
Is it OK to talk philosophy at parties?

14 posts in this topic

I tend to be gravitate to the people that have the most Interesting minds. Find out what their interests are and try to go deep into those topics. It seems to be the most interesting thing to do and all other forms of conversation I can barely finish a sentence because it’s so boring.

is this reasonable to do? I found someone today who spoke 10 languages so I went deep into meta-language and all that juicy stuff. But they seem to strongly enjoy regular small talk type conversation. 

So is it intrusive to have the kind of conversations I actually want to have in these kind of environment? To put people outside their comfort zones?

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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Talk  philosophy with me in a garden. 

I'm not a party person. 





 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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@integral These kind of conversations are the best to have in an after-party, when everyone's tired of partying, drinking and dancing on the dance-floor or something. Tired of the small-talk. If you're the sober one in that situation, you'll still have energy and that's when people want to actually hang out. Especially if they're also sober! And they don't want to deal with the drunk and the stoned. 

I did this once, where when everyone else was high and either staring at lights or mumbling inexplicably after passing out, I was sitting on a table with other sober introverts and having a deep conversation about politics. It's pretty deep, given the environment!! 

Edited by mr_engineer

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I feel the same, but I would never push or trap anyone in a conversation of depth unless they want to stay in it.

So, maybe just be in tune with their signals and if they were to subtly signal that you're trapping them. 

I tend to be able to dig in depth into a topic for hours and hours at end and be re-energized in that process, but others are not. Most want to shallowly surf away on the surface of things. 

Yet, people tend to be kind, stay and listen, and if you ramble on or keep asking into something they're not inherently interested to stay with, without giving them the chance to opt out, you're just being self-centric. 

Anyways, I do find that some people keep coming back, looking for more. 

If the dynamics are right.. It's right. 

Also I tend to stay away from parties and noisy environment for that reason. 

Edited by Eph75

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philosophy is masturbation and worse there is no climax or end, seems no philosopher wants a conclusion just talk upon talk

second, no one cares about philosophy

third, to speak about philosophy takes deep thought not idle banter like is found at parties

even this whole thread is dumb philosophy not meaty useful insight

to make it interesting choose one philosophical question and ask is this a good topic for party goers

or let me save you the trouble ... no save it for masturbating at

Edited by gettoefl

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Imagine there being more perspectives and experiences than these of yours :D

Just a so small thing as the definition of "party" and who might the party-goers be. 

Also cognitive shifts *can* happen in the mids of and as a result of such conversations, so there can be and often is transformative in nature, albeit the smallest of shifts. 

Of course if your falling-down-drunk doing this it's not likely to be much else than passing of time - which still, IMO isn't any worse than whatever nonsense otherwise "happens at parties". 

The dynamic with other still makes all the difference. E.g. no dynamic, only you engaging in verbal diarrhea and the other just nodding and wishing you go away is just ego flexing. 

Edited by Eph75

Want to connect? Just do it, I assure you I'm just a human being just like you, drop me a PM today. 

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10 hours ago, integral said:

I tend to be gravitate to the people that have the most Interesting minds. Find out what their interests are and try to go deep into those topics. It seems to be the most interesting thing to do and all other forms of conversation I can barely finish a sentence because it’s so boring.

is this reasonable to do? I found someone today who spoke 10 languages so I went deep into meta-language and all that juicy stuff. But they seem to strongly enjoy regular small talk type conversation. 

So is it intrusive to have the kind of conversations I actually want to have in these kind of environment? To put people outside their comfort zones?

People usually go to parties to have fun and let loose not to have serious intellectual conversations. Some people will probably be down to have a little chat about philosophy, but you can easily overdo it. I tend to get sucked into this quite easily as well lol. Recently I was at a party and had a chat with some girl about literature and next thing I know was me explaining her that I'm God - I never had a girl look at me with so much disgust xD

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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@integral Ye its totally cool to my mind.

As long as you're not being abusive, its other people's responsibility to tell you where there boundaries are or if they'd prefer to talk about something else.

Some people won't vibe with this sort of talk and that's not a fault on either person. Way I like to think about it is, imagine everyone at the party is given given a card from a deck of cards. The suits (i.e. hearts, diamonds etc.) are evenly divided amongst the party. Your job is to go and talk to people who have the a card of the same suit as you. If you have a card of diamonds, start talking to someone and they have a card of hearts, then it turns out you guys don't match. Its nothing personal you just don't have cards of the same suit. It might get frustrating, but if you meet enough people and ask what their card is, you'll eventually find a match. I think its the same with finding people of similar interests, just talk to enough people, find out what their interests are and you'll find a match.

You are a human being, who seems to me to looooove philosophy and want to talk about it at parties. Imo, there will be many other human beings who loooooove philosophy and want to talk about it at parties too.

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People generally go to parties so they can stop thinking. You're better off trying to teach them meditation.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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You can talk about whatever you like as long as you have fun, and are passionate and carefree. People at parties are there for the vibe though, especially girls: they want to have fun. You can literally talk about shit and if you have fun, passion and are carefree people will have a good time listening to you. If you are uptight though it doesn't matter what you talk about and people won't enjoy your presence.

Edited by StarStruck

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Depends on what type of party 

Raves, frat party, clubs. Those mfs are just going crazy and having fun. 

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Depends, if you're with those kinds of people that are generaly interesed about humanaties it might be hard not to talk about topics like that. 

But with kinds of people that don't care about it even in the slightest it might be boring for them. Maybe try to do it a bit like slavoj zizek, with plenty of jokes that make it easy to understand. Try to bring it up in a jokey way like that, don't use strong words keep it simple. Just carefully watch their responses, if they don't like it it should be obvius, in that case don't try to force it. 

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