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The Voice

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That voice in my head has always been there. It might feel like an ally or an adversary depending on the situation. I try to protect myself from it at times, while it protect me at others. It has greatly benefited me in my life. It has helped me get laid, make money, win disputes, stand up for myself, and much more.
Additionally, it has protected me from getting hurt. To put it another way, survival. However, the voice has never been without cost. You have no control over it. You have no choice over what it says, and you believe it all. If not all, then certainly the majority. And it isn't always good. It is the ultimate demon, tyrant, deceiver, and manipulator.
It's the sniper and Red Riding Hood. It's none other than the Devil himself.
I trusted it because I had no one else to rely on. I needed answers, but no one was available to provide them. So I trusted the voice I could hear the best. Because God was nowhere to be found outside the temple or somewhere above the sky, far beyond my reach.
I eventually realized, though, that God had always been creating It—God had sent It, and God had created it. However, upon further reflection, I realized that it was all me; I was the one who was creating this voice. That God was right there; it was simply me. I was God, creating all the joy, terror, lust, love, fear, and joy. And, of course, the "I" and the Devil too.
I created it all so that one day I might come home. Just as you are creating me, this text and the meaning behind each word. A reminder for you to return to yourself, your home, my home, and our home. The one to which we are inevitably and ultimately forced to return to.

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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