of these so far and loved most all of them, I will list them in order of my favourites :






I am now looking into Ketamine assisted therapy for more ideas and vision into myself and my being. I will at some point also be going for Ayahuasca and ALSO 5-MeO -DMT. I just feel I am not ready for those just yet. Ketamine, however, yes I think I can investigate the same.


I am ALSO keen on going for some meditation retreats as well! I just don't know just yet if I will be able to handle a 7-day retreat just yet, a 3 day however I feel should be just fine for starters.


What are the Yoga modules you are into?

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On 29/09/2022 at 2:09 PM, Leo Gura said:

Art and your life's work (LP) is a never-ending source of shit to do.

Life is very empty & easy when you're not creating anything.

It's not about making more money, it's about creating beautiful things for the world.

Go try to launch a company that does something innovative for mankind. That'll keep ya busy.

Thank you for this Leo. I will look into further figuring out my own Life Purpose. For now, my Life Purpose is to just pursue things that make me happy. I need to first satisfy and do things in order to keep myself as a top priority before/after which I can look into spreading and sharing the love.

My form of Art is actually making broad complex concepts and ideas really easy and simple. That's what my Youtube channel is all about. I do this primarily with Bodybuilding and the pursuit of one's "Dream Physique". But I also help guys out with the same in and around understanding female psychology for them to implement in their dating lives. And also dabble in Psychedelics and other Mental Health Self Help.

Also, your Victim Mentality video #1 was one of the first videos that I watched after doing my Mushroom trip and it set my life on this trajectory to where I am today. I have a perma-pledge on Patreon simply because of what that video and its concept has done for me already so far.

Funnily enough, the Pick Up Bootcamp I did was also in Vegas and I did one with John Anthony's guys, who said that they knew of you or knew some of the guys that game with you as well! Small world, hopefully, we run into each other someday! 

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@Indianonymous You can't "love" yourself. Equally though, You can't "not love" yourself. The love doesn't belong to you, so trying to get love, is as silly as attempting to catch air. The air is abundant, never runs out, yet you can't take ownership of it either. 
It sounds to me like you are probably quite a selfless person naturally. But you have centred this around "you" and probably attempted to derive some kind of significance, meaning, purpose from it. And failed. 
It was always to doomed to failure. 
It sounds like you really do need to pursue waking up to the dream/illusion. Realising the reality of who you are. 
You'll probably then come full circle with everything you have achieved so far. You will come back to it, from a fresh perspective, that is not attempting to fill you up in some way.

I love what Leo says in this video, at about 1 hour 28 mins. About life purpose. This is where I'm at now. After waking up. It can be difficult to navigate too. 

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@Indianonymous It's impossible to "love yourself" and equally, it's also impossible to "not love yourself" 
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. Rumi. 
Trying to "get" love is as ridiculous as trying to catch air. Equally, we can't escape love either. That would also be as ridiculous as trying to escape air. 
Love will hunt you down, and annihilate you, till you see the truth of who you are. 

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You might like what Leo says in this video, at 1 hour 28 mins. This is where I'm at, after waking up almost two years ago, and doing a lot of dropping ego attachments and identities work since then. It's felt like a Tsunami at times. I now need to find a "life purpose" 
It sounds like you are a naturally selfless person. But it has left you unsatisfied. Probably because you were coming from conditioning, and lack. A "should" 
When you come from a place of love, it's a totally different paradigm. Coming from a place of fullness. 
You will probably come full circle with it. And the selflessness, once liberated from "self" will have a totally different flavour. It will feel like freedom, and surrender, to flow, and aliveness. 

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I'd look into getting life purpose sorted and get into a depth psychotherapy


There is no failure, only feedback

Do what works

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Congratulations on achieving all of that by 30, that's amazing.

And also congratulations on noticing that it doesn't make you feel permanently amazing, and it doesn't fill the emptiness.

Most people only find out by 50, 60, or never! So that's good.

