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The best integrative medicine introduction/framework out there

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If you are looking for a framework to heal yourself, understand patho-dynamics a bit better or just interested in holistic health in general - Then this is a must watch introduction on how to think about disease and integrative treatment approaches. No bullshit, complex & epistemiologically robust. 

This is one of the fundamental paradigms my daily routine as a doctor is build upon - a real gamechanger and highly effective.


MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

"Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
- Rainer Maria Rilke

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What has this man not done? Absolute legend.

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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