
Collective consciousness of people on social media is really low

9 posts in this topic

I don't know if i'm the only one that notices this, but everytime i check out facebook and see random articles about politics or other matters i see the collective consciousness of people in the comments and how low it is.

An example:

A video was shown of a lady being filmed secretly with a very large fake butt on the beach ( the butt was obviously filled with some filler)

All the 90-100 below had the same low consciousness negative/judging comments.

Some comments:

Top comment with likes - If my dog looked like this, i would euthanize it

- It's super ugly

-disgusting we live in a sick world

and so on....


If this is their natural response of their ego self, than we can can clearly see how low the collective consciousness actually is.

I keep seeing this all the time on facebook and it bothers me alot, i always keep asking myself what am i doing on earth with these people and it feels like i'm the only conscious person that sees what is going on when i see this.

Do you guys also experience this?



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90% of the world is shallow. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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I can’t stand 90% of the people on this planet, they are so barbaric. Yes I sound like a dick but I really do think I’m more compassionate than 90% of people but on the flip side I don’t really give a shit about their opinions and it’s not a competition in my eyes, nor do I expect them to be act or do any certain way or thing, unfortunately it’s just how people are. Dumb chimps. And while we are posting in the “real life” forum let’s not forget there’s a high likelihood it’s all dreamt up to show us duality to transcend but that’s just my frustrated two cents

Edited by Gidiot

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I mean, ironically, judging these people in such a way is not especially 'conscious' either

You're essentially judging people for judging people

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@something_else they are what they are. It’s as simple as that, it achieves nothing but to call out idiotic behavior is a fun part of the dream

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Most people who leave facebook comments are very low consciousness, that can give  you a fake impression that most people are like this, in fact most people are at least reasonable and they don`t post stupid comments on facebook. Now reasonable does not mean conscious necessarly. 

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The collective consciousness of the world is fairly low. That’s simply reflected on social media.

Try to witness it without judgement. 

The game of survival cannot be won. 

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Get used to it already.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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