
Freaks of Nature Mega-Thread

290 posts in this topic

40 minutes ago, mmKay said:



Yeah baby! Eat me from a distance.😍

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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4 hours ago, mmKay said:

That's absolutely unfathomable for me. I barely manage to do one thing at a time

I couldnt believe that video when i first saw it. Upon closer inspection, it much more plausible. When looking at the full length videos, you can see that she focuses on one drawing at a time and when its timelapsed, it looks as if its all at the same time. Still incredibly impressive, but much more fathomable. 

The stamina to do this for 9+ hours wow. A true master able to draw upside down as well

Edited by Phil King

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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I saw a Youtube short of a woman who instead of feet, has hands. It's so freaky. Once you see it it shatters your whole paradigm of what's possible.

If it's her you do know it's fake right 

No space, no time, nothing but you/this/here/now

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On 2/5/2024 at 5:00 PM, Loveeee said:

If it's her you do know it's fake right 

I got tricked.

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Ok man "Mewing"  can possibly make facial bone structures more aesthetic,  but not mentioning the Genetic factor or even surgery of these celebs is just misleading, deluded and just selling a pipedream... Or an app in his case

edit: I shared this video to highlight the top 1% of facial structure aesthetics. Perhaps not the most broad ammount of content on the topic though .

Its obviousy genetics and not something that you're in control of really , as this man and other people telling you you can archive freak of nature results with normie genetics 

Edited by mmKay

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@mmKay That has nothing to do with this thread.

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@LSD-Rumi Stop posting irrelevant stuff here. This is not a thread about animals.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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"Super recognizers" never forget a face


Super tasters, abnormally large amount of taste buds experience tastes more intensely





Edited by mmKay

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Short sleeper syndrome.  No naps, no caffeine. 4 to 6 hours of sleep is enough for them


Super agers have no mental decline with age whatsoever



Musical Ahedonia. The incapacity to get any emotional response from music whatsoever


Edited by mmKay

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Aparently Tesla's condition is called "Superior Spacial Visualization" allowing him to clearly see three dimensional objects in his minds eye .

The opposite of the spectrum is Alphantasia where you literally don't even have a minds eye

Arnold is a great visualizer. I can barely hold the image of a Lemmon in my mind

I remember being so confused when I read Psycho-Cybernetics and Maxwell said to imagine an entire detailed Theater in your mind to re-live and experience empowering  movies. I'm lighting years away from that capacity

Einstein and DaVinci also had Tesla's skill aparently 


Edited by mmKay

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On 9/27/2022 at 7:00 PM, Leo Gura said:




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This may be BS , but aparently people with light colored eyes like blue or green can see better in the dark.  Some animals like cats have a genetic mutation that allows for better night vision. It's called Tapetum Lucidum. It's the reason why Cat's eyes glow in the dark

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Jacob Collier is an absolute genius, a once-in-a-lifetime musical prodigy.

He's good-looking, highly intelligent, creative, well-spoken. His knowledge of harmony is out of this world. He has perfect pitch and a great voice. He has won several Grammies for his ridiculous arrangements. He has collaborated with the best of the greatest living musicians and received tremendous praise from many of them.

If you understand music even a little bit, you will be in awe of this guy's otherworldly level of talent. No amount of practice can get you to that level. Not even ten lifetimes of it. He is just built differently. 

Edited by Ben Landrail

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@Ben Landrail yup. Normal people practice tuning their voice against the piano 

This dude tunes pianos with his voice , no joke. We have an example of that few pages behind 

That being said I actually don't like the tamber of his voice. His harmonies are mind-blowing though 

Edited by mmKay

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1 hour ago, mmKay said:


When you are ultra-Woke :D

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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