
Freaks of Nature Mega-Thread

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On 6/22/2024 at 2:50 PM, mmKay said:


Can also affect women



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Edited by Yimpa


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Can you climb like this at 61 year old?


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Dude can climb the ranks with just his feat!

Edited by Yimpa


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I need to think of the little girl in the movie exorcism with her strange fast movements when watching this genetic freak of a girl:



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This 4-part interview is a BIG TREAT. It’s a real freak of nature in the most fascinating way.

I know Leo doesn’t believe in souls because they don’t exist in his direct experience. Let’s just hold for now that maybe they do exist but are at a lesser level of what “you” are in the Russian doll analogy.

This person understands the truth that "you are God", and that the Universe is made out of Consciousness, that the Universe is infinite and even Love, although I don't know to what degree.

They have experienced Synesthesia, Remote viewing, Channeling collective consciousness like Ra,  and more.

This is a rare case of a person with two distinct souls living in one body, not from birth, not trauma-originated. This isn’t just multiple personality disorder. This case challenges the deepest assumptions about human consciousness, the nature of self, personality, memory, and more.

What makes this unique is their elevated level of consciousness and their ability to describe their experience in great detail. Most people experiencing such phenomena end up in a mental hospital.

Part 1: Two Souls in One Body with Annika and Tristan

Part 2: Annika's Life Story

Part 3: Tristan's Life Story

Part 4: Metaphysical Implications with Annika and Tristan ( second half is very good)

I personally had a 13-hour conversation with a woman I was coaching who experienced many of the same things as Annika/Tristan (and more). I was fascinated when I heard it for the first time, and now I was fascinated to see a very similar case described to such detail again

Edited by mmKay

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@mmKay It's a great example to round out our list of freaks!


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Tarrare ([taʁaʁ]; c. 1772 – 1798), sometimes spelled Tarar, was a French showman, soldier and spy noted for his unusual appetiteand eating habits. Able to eat vast amounts of meat, he was constantly hungry; his parents could not provide for him and he was turned out of the family home as a teenager. He travelled to France in the company of a band of prostitutes and thieves before becoming the warm-up act for a travelling charlatan. In this act, he swallowed corks, stones, live animals, and a whole basketful of apples. He then took this act to Pariswhere he worked as a street performer.

At the start of the War of the First Coalition, Tarrare joined the French Revolutionary Army, where even quadrupling the standard military ration was unable to satisfy his large appetite. He ate any available food from gutters and rubbish heaps but his condition still deteriorated through hunger. He was hospitalised due to exhaustionand became the subject of a series of medical experiments to test his eating capacity, in which, among other things, he ate a meal intended for 15 people in a single sitting, ate live cats, snakes, lizards, and puppies, and swallowed eels whole without chewing. Despite his unusual diet, he was underweight and, except for his eating habits, he showed no signs of mental illness other than what was described as an apathetic temperament.

General Alexandre de Beauharnais decided to put Tarrare's abilities to military use, and employed him as a courier for the French army, with the intention that he would swallow documents, pass through enemy lines, and recover them from his stool once safely at his destination. On his first mission, he was captured by Prussianforces, severely beaten, and subjected to a mock execution before being returned to French lines.

Chastened by this experience, he agreed to submit to any procedure that might cure his appetite. The procedures failed, and doctors could not keep him on a controlled diet; he snuck out of the hospital to scavenge for offal in gutters, rubbish heaps and outside butchers' shops, and attempted to drink the blood of other patients in the hospital while they were bloodletting and to eat the corpses in the hospital's morgue. After being suspected of eating a one-year-old toddler, he was ejected from the hospital. He re-appeared four years later in Versailles with a case of severe tuberculosis and died shortly afterward, following a lengthy bout of exudative diarrhoea.



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25 minutes ago, Raze said:

After being suspected of eating a one-year-old toddler, he was ejected

I feel so understood.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Natural evolution takes thousands or even millions of years

Advances in genetic engineering, biotech, and AI will accelerate changes in human evolution. Artificial evolution IS the next step of natural evolution.  This right now is the moment in history. It won't be  thousands or millions of years. At most it will take a few centuries. Who knows, we may experience this within the next few generations.

What if mankind will be able to manufacture freaks of nature?

Neil Harbisson was born with complete color blindness (achromatopsia). Now he "hears" colors through an electronic eye implanted in his head. (an Eyeborg)

That's basically Technology induced Synesthesia.

Apparently his brain adapted the mechanism and he even dreams in colors.

He can even hear ultraviolet and infrared.

The correlation between colors and sounds is based on the actual frequencies of light waves: Low frequency colors (like red) are translated to low frequency sounds. High frequency colors (like violet) are translated to high frequency sounds.
It would be fascinating if that method of choosing the colors was to fit with this holistic scienctific relation between music and colors

This is just a teaser of possible mergings of technology with our biology

The video gets exponentially cooler. He "hears" people's faces. The fascinating thing is not the technology but the brain's adaptation to it.

What technology would you like to have be part of you?

What if these could be swapped out and not have to be permanent ?

VR eye balls ? ultrasonic hearing ? recording your memory? AI database for the brain? what if you could manually turn on different emotions? what if you could amplify / reduce different sensations like pain, pleasure, touch, taste, smell...?


Edited by mmKay

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On 7/30/2024 at 8:14 AM, OBEler said:

I need to think of the little girl in the movie exorcism with her strange fast movements when watching this genetic freak of a girl:




What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Brace yourselves!

2 hour Interview with Darryl Anka, AKA channeler of Bashar. UFO backstory and more :


Edited by mmKay

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