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Crazy Good Video of the Interrogation of an Incel

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Really worth a watch and they go into a lot of details of what happened, crazy stuff.


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I, as an incel, am at the bottom of the hierarchy (below the normies and the chads) so the solution is to bring everyone else down (k*ll the chads, enslave the normies, etc.) so that I can be on top. Brilliant!

For real tho, this is really sad. Imagine being in a state of consciousness like this, locked in a worldview of hate and resentment. Daydreaming about murdering others, considering other murderers brave. Completely twisted. What would it take to help such a guy?

Also the policeman at the end did a BRILLIANT job. Seriously, amazing. If this won't convince you against the ACAB idea, nothing will :D

Words can't describe You.

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Pretty sure this guy admitted he wasn’t an “incel” and was just saying this stuff for the attention.

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