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Why should I care about politics?

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Pardon my little knowledge in politics. I never was attracted to anything related to politics since I was a child . I saw my dad and his friends arguing about political issues in the country and I just couldn't figure out what's so appealing about it .

To me, politics is a very toxic endeavour. 

People in power are all crooks anyway. Consider Trump vs Hillary. Both sides said the other was the devil. The truth? Both sides are right, at least on this one. Trump vs Hillary brings up something else: how can American people possibly be motivated to get out and vote if doing so means facing choices like THIS?

Politics is just a whole lot of nastiness. People argue over it. People fight over it. Friendships are broken over it. Family members stop speaking to each other over it. Is this REALLY something you WANT to be involved with? I mean, the world is nasty and divisive enough as it is.

Who is REALLY ‘right’? Both sides say their way is the ONLY way, and the other side is bad. But all in all, the economy can go bad with either side in power. Wars start with either side in power. Nobody REALLY seems to be able to get things right. Both sides just look like a bunch of incompetent fools who only THINK they are right. Meanwhile, they enjoy blaming EVERYTHING on the other side when things go wrong.

I know that politics affect my life indirectly Everything around you is affected by political decisions; schools, hospitals, jobs, rules in society, the environment, what you buy and what you can't buy, the quality of life and million other different aspects to every moment you breathe. 

But I just didn't find it appealing or worthy for my consideration.  Even though my life purpose is to become a philosopher. But I would just focus on metaphysics and epistemology. No politics. 

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Why should you care about something that you have to ask if you should care about?

Edited by Vibes

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I feel like politics is everywhere. The will of the people which has the control is formed through individuals. You can consciously take part in that net or you can try to ignore it. But the more people that take part in it the more representative politics will be of the whole of society. Also if you don’t inform yourself you will probably take in many low consciousness perspectives because these perspectives are often the loudest and it needs consciousness to filter those out. Also you describe just the toxic part of politic discourse. If you don’t want thats great! Politics will improve if you support open and judgement free discussions which go somewhere. 
I am also not big on politics though which makes me kind of a hypocrite preaching it to you like that. But I see how it’s important. Also it’s actually pretty fun talking about topics you have knowledge about. Like I love to talk about the educational system because I thought about it a good amount and got to many original ideas on it. 

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Actually we shouldn't care about politics. Because either way, it doesn't give a damn about us. 


Edited by Tyler Robinson


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That's like not caring about your toilet cause it's full of shit ;)

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The reason I care about politics is deeper than the surface level arguments. Yes there is a lot of fighting in religion and politics, but it is understanding conflict that interests me.

A lot of the conflict in the world is created through attachment to ideology. These ideologies blind is to deeper levels of understanding. What you are trying to do is take out the fighting and focus on deeper levels of understanding. In doing so you may understand metaphysics, but you miss understanding conflict, ideology, the consequences of different levels of consciousness, an more. There are deeply spiritual aspects to politics, but these are hidden by the competing ideologies on the surface.

It makes sense that you don't want to contribute to fruitless fighting. Why ruin your relationships over such things? If you want to understand reality at a deeper level, then then it makes sense to understand how humanity evolves. Most of humanity is not interested in such an understanding, thus you are the fighting between stages blue, orange, and green for instance.

Understanding conflict actually requires a deeper understanding of politics than what most people have. Your understanding will come from a place of nuance, open mindedness, and detachment from ideology. When people are not interested in deep understanding, they get caught up in the culture war and stay in their current stage of development. Politics evolves more slowly because of a lack of interest in deep understanding.

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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

That's like not caring about your toilet cause it's full of shit ;)

At least there’s something you can do about the toilet, unlike politics.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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Because a large part of being conscientious and mindful person involves caring about the well being of other people, which can't be disentangled from wider societal issues, which necessitates engaging with politics.

The world needs conscientious people to be politically engaged. By intentionally staying disengaged, all you're really doing is ceding power to make collective decisions to people who are going to use that power in an unmindful way.

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I mostly follow politics simply cause I find it fun. It's like Game of Thrones Live.

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

I mostly follow politics simply cause I find it fun. It's like Game of Thrones Live.

The politics we have allowed you to have Actualized. Politics governs you and makes, maintains and changes laws. Laws which allow or deny you to have access to healthcare, entrepreneurship, access to psycheldelics, gay rights, military services etc. but there is ALOT of usueles drama also. And you made elaborate series on politics, so I cannot relate you saying this.

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@Applegarden8 Life is short. Don't forget to enjoy yourself.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Politics is one of the mandatory subjects to be involved in and understand. These corrupt people rule your life bud. Its about the same as not learning about business because Amazon is corrupt and then wondering why you're broke.

There's a lot of effect you can have, especially on your municipal politics. Depending on where you live, you can book a meeting/call with your city councillor which is responsible for a lot of things you wouldn't think about. In a lot of 2nd/3rd world countries I'd imagine connections like that are even more important.

Thinking you have no power over it is called learned helplessness, you could become the Emperor of the world if you really wanted to.

The reason politics are so divisive is they cut to the core of who who are and what you believe in. You can have a pleasant chat with someone about coffee brews but you will learn a lot about the core beliefs of people if you investigate their political opinions.

Owner of creatives community all around Canada as well as a business mastermind 

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Because metaphysics and epistemology is full of politics.

These fields exist because of survival needs. People will co-opt anything to meet their survival needs. Metaphysics and epistemology are no different.

I'd recommend pondering on the following questions, 'Does the idea of foundationalism help the left or the right's agenda more?'.

'Does the idea that human's have free will help the left or the right's agenda more?'.

If your familiar with spiral dynamics, I'd recommend you analyse those questions using green and orange, rather than left and right.

Edited by Ulax


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You might not care about politics but politics cares about you.

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Move to a country where politics are reasonable in order to get rid of the frustrations. Go to Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and see how a united and educated society can create a beautiful and happy place to live in. I would also get annoyed by US politics, too low consciousness. People who don`t care and understand politics become frustrated and sad, because you pay taxes anyway, you will feel robbed and cheated on.

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It ties into knowing how the world fits together. Focusing on metaphysics and epistemology is a bit myopic considering how politics might have a direct or indirect impact how you approach these things in a hundred different ways. Also, just curiosity. You want to know things like why the gas and electricity prices are skyrocketing.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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