Here's what I can tell you from experience of me and also helping others doing deep inner work at various ages & stages:

  • Low self-worth can not be fixed externally
    "self-esteem boosts" aren't real, accomplishments, titles, possessions and clothes do nothing.
    Even philantropy and charity don't make a dent.
    A powerful life purpose statement that is all about helping others, doesn't cut it. Even that will become an independable liferaft for your ego to cling onto when the internalized worthlessness grabs your ankles and pulls you under.
    There is nothing to add, there is only something to subtract.
    That something is the layer of conditioning, old experiences and pain that is too buried for you to remember, but still very much in the way of the high self worth that is your birthright, valuing yourself in a way that comes so natural that you don't even think about it.
    This is your default state
  • Lack of self-love can not be fixed by adding 'self-love'
    Self-love practices are a band-aid if you have to think about them.
    Meditation, while beneficial, will not heal this.
    Being nice and taking good care of yourself and respecting yourself all come naturally when the underlying feeling of lack (of love) has been remedied.
    Before that, you'll find yourself chasing. Not chasing money, but chasing doing nice things for yourself. A temporary feeling of appreciation and love, which also doesn't last no matter how many fun things you do.

This is actually good news, it means that you don't need external achievements, possessions, or experiences ever again to feel complete.

The only thing that is needed, is to access deeper layers of your psyche and excise whatever is blocking your unconditional self-love and self-worth.

A painful but rewarding process, for those who are ready.

Feel free to DM me for some recommendations if you're interested in this path.

Learn to resolve trauma. Together.

Testimonials thread:

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17 hours ago, flowboy said:

The only thing that is needed, is to access deeper layers of your psyche and excise whatever is blocking your unconditional self-love and self-worth.

A painful but rewarding process, for those who are ready.

Lol, that's what mediation is for.

Why did you say meditation will not heal a lack of self-love? 

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On 5/10/2022 at 5:39 PM, flowboy said:

Lack of self-love can not be fixed by adding 'self-love'
Self-love practices are a band-aid if you have to think about them.
Meditation, while beneficial, will not heal this.


I think the last 'this' refers to the way we use self-love practices as band-aids to get excited and forget the real lack of self-love we feel. 

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10 hours ago, omar30 said:

Lol, that's what mediation is for.

Why did you say meditation will not heal a lack of self-love? 

Because it won't.

Lack of self-love comes from being incompletely loved as a child.

To reach a state similar to those who have never had issues loving themselves, meaning self-love is SO default that you don't need a word for it, or to waste another thought on it, it's just there, the unfulfilled needs of childhood have to be FULLY uncovered and felt.

Unless your meditation sessions leave you crying and screaming for mommy, you're not healing.

What meditation CAN do, which IS helpful (but not curative), is learn to ignore and pay less attention to the unfelt pain of childhood.

Before your mind goes "I don't have childhood pain / I've already dealt with it" - no you haven't, you just think you do.

Unless self-love is so natural and default for you that it doesn't need to be thought about and reminded of and affirmed, or even conceived of, there is more.

That's what it means for something to be unconscious.


It means that you're going to believe that it's not there.

The psyche is powerful at repressing, keeping what's unconscious in the shadows.

Through meditation, you can learn to repress better.

You can learn to keep a calmer mind, train it to remain calmer in stressful situations.

Cutting off all links between the conscious experience and the unconscious unprocessed pain.

Leaving it buried.


Giving you wild dreams.



Endless pursuit of what doesn't fulfill you.

Tests have been done on people claiming to be enlightened through meditation.

Their endorphin levels were through the roof.

Meaning their repression system was working overtime.

They were feeling blissed out, having no idea that their bodies and subconscious were still chronically stressed.

This is not to knock meditation, consciousness and a calm mind are very useful to train.

Don't confuse it with healing.

Learn to resolve trauma. Together.

Testimonials thread:

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Send me 10k usd and ill sen you the totality of human knowledge that i systematized (Business/Love/Parenting/Creativity/Reading/Time/Best Mental Models Of All Time/Money/Giftedness/Mastery/Subconscious Programming/Psychology/Spirituality)



ill also send you my 3k fav songs (most beautiful of all time) and my yt playlist of nearly 7k usd favorited vids








There's only 3 stages of life;

Focus all your energy into the returning stage (return boone via maximally sharing your time/money/knowledge/actions/emotions with others) and finding a suitable life partner to put 10 babies in.

