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Colombian President: most powerful speech at the UN

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Gustavo Pedro represents the true left, true justice. He's speech at the UN was impressive, full of love, wisdom and courage.  
I wouldn't be surprised if someone in the US is planning to coup him, like they did in Bolivia a few years ago.

"They use us as an excuse to justify the emptiness and loneliness of their society which bring them to live in a bubble full of drugs. They are not willing to make true reforms, so it is easier to declare war on our forest, our plant (coca leaf), our people.
How to hide the loneliness of the heart? its dryness in the midst of a society that is loveless, competitive to the point of jailing the soul? Blame the plant (coca) and the man who farms it.
While they let the Amazon burn and use poisons to kill the coca plant, they ask us for more and more coal, more and more oil to satiate their other addictions: consumption, power and money.
When action is more important than ever, when speeches are already worthless, when getting away from oil and gas is most necessary... they invent a war, and another war and another war.
Ukraine was invaded, Iraq was invaded too, Lybia was invaded too, Syria was invaded too.  All in the name of gas and oil.  We discovered in the 21 century the worst drug addiction of all: to money and oil.

40 years of the war on drugs, if you we don't correct our course in the next 40 years the United States will see 2.8 million young people die from Fentynil overdoses, which isn't even produced in Latin America.
It will see millions of African Americans imprisoned in private prisons, they become a commodity for the prison industry.

The war on drug has failed. The fight for climate change has failed"

If you understand spanish:


English translated which does not do it justice







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Those speeches are always extremely lofty and flattering, but in the end it's all a huge pile of bullshit, unless you actually have some realpolitik solutions for these problems. Listen to a speech of Xi Jinping - that motherfucker has better speeches than Gandhi, yet he is running an autocratic dystopian hellhole and is out for world domination.

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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