
Exposing Children to the World

11 posts in this topic

So the question of where best to raise kids is at hand.

-The highbrow part of the big city

-Or the peaceful countryside in driving distance of the city


The thought is; in the highbrow area your kid will see the limitlessness socially, that they can do anything in society. Or more likely, that in the countryside they may think things are out of reach for them.

You can expose your children to most things but where they go to school and who they grow up with really effects their perspective.

Edited by Devin

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  On 9/28/2022 at 2:11 PM, Devin said:

So the question of where best to raise kids is at hand.

-The highbrow part of the big city

-Or the peaceful countryside in driving distance of the city


The thought is; in the highbrow area your kid will see the limitlessness socially, that they can do anything in society. Or more likely, that in the countryside they may think things are out of reach for them.

You can expose your children to most things but where they go to school and who they grow up with really effects their perspective.

    Hi kids, wanna see me stick nine-inch nails inside my eyelids?

   Basically, both the city and countryside, and much more. The more life experiences they are exposed to, the smarter they become.

Edited by Danioover9000

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   I know this sub-forum has been updated to include family, with the list of relationships, sexuality and dating, but it just feels that maybe we need to make another sub-forum to just be dedicated to sexuality and dating, while the relationships and family is in another sub-forum. @Leo Gura please consider maybe separating the family/relationships from the sexuality/dating topics please.

   I just feel strange, to type about kids in a sub-forum that talks about one-night stands, lay counts, short-long term BF/GF relationships, sexualities, how to have sex and watch porn. I mean, if OP is asking me how to raise sexually healthy children, how to teach children to date, or manage relationships intimately or socially, I can see how quickly it'll get personal and heated. I know of some things that I did when I was a kid but am not sure if sharing here explicitly is past pg-13 rating. I'd say, if you are a parent, very broadly and generally teach them how to self-massage and explore their bodies. Having said that, from personal experience at nights, I didn't need much encouragement to explore myself. Any reprimands you might do to your kids, slightly tone it down as they will associate hate and negativity to that experience.

   Ideally, you'd help yourself and deal with whatever dating/sexual issues in your psyche, before raising kids, as you are very likely to project those issue onto them, immediately corrupting the raising them to a healthier outlook part.

Edited by Danioover9000

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  On 9/28/2022 at 4:16 PM, Danioover9000 said:


    Hi kids, wanna see me stick nine-inch nails inside my eyelids?

   Basically, both the city and countryside, and much more. The more life experiences they are exposed to, the smarter they become.

Hmm, I was adamant about not moving around, letting them develop long friendships.

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I'm thinking live and go to school in the city but spend time in the country, go to the small towns, farm stands, agritourism; but that still leaves out the experience growing up in the country.

If you live and go to a decent school in the country, you can go to the city, travel, teach them things, maybe live close enough to the city to where they can be in sports or other clubs with those kids, you wouldn't be able to do the reverse live in the city and put them in rural groups.

Edited by Devin

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  On 9/28/2022 at 4:52 PM, Devin said:

Hmm, I was adamant about not moving around, letting them develop long friendships.

   That's fine too. I can see one tradeoff of staying in one area, that is the children will more quickly be less open minded and diverse in thinking, but in exchange they will feel more loyalty and sisterhood/brotherhood to that one community, so to speak.

   Travelling a bit more, living from country to country for 2-5 years, having your kids change schools and get used to that country's education standards about public schooling, I think makes them more experienced and open minded than most children that stay far longer in one area growing up. I'm mainly speaking in regard to public schools per country they enter, but border schools or private schools I don't know enough of to make the comparisons. Home schooling is an interesting possibility, but I know enough that parenting is already stressful enough and having to also be their teacher on top of being their parent, for some parents, is too much, but if done the children will have a greater sense if independence and independent thinking than their demographic peers.

   Of course, in exchange of travelling a lot, exposing yourself and your growing child to different cultures, being more multicultural, the exchange is that they may feel less loyalty, patriotism and nationalistic pride and origin to their original culture and heritage. They will become too open minded, and they may feel more confused as to who they are, socially speaking, as they have to many places. There are other tradeoffs possible that I'm not aware of fully so keep that in mind.

   Should I stay many years in one country, my home country, and raise my child mostly here before letting them adventure around the world? Or should I adventure around the world with my child, and expose them to many parts of the world and its cultures as they grow? I think, if you or anyone here is seriously considering parenting, should contemplate carefully.



Edited by Danioover9000

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  On 9/28/2022 at 2:11 PM, Devin said:

So the question of where best to raise kids is at hand.

-The highbrow part of the big city

-Or the peaceful countryside in driving distance of the city


The thought is; in the highbrow area your kid will see the limitlessness socially, that they can do anything in society. Or more likely, that in the countryside they may think things are out of reach for them.

You can expose your children to most things but where they go to school and who they grow up with really effects their perspective.

Wherever they are naturally from. 


Exposing children to the world :

Showing your child to the world

Showing the world to your child

Either way

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@Danioover9000 @Twenty

Travelling with them when they are young and then supporting them travelling later is very important to me. Growing up in their home country is important to me as well.

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If you live too far out in the country, you're probably going to have to homeschool. Or at the very least, it's a lot harder for your kids to go over to friend's houses after school. They might be a bit socially stunted and awkward unless you put specific attention in getting them the socialization they need.

If you live in the big city, your kids get exposed to a lot of messed up stuff. Walking past homeless people with mental illness or strung out on drugs is traumatizing enough for me as an adult. They'll see a lot more of the degeneracy of modern society in the city.

Lot more people in the city, and every extra stranger around you is an increased risk and potential source of trauma. City has higher risk your kid witnesses the aftermath of their home getting broken into and never feels safe again, road rage, getting robbed, seeing people do drugs. Sometimes more life experience isn't all it's cracked up to be. I'd rather my kid be blissfully ignorant about the evils of the world and enjoy their childhood to the max until they're at least a teen.

Every extra adult you leave your kid around unsupervised is an increased risk they become verbally/physically/sexually abused.

My dream is to live in the country, but atm my options in order of most to least likely are probably:

1. Live in the city, only have 1 kid so I can afford to send them to a private school. (You best believe that even stage green rich parents aren't teaching their kids the stuff in public schools xD)
2. Live in the city, have multiple kids, send them to French immersion school (Wife refuses to send them to Catholic school, and from what I've seen it's not exactly based anyway, so French is the next best thing after public school.)
3. Work extremely hard, save up a few hundo thousand in the next 5 years to upgrade to a forever home in the country, send kids to rural school or homeschool. (Or if housing prices tank in the next couple years it might be even easier.)
4. Homeschool in the city. Requires giving up 1 income and convincing my wife to let me do it.

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@Yarco you might get surprised of the degeneracy in the country, it's just as bad. You're actually less likely to be a victim of crime in the city in the u.s. as well.

I won't be too far from the city.

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