Apart from that i live as you do, but with a few things added;
Reading 20+ books at a time at starbucks/outside/the mall (great way to meet people too) taking pics for my ig and making yt reviews of them
Going to art galleries and taking pics of paintings (buying too)
Going to antique stores and shopping
Going to the mall and shopping
Listening to lectures 2x+ speed 2+ hours a day while i cook/work online/eat/shop/walk outside
Buying people's time to pick their brain; psychologists, poker players, physicists, coaches in general, local celebs

3 things change your life:
1.Beauty; paintings, sculptures, movies, music, art of any kind, nature
2.Information: books, articles, audiobooks, lectures, mentors
3.Souls: people, animals

Best places to meet high quality people:
Book stores/libraries/nature/art galleries/art supply stores/gym/supp stores/church

Final thing i'd suggest seeing as you're highly successful is is;
1.Write down what you SPECIFICALLY want in a partner and then work on finding them so when you DO see them, you can 100% approach and 100% commit

Edited by 2ndComing

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14 hours ago, flowboy said:

Tests have been done on people claiming to be enlightened through meditation.

Their endorphin levels were through the roof.

Meaning their repression system was working overtime.

They were feeling blissed out, having no idea that their bodies and subconscious were still chronically stressed.

This is not to knock meditation, consciousness and a calm mind are very useful to train.

Can you please send some links for more info on this?

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I just wanted to bump up this thread for both others as well as myself to share that I DID end up realizing my way out of this "well" so to speak.


One aspect of it I even shared in this video here where I share how I almost became suicidal at one point.


The one book that helped me to put a HARD stop to all the negativity and thoughts in my head was "The Untethered Soul" by Micheal Singer.


This book is brilliant and has been the first resource I have come across in 35+ years to FINALLY help me understand "thoughts aren't real".


I explain that in greater detail in the video above as well.


Outside of that these two lectures that I have come across via Ram Dass have been ABSOLUTE GOLDMINES and literally map out my entire life journey so far. How accomplishing external mountains and achievements can lead to feelings of hollowness and emotional bankruptcy.



I have been able to understand the Miracle of Consciousness much MUCH better by my understanding of Consciousness via Micheal Singers' Untethered Soul.


My next goal I believe should be to run the workbook journal that Micheal Singer has.


I still right now do not enjoy nor look forward to meditation, so I need to be able to find some good resources to LOVE to meditate or do yoga to connect deeply and spiritually.


I have been bodybuilding for 20 ish years now, so clearly discipline is not the issue here. It's that I haven't found the right value and methods in doing Meditation that are stopping me from taking the plunge into it.



Caveat, if you are under the age of 30 (maybe even 35?) I do not expect anyone to understand any of these teachings. At least not at a deeper level where it will connect with your spirit and soul.

Logically, sure. But it'll be like when you understand "Do no evil" "karma is a bitch". And we understand it theoretically but we still do not understand the value of practically applying it. But the true realization comes after many experiences in life where you realize the only thing you are doing is eroding your own soul and feeling like filth. None of the "taking" from the outside can fill that void nor repair the damage on the inside.

If you are under the age of 30, you need to first go out and conquer the world.

Become big and strong, learn to fight and defend yourself, smash as much pussy as you need to feel you need to to "prove yourself to yourself". Make some good money and learn that money doesn't actually truly bring you joy nor happiness (just security and a tool for life). Etc.


Anyways thought I'd update here for both others that chimed into this post and myself if I ever look for an update or to find my way once again.

Edited by Indianonymous

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@Indianonymous your story is fascinating. Using Maslow's hierarchy to self-actualize, pretty much!

I'll check out the Ram Dass videos and some of your videos too, I want to better understand your experience.

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It's similar for everyone. When they reach a certain level of maturity, they will start asking what is the point of life?

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